Part 24

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Dom's POV

3 weeks later

I'm sitting across from my little sister who lied in the hospital bed in a coma. As soon as I got the call that Alex was in the hospital because she took a bullet for Jason I flipped out. I transferred her from the hospital to another one in a completely different state the guys and I moved.

We made sure that everyone thought Alex was dead. Including Jason. He got her into all of this trouble, he's too dangerous. The guys were pissed that I lied to Jason but it was nothing compared to what Alex was going to be when she found out. The bullet hit some major artery and her body was so weak that it couldn't take the pain so they put her into a medically induced a coma, when her body heals they can wake her up. They're supposed to wake her up today actually and I'm extremely excited to have her back.

The doctor comes in and nods at me before he goes over to Alex and doing whatever he was supposed to do to wake her up. I sat there tapping my foot impatiently, when he was finally done he walked over to me. "Her body is healed but mentally she is still scared; to her it's as if the last three weeks didn't happen the last thing she was awake for will be her last memory" he explains. "Alright thank you" I mumble just great so she'll remember everything just what I wanted for her. Not.

Groans started coming from her within the hour until she was fully awake. "Hey sleepy head how do you feel" I ask her as I place my hand on her forehead pushing her hair back. "Fine but I felt like I've been sleeping forever" she mumbles and I smile. "It feels like forever" I sigh "where's Jason" she asks looking around.

"Not here" I shrug "and where's here because last thing I remember is I had gotten shot and Jason was worried and trying to stop the bleeding" she sits up slowly. "We're at a hospital" I rub the back of my neck "there's something your not saying" she squints her eyes at me. "What do you mean" I chuckle nervously "I know when your not telling me something now what is it" she crosses her arms.

That's when I told her...everything. It was like word vomit once I started I just couldn't stop. I watched as her facial expressions changed and by the end it looked like she wanted to kill me.

"You told everyone I was dead are you absolutely crazy" she shouts at me "it was to keep you safe" I explain "I can protect myself I don't need to live a lie" she groans pulling the covers off of herself. "What are you doing" I ask going to her side immediately "what does it look like" she snaps trying to get up. "You can't your not strong enough yet" I lay her back down.

She lets out a puff of frustrated air "I just can't believe you'd do something like this" she says running a hand through her hair. "I did it to keep you safe" I defend myself only to get shot back down "or was it to keep me from any happiness once so ever" she yells. "Are you saying you were happy there" I start to feel my blood boil "no but I'm saying Jason and I could have been happy" she lays back down closing her eyes and letting out a frustrated groan.

"Al you know he had your best interest at heart, we all do this is just to keep you safe" Mike says. I look and turn and surely enough Mike, Nick and Tyler were standing in the door way. "By lying to everyone, what if I ever wanted to go back" she says "your not going back there's forty nine other states go to one of those" I snap at her. "Get out" she says in a calm yet cold voice.

Alex's POV

He lied....I can't believe my brother lied to everyone and said I was dead. "Alex you don't mean that" Dom says heartbroken "get out Dominick now" I say my voice sounded angry but truly I was just confused. "All of you actually please just leave" I say softly. They did leave, all but Tyler "Ty" I mumble he smiles sitting on the bed "you know he felt the need to protect you" Ty says softly.

"Yeah I know but I can protect myself now I don't need him to protect me anymore" I groan. "Alex we can't just turn off our protective modes okay I know you can protect yourself but as your brothers we will never stop" he sits closer to me. "I just wish he didn't lie to everyone" I mumble softly.

"If you want to go back then you realize how much more protective we're going to be. We lost you time and time again, we can't lose you anymore" he says and I instantly felt bad because he was right. I had kept putting myself in danger and they were left to do nothing but sit there and worry.

"I want to go back, that was no way to handle anything and I know that because my brothers taught me the right way" I smile softly. "I'll go talk to them okay I'm not making any promises on what there going to give as an answer but I will talk to them" he says kissing my head and going out into the hall to go speaks to them.

I watched him leave the room. Not long after the guys are yelling at each other and I can only make out a few of the words. Crazy....kill her....he's dangerous....No. That was all I could make out before they all came storming into my room. "Your not going back" Dom snaps "Dom you lied to everyone and said I was dead to get me out of trouble that was no way to handle it" I cross my arms. 

"Those people are dangerous" Nick says "some people would have said that about you also not so long ago" I snap. "Fine" Mike says and I smile "thanks Mike" I smile "what hell no she's not leaving" Dom says loudly. "Dom she makes a very good point" Mike says and Tyler stands beside Mike nodding. "I say no and that's final" Dom shouts stomping out of the room like a child "Nick will you go check on him make sure he doesn't do too much damage" I ask he nods hesitantly.

"You have to stay for the over night check but I'll have you on a jet tomorrow morning, Tyler will go pack you a bag and when the guys calm down a bit we'll come join you okay" Mike says as soon as Nick is out of the room.

"Thanks Mike" I smile "Tyler is riding the jet with you there so he can make sure you get to where you need to be safely" he says kissing my head I nod. "Okay" I smile.

The doctor comes in not too much later explaining I'll have to stay the night and I'm not sure what else he said because he was so good looking I got distracted. "Okay" he says finally I just nod "yeah" I smile he nods and leaves. "GoodNight Al" Mike says kissing my head "night you two" I say to both Mike and Tyler. They leave the room quietly as I lay down.

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