Part 7

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I woke up in Gabe's room with some guy looking down at me touching my ribs. "What the fuck did you do to her Jason" Gabe yelled "DON'T YELL AT ME IT'S NOT MY FAULT SHE'S A WHORE" Jason yelled back. "And what makes her a whore" Gabe growled "She accepted Tuckers offer The Deal" Jason looked disgusted "No she didn't Al wouldn't ever accept that deal" Gabe growled obviously pissed off.

"Guys she's awake" The man said they came rushing over to me and I flinched "She has some serious bruises she majorly  dehydrated and she looks like she hasn't eaten in forever you have to start her with small portions of food or she might black out and then there's a very good chance she won't wake up I've hooked this I.V. up to her arm be careful not to bump it or pull it out I have fluids pumping in her and got some food in her system and she's on morphine so she wont be in as much pain" the guy said before leaving Gabe's face was red as he looked at Jason.

"Get out Jason" Gabe speaks calmly looking as if he was going to explode I got scared my breath quickened and my heart sped up getting dizzy I took a couple deep breaths relaxing as they both left. Gabe came back with a sandwich and I gave it a dirty look not really wanting it as if he read my mind Gabe says "Not hungry well it's here for you okay" I nod as he sets it on the nightstand. "How are you feeling princess" Gabe smiles softly HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I FEEL I HURT EMOTIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY THAT'S HOW I FUCKING FEEL "fine" I whisper my voice comes out in a raspy tone.

"Al you're lying I can always tell when you're lying" he whispers kneeling by the bedside I move over unplugging the stupid I.V.'s "Al what are you doing the doctor said not to take them out" he panicked "Gabe I'm fine plus all he's pumping in me is fat and pain medication come lay by me please" I whimper softly he hesitates but gets in bed and hold's me. "Baby girl how'd this happen" he sighs "I pissed Jason off and he locked me in the basement he beat me then left me there until he decided to bring me back up" I frown "I'm sorry princess I shouldn't have let this happen to you" he says softly I kiss his cheek "It's not your fault. It's Jason's" I say softly. I get out of bed and fall to the ground "FUCK" I yelp Gabe comes and pick's me up "slow down tiger" he laughed I glared at him playfully "oh hush it" I giggle trying to stand up again.

"Gabe will you walk me to the bathroom I want to see how I look" I whisper ashamed "you're beautiful baby girl" he smiled "Gabe please" I whine he sighs nodding as he pick's me up setting me down closing the door so I can see myself in full length mirror I gasp seeing I'm all skin and bones my face was bony and my hip stuck out and I had absolutely no ass at all like none. N-O-N-E none. "I...I look horrible" I mumbled crying "no you don't" he whispers holding my waist. "How could you say that I'm even more imperfect then I was before" I mumbled crying some more he hugs me. "Al baby come on lets go lay down" he mumbles in my hair I nod not removing my eyes from my reflection. He walks beside me as we walk to the bed I fall twice as he picks me up again and I keep walking he reconnects the I.V.'s to my arm I sigh smiling as I lay in bed cuddled into his chest closing my eye's but I don't fall asleep I just relive the whole time in the basement.

"MMM JASON YES MORE HARDER PLEASE" "YES I'M YOURS ONLY YOURS ONLY YOU CAN MAKE ME SCREAM JASON" One of Jason's slut's yell and my eye's shoot open that fucking bastard did this to me. I'm getting my revenge on that bastard I undo the dumb I.V.'s moving Gabe's arm gently I sit up trying to stand I almost fall catching myself on the nightstand. I quietly stumble out of the room gripping the railing as I stumble down the stairs to the living room I open the garage door going into the garage the smell of gas and grease hit my noes and flashbacks hit me one at a time.

Me and Dom in the garage my birthday party with only the guys. When Jason took me from my home. How he left me in the basement. How he tried to kill me. How his friend tried to rape me. How he was upstairs having sex making some bitch scream his name. I walk over to the tool box grabbing the wrench moving it around in my hand letting it twist in my fingers. I noticed it seemed heavier then before as I walk over to all of Jason's project cars. I start smashing the first one I hit the door over and over with the wrench smashing the windows I get on the roof I take the wrench smashing in the window for the front.

I move on to the next car slashing the tires. I open the door getting in the passenger side cutting down the middle of the drivers side I close the door just to kick out the window. I rip out the radio as I yell in frustration as I have to pull harder to pull it completely out I take it throwing it out of the drivers side window. I get out opening the lid covering the engine I grab the whole tool box as I start to take the whole inside apart taking out the carburetor cutting necessary wires. I finally get the engine out I throw it at the back window sending the glass shattering I scream out in excitement as I take the wrench smashing his mirrors.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Jason yelled causing me to turn around seeing the target of my rage coming closer to me. I grip the wrench tight as I hit him in the stomach with the wrench hard causing him to bend over in pain. I hit him in his sides with the wrench he falls to the ground I drop wrench hearing it cling on the ground. I smirk sitting on his stomach punching him as hard as I could all I see is red. I hear a scream but I don't pay any attention as I keep pounding Jason's face with my fist. I grab the wrench bringing it up "ALEX DON'T" Gabe yells but he was too late I had already slammed it down. Only missing his head by a centimeter maybe less.

Gabe comes over making me stand up moving me from a gushing Jason. Tucker and Ryan go over and help him Chaz stands there with a smirk on his face. "Alex what did you do" Gabe asks looking around "I couldn't do it anymore Gabe. He pushed me too far I had to do something, anything, he had everything Gabe. I needed revenge and I only planned on coming down here and tampering with the cars. One thing led to another and this happened then him and his slut came down and I couldn't stop myself anymore" I mumble. Gabe looked disappointed but nodded in understanding "Okay do you feel better now?" He asks I shrug "I want to go home now I need to see my brothers" I bite my lip looking down.

"I'm going to back to bed its only 5 am" Gabe mumbles I nod looking at the boys. "Go away Tucker and Ryan" I order they do as told leaving. "Wait guys" Jason yells but they don't stop something I almost missed in his voice that I've never heard before. Desperation. "This is what is going to happen you're going to drive me home tomorrow. You're not going to bother me or my brothers again" I growl he nods quickly he is scared of me. I liked it.

I go upstairs leaving him there as I lay next to Gabe I cuddle into him and he reconnects the IV's to my arm. He wrapped his arms around me "feel better now?" He asks not even opening his eyes. "Very much" I mumble snuggling closer to him "good" he chuckles softly. "Night princess" he whispered kissing my head "Night Gabe" I smile back cuddling into his body as much more as I could.

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