One Way or Another

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Chapter Sixteen

(Harry POV)

I won't lie, I was a bit worried when all the lights were off at Danielle and Blair's house, but Danielle's car was gone, and there was no sight of Khloe's either.

"Blair, where are you?" I called calmly through the dark house. I heard shuffling from the living room so I made my way to there.

I held in a deep chuckle when I found her. She was on the couch, drinking a cup of red wine. Her blonde hair was in a bun and she was definitely getting comfy with herself. I looked back up at her and she was now looking at me, with a goofy grin on her face.

"Hi babe!" She stood up, and began approaching me, stumbling more then anything until she finally fell, but my arms were already open so I caught her just in time.

"Hoow was the" I don't know what the hell what meant. but okay.

"Did you not watch?" I asked, chuckling with myself. She still held the cup in her hands .

"Nope, I was drinking this stuff instead, that's okay though right?" She asked, taking another sip. I pulled the cup away from her and put it down.

"You're gonna come over to the house for a bit, okay?" I told her, but she fussed.

"No. Danielle's coming back with my booooozzzee!" She whined, trying to get out of my grip.

"I know, she dropped it off at my house." I lied, but it made her stop fussing and actually drag me out to my car.

Oh dear god..

"Your fans reallllyyy don't like me. I don't even know why, I didn't even do anything to them, except one girl. I was all up in her face like the jersey shore chicks!" The laugh left my throat at her impression.

"How come?" I asked her, keeping both hands on the wheel as she was sitting cross - legged in the passenger seat, facing me.

"She called Danielle a fake whore, so I bitched her ass OUT!"

"Oh.. Did you happen to tell her anything else?" I'd soak it out of her one way or another.

"Ummm.. I don't know." You could tell she really was thinking about it. I sighed.

"Babe, did you tell them we were dating?" I asked. She glared at me though.

" I said.. I DOONNTT KNNOOWW!" I let it go after that.

Someone needed to go to bed.

(Blair POV)

I woke to feel a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I looked around the room dully and it was dark in here, I knew the bed wasn't mine because my blanket was more soft then this one.

But then I started to feel my head pound and I remembered all the wine I had drank, and wine really kills me in the mornings. And then I remembered Harry and all that stuff. But I don't remember going to bed?

I reach for the pills and water that was on the bed table beside me, thankfully, as Harry knew I'd wake up. I wanted to know what time it was though. I swallowed them back and sat up more. I smiled when his arms held me tighter, like he wasn't going to let me go.

I was able to get out of him and made my way towards the bathroom. Yup, this was Harry's room. I knew from the way his bathroom was set up.

What a guy.

I reached for the tooth brush I leave her and began to brush my teeth. I looked at the small clock and gasped.

4:30 a.m? Oh My God, Blair.

I put the toothbrush back and made my way back to the dark room. Harry's figure was still down so I just tried to snuggle back beside his warmth. I rested my head on his chest, which I'm assuming his bare because it's rather warm and I don't feel fabric. I put a hand on his tummy and let myself relax.

"I thought you left." I jumped as his whisper flowed through my ears. I smiled as his arms wrapped around me and he pulled my closer to him.

"Never" I whispered before rising my head and kissing the corner of his mouth softy. I knew he was like half asleep because he went silent and his eyes stayed closed. But the smile his lips curved into, showed me he was still here.


"We're just good friends.." And then Harry put his head down, playing with his fingers. I was watching the interview they did yesterday and sighed.

 This is why people are saying I'm making it up. Harry said we were friends, I said we were together.

"Morning beautiful." I looked up at the door to see Harry coming in with starbucks coffee and muffins. He looked at the screen then back at me.

"About that.."

"-I said it." I stopped him short. He looked at me puzzled.

"What?" He asked, setting the tray done and sitting next to me, his jacket and shoes still on.

"It slipped, I said it to a fan and she had already heard before I could take any of it back." I might as well be honest with him.

"Oh..." He muttered. "Have you checked your twitter today?" He asked, standing up and taking my phone with him, letting himself in.

We knew each others passwords, to show we weren't hiding anything from each other.

"Ahh, they're calling you a liar and stuff!" He put my phone down and left the room. I got up and followed him.

"Liam get Simon on the phone!" He ordered, still walking.

"Zayn, where's Paul?" he asked.

"downstairs" he replied, I could hear he was tired. Harry nodded his head before heading to the door that lead downstairs.

"Harry" I whispered, he turned around as he opened the door. "I'm sorry" I whimpered, tears brimming my eyes. He just bent down and kissed me softly.

"I'll be right back." He muttered before jogging down the stairs and closing the door.

I groaned before flipping myself on the couch where Niall and Louis were sitting.

"So you did let it out?" Niall smirked, I sighed.

"It was a accident." I muttered.

"Don't worry so much about it love, Harry will sort it out,."

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