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Rosalie and Arielle were driving behind Edward & Bella's, Alice and Jasper were behind them

"Who does James really want?" Arielle asked she was afraid to hear the answer she already knew

"You. He smelled you even before the wind blew and it covered most of Bella's scent I could smell yours so easily." Rosalie told Arielle honestly

"Arielle, Angels can do many things, they're both dangerous creatures who in the wrong hands can be manipulatived to believe a certain things if James even comes near you it can trigger something in you something deadly." Rosalie explained

Arielle listened to the fact that she could be the God's child like she should be or end up the Devil's child

Arielle sighed really wishing she was human now, she leaned back trying to relax, she noticed Emmett jump behind Bella's car

Emmett hadn't try to talk to Arielle he felt guilty for taking her, he believed this was his fault but right now Arielle need Emmett she needed his comforting words.


Arielle rushed out of her car Emmett rushing towards her wrapping his arms around her kissing her forehead she relaxed in his arms

Emmett, Arielle, Bella and Edward walked into the house to see Carlisle talking to Laurent

Emmett and Edward hissed moving their girls behind then

"Wait." Carlisle said "He came to warn us about James." Carlisle added Arielle looked at Laurent who was already looking at Arielle it was a sight to see an Angel being guarded by a huge vampire

"This isn't my fight, and I've grown tired of his games, but he has unparalleled senses absolutely lethal, I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years, and the woman Victoria don't underestimate her." Laurent said walking past them out of the house.


"I'd have to fight her kind before not easy to kill." Jasper explained "But not impossible." Emmett pointed out setting Arielle down onto the counter Rosalie sitting next to her

"Well tear him apart and burn the pieces." Emmett told them "I'd never thought of killing another creature even one stistic one like James." Carlisle spoke Arielle sighed but tensed up hearing her name being called she looked around but no

Rosalie noticed this looking at Arielle concerned, Arielle softly nodded towards her

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie questioned, Rosalie went ignored

"I'm going to run Bella South, Emmett will as well take Arielle it'll take the tracker away from here." Edward said
"No. Edward, Emmett, James knows you two wouldn't leave them." Carlisle said to Edward and Emmett

"I'll take Arielle." Rosalie said "When we were on the field James saw the bond you both had with Arielle, he knows you or Emmett wouldn't leave her behind." Carlisle explained to Rosalie and Emmett who both looked defeated "He'll follow you." Carlisle added

"I'll go with Arielle, and Bella, Jasper and I will drive them South, Well keep them safe." Alice told Emmett and Edward who held on tightly to their girlfriends

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