Part 17

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Alex's POV

We got to the mall and Sid grabbed my hand and ran right into some shoe store. I giggle at her following her we look around at the and she gets some paint splattered shoes and I get a plain black pair with white bottoms.

I take her into a clothing store to get her some more girly clothes and we talk about Chase and Drew a bit. Nothing to much in detail because well she's seven and I'm seventeen not much we can talk about together. She grabs a purple dress holding it up to me nodding "this is so pretty on you" she exclaims and I giggle shrugging.

"I guess it is" I hold it up to my body and she nods her head more aggressively. I go try it on seeing how it fits deciding to buy it my cart was full of clothes and I look at Sid who was smiling innocently at me. I pick her up slinging her over my shoulder causing her to erupt into giggles.

I pay for this stuff carrying bags and a light weight girl into a different store where she just stands there. I grab a plain blue, black, pink, purple and white shirt in both her and my sizes. "These are out garage clothes no more nice clothes in the garage okay" I ruffle her hair and she swats my hand away.

"Stop I get it" she laughs and I move my hand away I grab some leggings and jeans for us to go with the shirts quickly checking out. We make our way to the food court and she insists we have Mexican food so we did. We even say at a high table with those ridiculously tall chairs and ate our food talking about boys she thought were cute.

We talked for at least three hours ordering the boys some tacos and going to the car putting all the bags in the trunk. I get into the chilly car and turn it on turning in the heat and she turns on the radio. She plays with it as I pull out of the parking lot driving when she finally turns on a station she starts singing to the song immediately.

I laugh listing to her sing every song that played from the mall to the house. When I was about to pull into the drive way something caught my eye there was a black SUV parked in the driveway and a smaller faster car beside it. I didn't recognized either I glance at Sid "have you seen those cars before" I ask she shakes her head and goes back singing her song.

I drive a block down to a house with a guy sitting out on the porch reading something. He had brown hair and geeky glasses he was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. I pull into his drive way telling Sid to stay put I go up to him smiling at him when he notices me he looks curious and stands me at the steps.

"Can I help you" he says trying to sound confident "yes actually you can see I'm staying up the road there with my cousins for the week and they got into a massive fight and I was wondering if I could park my car in your garage and leave my little cousin here so she doesn't get hurt" I say pleading as I look at him innocently.

"Umm yeah sure thing I'm Nick" he says as we walk to the garage "I'm Alex and this here is Sidney" I open the car door seeing Sid playing with the radio again. "Alex can we go home yet" she asks softly yawning "not yet I'm going to go check up on my cousins so be good, this here is Nick so listen to what he says and behave" I smile she nods.

Nick leans against the open garage and I get in the car pulling in Sid reaches up grabbing a gun from the dashboard sliding it on my lap. I just look at her surprised "this isn't the first time we have had unwanted or unexpected visitors" she shrugs kissing my cheek getting out. I slide the gun in my waist band pulling my shirt over it and get out smiling at Nick.

"Thanks a lot for this again maybe you could take her in the house watch a show or read a book I'd really appreciate it if you stayed inside with her the sun bothers her skin sometimes" I say he nods "yeah, no problem" he says I nod. "Hey Alex" he says I turn and nod at him "yeah" I asks he opens his mouth as if he was going to say something "never mind good luck with your cousins" he says I nod walking down the road.

I keep walking until the house comes into view and I see Jason glaring up at someone outside of the garage. "Where is she Jason, that's all you have to tell me and I won't kill your two friends in there" the man says to Jason I look up seeing the light on in the garage but the big door shut.

"You can't" Jason spats at the man "all my men are in there and you have what two guys; are you willing to get guys killed for some girl who may not even like you" the man growls. "I don't care if she doesn't like me I'm in love with her I don't care if she doesn't feel the same I'm not handing her over to you" Jason shouts. I almost let out an aww but then I remembered I wasn't supposed to be here so after I got over my mental, melting of the heart I stand up.

I quietly grab the gun from my waist band making sure the safety was off. I go over to them quietly "are you really willing to lose your life over some messily girl that I'll end up killing" he asks Jason. I look at Jason and he looks at me "yes I am I would die for her a million times over if that means she wouldn't get hurt" Jason says more to me than the man in front of him. "Your weak" the man shouts hitting Jason with the gun I hit the man up side the head with the gun making him fall to the ground.

Jason looks shocked at me as I aim the gun at him "heard you were looking for me" I smirk at him Jason stands up beside me holding his face. "So your Alex I was beginning to wonder if you actually existed" he chuckles sitting up. I cock the gun and he raises his hands in defense chuckling I keep a straight face and Jason holds my waist.

"Don't pull the trigger" he whispers in my ear I glare at the man "tell your men to get the hell away from the house and to never come back" I shout at him. He laughs at me banging on the garage door and men come out getting into the SUV. "What's so funny" I spat "you let him tell you what to do that's cute" the man smirks I go up to him pressing the gun at his stomach.

"Wanna keep talking" I growl at him he smirks at me "your like the kid I've always wanted but never got" he chuckles. I bring the gun up smacking him in the face bringing him to the ground and he spits out blood. "Damn Jason take notes, she's a beast" the man smirks at Jason, Jason's face turned red in anger.

"Shut up and leave" I spat staying firm "Jason's rubbing off on you doll" he smirks I pin the gun in his stomach. "Jason, she's a better child than you ever were" he smirks and I pull the trigger in his stomach. He falls to the ground whimpering "don't insult Jason he's mine" I lean down growling in his ear he reaches up stroking my face. "I'm so proud of you young grasshopper" I push his hand away "come get him I want him out of my sight" I say disgusted with the man in front of me.

A man comes and helps him into the car. Drew and Chase come out of the garage in urgency Chase checks me over yanking the gun out of my hand giving it to Drew. "Are you okay" Chase asks "yeah I'm fine I'm not dying" I swat his hands away giggling looking over at Jason.

He looked pissed I sigh going over to him "Jason I umm heard what you said" I blush smiling at him. He glares down at me "leave me the hell alone alright Alexis" he shouts making my smile disappear and I shrink away. "J..Jason what's wrong" I whimper he grabs my arms roughly "you just get in the way" he shouts.

"What happened" I whimper he shoves me slightly and I stumble back "my father likes you because your so ruthless well let's see how ruthless you really are" he growls pushing me to the ground he starts pounding on my face and body I cover my face covering as much of myself as possible. "Jason what are you doing" Chase shouts running over Jason's eyes go black and I can tell he wasn't calming down any. Drew holds Jason back as best he could and Chase helps me up and I run into the house.

I go into my room grabbing a cloth and looking in the mirror. My face was bleeding and bruised everywhere. I whip the blood off my face wincing I set the cloth down and go lay on the bed close to the wall, just thinking about how upset he was. His father thought I was ruthless. Jason was going to hurt me. That was Jason's father......

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