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Arielle Bennett sat in the back of her adoptive parents car in the middle of her parents  who were shouting at each other about Arielle, the strawberry blonde was getting fed up with their bullshit she finally decided to speak up

"Just shut the hell up. I'm sick and tired of all of you, thank good Delia got out when she could. Do you know how much I wish it would of been me instead of Delia." Arielle snapped at her parents

Her parents stared at each other than and Arielle with guilty looks on their face Arielle's eyes widen seeing a man in the middle of the street

"Watch Out!" Arielle screamed so loud her father swerved the car to the left not wanting to hit the man only for the car to flip over the bridge

Arielle gasped at the impact, Arielle's seat belt was jammed she tried to get it off she checked her parents pulse and got nothing her eyes watered

"Mom! Dad!" Arielle cried out you know after being abused by her parents emotionally and physically you'd think she'd been so happy they were dead but she always remembered that they weren't always like this

Arielle gasped as the water started to raise she tried hard to break the seat buckle but she couldn't she lifted her head up to breathe, When her side of the door was opened her eyes slowly started to get tired Arielle noticed a guy maybe a year older than her, he moved over to her seeing her struggle with the belt buckle he broken it easy pulling Arielle out

Emmett Cullen layed the strawberry-blonde girl on the ground giving her mouth to mouth and CPR, his brother Edward Cullen calling an ambulance, Edward watched as Emmett continued to bring the girl back "Come on. You got to wake up. You have to fight Arielle." Emmett begged

Alice had gotten one of her visions of Arielle and the accident, Arielle was Emmett's mate and he wasn't about to lose her when he'd just got her, Emmett sighed of relief when she gasped awake moving to the side she coughed water up she layed back down trying to control her breathe she looked at Edward and Emmett "Thank you."

Emmett sat next to Arielle holding her hand she layed in the hospital bed sound a sleep, Carlisle had informed Emmett that the only family she had left was Derek Bennett who was living in New York, City currently.

Emmett stared at Arielle taking in her beauty her long strawberry-blonde hair is soft and in curls, her skin is so soft and clear, he was snapped out of his thoughts when her eyes slowly fluttered open, Arielle quickly sat up "H-hey take it easy, just lay back down you were in a accident we brought you to the hospital." Emmett said to her

Arielle relaxed laying back down she turned to him "We?" She asked her voice was soft and angelic it was like music to his ears, "Me and my brother Edward." Emmett told her Arielle nodded her eyes widen "M-my parents? A-are they?" Arielle asked Emmett nodded his head guilty

"Okay." Arielle said Emmett looked at her confused most people would cry of the lose but Emmett remembered that Carlisle had told him about a couple a bruises on her, Emmett put two and two together so he didn't question any farther, which was a relief to Arielle

"We called your brother." Emmett said to her Arielle quickly looked up at him "Derek. What'd he tell you he was to busy?" Arielle said with venom in her voice Emmett looked at her, "No, he said he'd be here as soon as possible." Emmett said, Arielle looked a bit surprised but didn't comment on it instead change the subject "So you saved me." Arielle said to him Emmett nodded with a small smile, "You should've let me die." Arielle said looking him in the eyes.

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