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Chapter Forty - One

(Blair POV)

"I knew it was a boy!" I smirked looking up at the screen in front of me.

Yes. Perrie and I are at her appointment.

And guess what?


"You did not!" She fought back at me. I laughed. I was like her Zayn away from Zayn at the moment.

"No I didn't, to be totally honest I thought you were having a girl." I replied, she just laughed before pulling her shirt back down.

"I knew it" She smirked.

We left the office, she sent the picture to Zayn and we got in her car.

"I don't feel like going home yet." She said. I nodded my head,

"Neither do I." I replied. We just sat there, thinking of what to do.

"I would say lets go to the club, but then I remembered I was pregnant." She said making me laugh.

"Wanna just walk around. We'll drop the car off and just go?" I suggested, she nodded her head.

We went to the mansion and went inside to get changed.

It was cold, so I wore a pair of jeans with a leather jacket and a scarf and we made our way outside.

"It's cold" She smirked, I nodded my head. We locked hands and made our way through the streets of London.

"Let's stop for a tea." Perrie said, dragging me into star bucks. I didn't mind, I was wanting a chai tea badly.

"Sounds like a plan."

"During that, we stopped with some people for pictures and shockingly they want me to sign there stuff.

I guess they clued in I wasn't leaving Harry because of them.

"Ohh, let's stop at the magazine stand!" Perrie said, seeing it on a street, I smiled at her before we walked over.

She roamed through them, as I send a picture to Harry, of us walking around he replied with his own selfie, and he was getting his hair and make up done. He said in a hour they had a quick interview. And then they had to make an appearance.

"Umm.. Blair..." Perrie said, coming over to me, with a magazine in hand.


"You're boyfriend cheated on you." She said, but she was laughing.

"What are you talking about?" I hissed, "I'm talking to him right now." I snapped, but she was still laughing before she handed it to me.

I ended up laughing too.

'Harry Styles celebrated his 20th with a man?'

And then there was a photo shopped picture of him kissing a man. That was great.

"That's so funny!" I said, "I'm gonna call him.."

"Screw with him"

I nodded my head before pulling my phone back out and dialing his number. I put it on speaker so Perrie could hear.

"Hey babe" he answered. I had to act serious.

"How was your party?" I said firmly. Perrie was holding in her laughter.. It was hard to do.

"For my birthday?" he asked..


"It was fine, what's wrong?" He asked. I shoved back the laugh in my throat before answering.

"Did you have a good time.. Meet anyone special?" I asked him. I had to cover the speaker so I could laugh.

"No? Babe what are you talking about?" He started to get worked up.

"Remember when I asked you if you were gay?" Perrie bolted out laughing,


"Why'd you lie to me?" I was honestly killing myself.

"I'm so confused!"

I let out my laugh, and then I knew he was confused.

"I'm kidding.. But Perrie and I ran into a magazine" I said, still laughing.

"What's on it?" He asked me. I could hear it in his voice, he was still confused.

"It's a photo shopped picture of you kissing a guy at your party." I smirked, then he finally started laughing.

"It's not photo shopped." Perrie and I both shut up. and it went weirdly quiet. "I"M KIDDING!" He blurted out, making me feel better.

"Jesus.. Well I just thought I'd mess with you a bit" I said, taking him off speaker to talk.

"Well you definitely got me worried" He replied. I just smiled to myself. "I can't wait to see you" He said, I smiled widely.

"I'm so excited" I said.

"I think you're going to like what I got you" He smirked, I furrowed my eyes. Even though he couldn't see me.

I had sent him his birthday present because I felt bad. I had gotten him a new Ipod because he lost his on the plane, and then I got him a new phone case.

"I'm kinda nervous to see what it is." I told him honestly.

"Don't be.. But I gotta go, love you"

"Love you too" Then the line went dead.

"How was that?" Perrie asked .

"He's gay" I muttered sadly. Her eyes widened "I'm joking"

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