Part 13

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Alex's POV

I wake up to a loud noise, I sit up seeing I'm in the backseat of a car. I look around seeing Jason outside the car I open the door and he unlocks the doors. He grabs his keys from the engine shutting the car off then he shuts the door leaning on my door.

"So Al, how about we go get a quick breakfast" he asks I nod standing up. I look down seeing I'm still in spandex and a black tank top. My hair was a horrible mess I quickly pull it into a pony tail.

He takes my hand taking me into the diner I look down embarrassed by how I was dressed compared to the other females in here. I looked like a hobo while Jason still looked as good as ever.

Jason apparently ordered for the both of us because a stack of pancakes was set in front of me as soon as I sit down. I smile at him he nods toward the pancakes and I began to dig in.

I hear whispers and giggles and a girl comes up to Jason she was nervous and  everyone could tell the poor girl was shaking in her boots. "I'm Melissa" she extends her hand causing Jason to stand up taking her hand placing a kiss on it. "Jason" he smiles at her causing her to blush she joined us and sat down talking and flirting with Jason.

No Jason can't flirt with her he was mine and I don't want to share. Technically he wasn't mine but maybe I wanted him to be. Maybe he wasn't interested in me anymore this girl was much prettier couldn't say she was smart by how their conversation was going but she is pretty and I looked like trash. No wonder why he was interested in her I need make up and lots of it.

I stand up leaving the table and walking to the door leaving my pancakes on the table. I glance up seeing Jason still so interested in that girl. Anger bubbles up inside of me or maybe jealousy or was it both I really couldn't understand why I was feeling what I was feeling let alone put a title on that feeling. I go out to the car grabbing my bag

I go across the street to the truck stop with my bag and I go into the girls restroom picking a stall. I get undressed quickly putting on black jeans a lose top and green undergarments that had the bow in front. I go back out putting on some make up and boots, I brush my hair into a high ponytail.

"Alex...Alex" Jason's voice sounded he was outside somewhere "in here hold on" I yell back but he's in there and beside me with in seconds. "Why'd you leave" he asks softly "you were busy" I shrug he sighs softly looking at me as his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Are you wearing make up" he questions I shrug "it's mascara and lip balm" I say blandly "and did you put that on for me because you look so...cute today" he says hesitating on the word cute. "It's not for you so get over it" I giggle pushing him away slightly grabbing my bag.

"Then for who" he asks I walk out only to be stopped by Melissa "have you seen Ja..never mind" she says before walking around me and going straight to Jason. "You have a friend I'll be in the car" I say going to the car placing my bag in the trunk getting in the passenger side waiting for him.

She feels all up on him and even when he pulls away she steps forward getting into his personal space. I watch it happen a few more times before he grabs the girls waist slamming her against the building and she attacks his lips with hers. Jason obviously likes it because he keeps it going by picking her up. Way to soon for me, she has her shirt off and Jason was reaching for her bra strap. I bang on the horn causing Jason to drop the little slut only to hurry and help her up and turning to glare at me.

Jason takes her phone types something before handing it back to her. He reaches around her doing something that makes her jump and walk away chuckling. When he gets in the car I cross my arms "off to Canada babe" he smirks at me I roll my eyes "I'm not
your babe" I mumble. "You should be" he says plainly "I'll pass" I glare at him "why must you be such a brat" he groans "I may be a brat but at least I'm not a whore" I snap. "What's that supposed to mean" he shouts at me "plain and simple your a whore" I say he slams on the breaks the wheels screech on the tar as the car spins slightly to the side.

"What is your problem" he growls "you are you go whore around with all the girls" I shout. "I've always been this way why should you care" he shouts back. I open my mouth to say something but quickly shutting it "I don't just drive" I mumble looking out the window.

Why do I care if he whores around? He isn't my boyfriend, he doesn't like me, and I don't like him, I think....

I look over at studying his facial features his jaw line, his unmarked collar bone and his tattoos that peaked out from underneath his shirt. I didn't realize I was staring at him until he snapped his fingers in front of me.

"You okay over there" he chuckles and I just blush looking down "I'm fine" I smile playing with my fingers in my lap. This was going to be a long car ride if I couldn't get my feelings figured out one minute I want to kill him the next I want to undress him.

Undressing him wouldn't be a bad idea either considering I've only seen him shirtless maybe once or twice. Again I was staring I quickly grab my phone and start playing a game to keep my mind occupied off of him and my imagination in a cage. If I sit here and kept imagining all the things I could do to him it would be hard for me to stay this close to him without trying any of those things to him.

Jason has officially started to make his way into my heart and I don't know how I feel about that.....

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