Part 4

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Alex POV

I wake up beside Jason this time I know better then to freak out I slowly get up and he shot up "Where are you going" he yells "downstairs I can't lay in bed all day unlike your lazy ass" I yell back and he slaps me hard. "Fuck you Jason Mccann" I yell holding my jaw he pulls me to him kissing me hard I push him away which makes him mad he grabs my arm pulling me out of bed. "Jason where are you taking me" I whimper as he pulls on my hair past all the boys I see Gabe with a cast on and a black eye and a busted lip "What happened to Gabe Jason" I try to stop but he punches me in the gut.

He brings me downstairs into a dark basement and throws me on the ground I stand up and he grabs my hands tying me to the ceiling by rope. "Jason what the hell are you doing" I yell he growls grabbing a belt he smacks my leg with it I scream out in pain "Jason what was that for" I yell he smacks my stomach I scream again he looks at me and smirks as he smacking my legs harder hitting me full force he kept that up for a couple hour's till I couldn't even scream anymore and I just cried and flinched ever time he hit me. He finally stopped and just went upstairs leaving me hanging...literally hanging by my hands from the ceiling. "Please put me down" I whimper knowing he didn't care and wasn't coming back for me for a while I looked down seeing my legs were beat red and I cried more.

After a while my stomach hurt and my arms and legs went numb I just fell asleep I slept for what felt like ages until I heard footsteps coming down the stairs my heart raced looking up I see Jason, Tucker, and Ryan with smirks and coming around me. "Jason please put me down" I whimper "not yet see I don't like the way you treated me and my friends" he grabs my ass as Tucker stands in front of me and kisses me hard I bite his lip and he lets out a yelp and punches me hard in the face I scream out. They all go on a punching spree and attack me kicking and slapping me I scream out in pain fading in and out of consciousness Jason grabs three knifes.

They all come at me and start to cut my body as I scream out in pain as I feel my blood drip to the ground and I'm out of consciousness.

I wake up seeing the boys clear out but my body is completely numb the door opens and foot steps come down the stairs I look up seeing Gabe he gasps. "Do I look that bad" I whisper finding no strength in my body "I'll get you down baby" he whispers running upstairs coming down with Chaz. "They went to far Gabe" he says "You don't think I've realized that" Gabe snapped he picked me up as Chaz cut the ropes holding me to the ceiling "where are they" I whisper "their in Jason's room getting lap dances from Jason's sluts" Gabe growled I flinch at his tone. "We have to hurry" Chaz said changing he subject "how long was I down there" I ask quietly "four days I'm sorry I shouldn't have let them take you down there" Gabe whispers. Chaz holds the door open for us as we walk out and I notice Gabe's cast's were gone.

We get in a car and Chaz drives to the E.R "promise not to try to escape Al" Gabe asks I groan nodding "I swear Gabe now take me to the doctor" I whimper my body numb and tingling but sparks of pain starts to shot through me. He picks me up running into the hospital yelling for assistance "please don't leave me" I whimper grabbing Gabe's shirt "I won't" he whispers walking in the hall with me. "Sir you can't go any further" the nurse says to Gabe "Please let him stay I can't do this without him" I whimper she nods and Gabe grabs my hand as we go and do a scan.

"She has 6 broken bones and 12 fractured bones with 4 severely deep cuts in dangerous places I'm honestly surprised she made it and didn't bleed out" she said giving Gabe medications as he went out in the hall to take a call he came in and looked as white as a ghost "can I get her other medication for the attacks please" Gabe asked the nurse looked at me and I nodded and she went and came back with four bags of medication bottles she explained the one was for panic attacks the second was for anxiety attacks third was pain medication and the fourth was so the wounds heeled. Gabe picked me up and I clung to him as him and Chaz walked to the car. When we got to the house I had difficulty breathing and Gabe seemed to notice so he hugged my body as he kissed my head and rubbed my back.

He carried me into the house as Jason was sitting on the couch "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE HER" Jason yelled stomping up to us I berried my face into Gabe's shoulder. "TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL YOU BROKE 6 BONES AND FRACTURED 12" he yelled causing me to flinched "Gabe please don't yell" I whisper he sighed walking past a shocked Jason. We went to his room and he helped me into sweat pants taking off my hoodie he saw all the bruises on my body "Damn him" he mumbled as the door opened and Jason and Tucker walk in Tucker had a smirk on his face and Jason looked sad.

"Whats going on here you going to fuck him" Tucker smirked walking closer to me I grab the shirt off the bed and Gabe helped me put it on. "No he helped me get dressed because you guys decided it'd be fun to try and kill me leaving me hanging like a deer in the garage" I spat laying in Gabe's bed.

Tucker smirked walking out as Jason went out he looked back at me before leaving. "Gabe..." I mumbled as he laid beside me and I cuddled into me. "Yeah Al" he whispered "Why did Jason bring me here" I mumbled "Jason was in love with you, he is, he has been for a long time, he planned this plan for you to come here and everything would be perfect you'd love him and he love'd you and you wouldn't want to go back, I'm sure he had your wedding planed out" Gabe chuckled softly I smile thinking of Jason planning a wedding. I snuggle into Gabe groaning slightly "want some pain medication" he asked looking down at me I nod.

He goes out of the room coming back with a bottle of water and the bottles of medication. He pours two of the pain and the heeling in his hand handing me the four pills and water I take it swallowing the water. "Thanks Gabe" I smile "anytime princess" he kissed my head falling asleep I go turn the light off as I go lay beside him again thinking about what he said. Jason loves me but he hurts me so does he still love me should I really trust him ugh I'm over thinking things just stay close to Gabe and you'll be fine. I start to fall asleep in Gabe's arms.

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