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Emmett walked into the bedroom he leaned against his door seeing Arielle stick her hand out looking towards her phone, "Phone." Arielle said she frowned when nothing happened "Phone." Arielle said a bit more force in her voice

Arielle frowned one again sighing in defeat "Babe, don't give up just keep trying." Emmett encouraged "Em it's no use, I can't focus on one thing when theres so many other things that can be focused on." Arielle said it bothered her that she couldn't control her power, it was her power, her abilities, and she couldn't control them

Emmett walked over towards her sitting on the bed he lifted her up pulling her onto his lap he intertwined their fingers he kissed her neck softly

"All you have to do is concentrate." Emmett said kissing her neck, Arielle couldn't help but moan out loud causing Emmett to smirk "Focus Arielle." Emmett said once again and Arielle did she focused on her phone and not Emmett who was kissing her neck and even though she wanted to moan out in pleasure she stayed focused onto the phone

"Phone." Arielle said concentrated her hand out a bright light surrounded the phone as it appeared onto the palm of her hand

Arielle jumped up in joy "I did it. Emmett. I. Did. It." Arielle said happily Emmett chuckled lifting her up in the air "I knew you could." Emmett said smiling at her he kissed her passionately

Arielle wrapped her legs around his torso kissing back almost instantly, "I love you so much Arielle." Emmett said smiling like a love struck idiot, Arielle grinned kissing him again "I love you too, Emmett, I love you so much." Arielle said smiling.

"Emmett I change my mind when I said I never had a family." Arielle said her head on his chest they layed in bed his fingers playing with her's

Emmett looked at her confused "What do you mean?" Emmett questioned "I have you, you're my family, your family have been nothing but a family to me, and I've never realized it." Arielle said smiling at him

Emmett smiled but his smile quickly fell "Arielle. I'm sorry." Emmett said confusing Arielle she'd never heard Emmett's voice sound so fragile almost as if he wanted to break down this upset her so much to hear

"For what Em?" Arielle asked locking their hands together he didn't look at her he had his head down guilty, Arielle used her finger to gently lift up his chin so he would look at her

"Emmett." Arielle spoke softly but her voice was pleading for him to tell her why he was so sorry, "Being with me you won't be able to have kids, you won't be able to have your own family." Emmett said to her

"Emmett you are my family, not having a child wouldn't change that. Emmett I love you more than anything in this world-" she was cut off

"Even more than your shoes?" Emmett questioned with a cheeky smile Arielle cupped his face in her small hands, "More than my shoes Emmett, I don't care if we can't have kids but I do care about having you in my life, I need you more than anything." Arielle said to him, Emmett smiled

Emmett gently pinned her against the bed "Good because Arielle you are my life now, I don't want to be with out you, I need you more than life itself, and if I lose you-" Emmett's voice cracked

"Your not going to lose me, not me, not now, not ever Emmett." Arielle said softly "Your my forever." Arielle said smiling

"And your my always." Emmett added kissing her forehead softly


I decided to update since I haven't in a while I apologize for that, but my internet is still running really slow, but don't worry I'll be updating in a bit again I'm hoping for two more chapters but I will see. Please Vote and Comment.

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