Part 22

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Alex's POV

Parker and I practiced and practiced and practiced all last night we finally came in around one. He had to help me down the stairs because I was limping so bad. I go into the small bathroom looking into the bathroom mirror I had a black eye and a bruised cheek. I had bruises all over my body I knew I looked horrible.

I get into the shower letting the water fall on me. I scrub all the sweat off me washing my hair quickly. I step out wrapping a towel around me seeing sweatpants and a tank top on the toilet seat along with the some undergarments. My face flushes pink for a moment quickly drying off so I can get dressed. I go climb into bed sighing heavily the room was pitch dark and I missed my family more than anything. I spent the whole night crying and just thinking of all the memories.

I wake up to the covers being pulled off me. "Get out of bed Greg wants you" it was Elliot "give me my damn covers have you lost your mind" I growl at him he just stands there crossing his arms. I stand up charging at him and shoving him to the floor. "Don't you ever touch my covers again understand" I glare grabbing his by his neck adding pressure. "Never and I mean ever wake me up like that again and just for future references if you ever touch my food you will wish to be back in this position" I snap yanking my covers back wrapping them around me and going back to the bed.

"Was that necessary" he croaks standing up "what time is it" I ask nuzzling into the blanket. "7:30" he says I whine looking at him "I'll be upstairs and dressed by eight I just need some clothes" I say with my eyes closed.

"Your clothes are in this dresser" he points to the dresser I nod slowly and I hear his footsteps go up the stairs. I lie in the bed for another ten minutes before finally deciding to get up.

I get out of the bed going over to the dresser barely able to move because my body was so sore. I throw on a purple sports bra and panties before putting on one of the many black leggings and a cut off shirt that obviously belonged to one of the guys.

I put my hair in a bun jogging upstairs yawning as I reach the top. I walk into the kitchen sitting down at the table resting my arms on the table as I lay my head down on my arms closing my eyes. "Here wake up" I sit up seeing a cup of coffee set in front of me I smile at Parker. "Thanks" I mumble "wow" he says when I look up "what" I ask suddenly getting serious.

"I'm sorry about your face" he says taking my chin between his thumb and pointer finger. "It's fine" I smile at him shrugging sipping the coffee. The guys come in discussing something but stop when they see Parker and I.

"Wow" "what happened" "your face" were the guys first thing they said when they saw me. "It happens" I shrug drinking my coffee.

"So umm do we like need to take you shopping or something" Elliot asks rubbing the back of his neck. "Nah I'm fine wearing this" I smile drinking my coffee. "Sounds good" Greg says sitting down with his coffee.

"So why are we up so early" I groan "we work out at 8 every other day" Fin grunts at me. "Fun" I say sarcastically "let's go early" Greg stands up I nod standing up and following the guys to the gym. We go inside and the guys start going to the to weight machines and I go over to the weights. I groan hating everything about this but I had to remember that if I wanted to get out of here I'd have to gain their trust and blend in with them.

After six hours of non stop weight lifting and pull ups and push up I wanted to die already. When we went running they did not slow down and I barely could keep up I want to throw my guts up on the floor.

When we get inside I collapse on the couch whimpering and groaning. "Oh stop being a baby you'll be fine" Greg says as he walks past me. "I don't normally exercise" I grunt as I nuzzle into the couch. I fall asleep on the couch the couch practically sucking me into the couch.

When I wake up Elliot and Parker are playing the X-Box, some dumb shooting game. "Hey guys" I say my voice coming out horse. "Afternoon sleepy head" Elliot says joyfulness clear in his voice.

"How long have I been out" I mumble stretching "three hours" Parker says. "Where's Fin and Greg" I ask "they went to the store" Elliot says.

"I'm going to get something to eat you two hungry" I say standing up "sure" they say together. I go into the kitchen looking in the fridge at everything before deciding on what I'd make.

I make a big pot of spaghetti setting it aside I go to the boys setting each of the bowls in their laps. I go into the kitchen making myself a bowl putting the rest in the fridge sitting at the table and being eating. The boys rush in setting the bowls down "do you want to practice" Parker asks I shake my head. "I'm sore" I whine pouting at him "it's tough love and also not a question because Fin won't care how sore you are he'll beat you until Greg thinks you've had enough" Elliot said sternly.

"Fine let's go" I groan getting up Parker and Elliot wore matching grins as we walk out to the garage. "You'll be practicing until eleven tonight with little breaks in between" Elliot says opening the door. We all walk in as I walk to the cage Elliot grabs my arm and guides me to an elliptical.

"Why do I have to use this" I ask "so you know how to conserve your energy and hopefully build you some muscle" Parker shrugs I nod getting on the machine. The elevation starts to rise and up, the pace gets faster and faster and soon it feels like I'm sprinting an uphill race.

When they finally let me stop running I was drenched in sweat. I sit on the ground taking deep breaths putting my arms on my head. "Alright get up, now that you've stretched out get in the ring" Elliot says I nod getting in the ring knowing this was the only way not to end up dead when Fin gets his turn at me.

I get in the ring along with Elliot. "Start!" Parker shouts from the side and before I can comprehend what he said Elliot throws a punch at me sending me to the ground. Then and there I realized he wasn't going to be Elliot my friend but Elliot the hard ass trainer.

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