Part 18

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Alex's POV

You always get in the way. Those words play in my head over and over again. Was it true did I always get in the way. I am the cause of all these problems kind of like the root of all bad things, the root of all evil.

I get out of bed trying to keep my thoughts from trying to destroy the good parts of my brain. I begin to pace back in forth biting my lip gently as I think.

I'm so lost in thought I don't realize Drew in my room sitting on my bed watching me until he says something. "What was that" I stop and ask "I said to relax Jason is taken care of" he stands up. "What does that mean" I ask slowly "Chase is taking care of him" Drew shrugs I get up going down the stairs quickly.

I run outside not hearing anything until I run past the garage when I hear yelling. I stop and go in seeing Chase on top of Jason "Chase that's enough" I snap running over to them. Chase completely ignores me and continues to hit Jason. I shove Chase off of Jason standing between the two "what the hell Alex" Chase shouts at me "this isn't necessary" I snap "isn't necessary are you an idiot" Chase growls at me.

"Chase he was mad at me it happens he was caught up" I snap back at him. "So now your excusing him" Chase yells at me "no of course not" I yell back. "It sounds like you are" he says I open my mouth before closing it. I was excusing him and for what he was in the wrong not me. "Cat got your tongue" Chase says before I sigh running a hand through my hair.

I turn around and see Jason behind me poor guy had no clue what I was going to do, hell neither did I until I did it and Jason was on the ground. I took all my anger and rage using it to punch him hard. I turn back to Chase "I don't need you to defend me I'm capable of doing that myself" I sigh. Chase looks at me in shock and Jason groans holding his face "I have to go I'll be back soon" I say walking down the short driveway and back up the street.

I walk to Nicks house knocking on the door he opens it with a smile on his face. "Hey Alex" he smiles saying my name with ease and sounding so carefree as if we had been long time friends. "Hey Nick I came to pick up Sid" I smile softly he nods and Sidney comes running to the door standing in front of Nick before hugging my waist.

"I'll open the garage" he says and I pick up Sidney who lays her head down on my shoulder. I put her in the car once the garage is open getting in and pulling out rolling down my window. "Thanks Nick" I smile he nods and I pull away from that house driving a short ways before pulling into our driveway.

"You hungry" I ask her and she nods her head getting out of the car with me behind her as we race into the house. Jason catches my arm and I look at him his face was bruised up and I felt bad worse that before.

"Look I know what I did was horrible and I had to right to put my hands on you in a way that didn't bring you pleasure of some kind and I wanted to apologize" he says and I bite my lip. "You need to go talk to the guys because I'm not going to be breaking up fights a normal basis" I say he nods placing a kiss on my cheek.

He walks away and I slowly start to process what he said to me making my cheeks heat up. I take a moment to collect myself going into the kitchen seeing Drew over the stove making something I go stand by him. "What are you cooking" I ask softly "dinner" he shrugs I look inside the pot seeing a bunch of Mac n' Cheese.

I look to the other side to see a bunch of open boxes and I giggle at him "I'll take care of dinner how about and you just get Sid in and out of the tub" I smile at him and he sighs in relief.

"That I can do here you go" he says handing me the spoon kissing my head gently before leaving the kitchen. I start to cook more food putting things in the oven and some more on the stove.

Dinner tonight was going to be simple and since I don't want to cook tomorrow I made plenty of extras. I begin setting them on plates. "Come get your food" I say loudly soon enough they all make a line grabbing a plate the boys each grabbing a beer. I grab my plate deciding to put the food away after dinner and going to sit at the table with the rest of the boys and Sid.

Just as I take a seat the door bell rings and I whine Drew chuckles standing up "I'll get it" he says kissing my head as he walks by me going to the door. Seconds later I hear cheering then I hear Doms voice and I get up running to the door seeing all the guys. Dom, Mike, Nick, and Tyler along with Gabe, Ryan, Tucker and Chaz.

I run and hug Dom wrapping my arms around him he smiles hugging me back I hug Mike, Tyler and Nick. "So what am I chopped liver" I hear turning to see Gabe I jump up hugging him wrapping my arms and legs around him. "I missed you" I whisper he kisses my cheek softly "I missed you too Al" he says before putting me down.

"Well I'm taking it our guests are staying so go fix yourself a plate" Drew says and I nod Jason stands at the end of the hall and gets greeted by everyone. That's is until Tucker comes to my ear "we need to talk" he whispers I look confused at him but nod anyways.

He leads me outside and I sit on the steps along with him "what's up" I ask softly "your not safe here anymore" he says I look confused once again. "Why would I not be safe I have all these guys here who were at one point or another was my protector" I say look out into the roads. He hands me a envelope "this came to the house after you and Jason got here" he hands me it and I open it a bunch of photos of Me fall out, me getting in the shower, me at the mall with Sid, me sleeping, me taking on Jason's dad. I read the note over quickly.

You passed that test only makes me want you more see you soon.

"Your putting all these people on the line for you when you don't need to" he says I look at the envelope that now sat in my lap. A simple things caused so much trouble "what do you suggest I do than" I whisper softly. "I suggest you take the bull by the horns and stop running from it" he says. I look up at him my eyes tearing up but I wipe them quickly "alright then that's what I'll do."

I take a breath before going back in seeing all the smiling faces Dom, Gabe, Nick and Drew were standing next to Jason talking. Drew was laughing and pointing to Jason's eye and I suddenly knew exactly what they were talking about. I go over Jason smiles at me softly before going right back to defending his manliness.

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