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"You wait outside." Arielle said looking at Emmett who pouted like a small child that couldn't get ice cream "Why?" He whined Arielle looked at him with a 'Are you really that dumb' look

"If Derek sees a guy magically popped in my room I won't be able to go anywhere for the rest of my human life." Arielle said to him Emmett smirked "Emmett." Arielle warned Emmett eyes widen he knew not to piss of the short strawberry blonde who has incredibly short temper

Emmett kissed her forehead jumping out the window causing Arielle to gasp she moved to the window to see if he was alright Arielle sighed of relief than remembered he's a vampire, she rolled her eyes again

Arielle grabbed her jacket walking into out of her room she noticed Derek had already fallen fast a sleep and when he fell asleep he wouldn't wake up till right at 6 am, Arielle walked out of the house grabbing her keys to her black/blue Toyota, she turned feeling watched she saw Bella with a smug smile

Arielle rolled her eyes smiling but looked around not seeing Emmett she turned around to see Emmett leaning against her car, "I'll drive." Emmett said to her "Do you even fit in the car?" Arielle asked smirking Emmett rolled his eyes "Ha. Ha. Ha. Your so funny babe." Emmett said rolling his eyes

"Babe?" Arielle questioned "Sorry-" Emmett was cut off she tossed the keys at him, he easily caught them "I like it, Cullen." Arielle said walking to the other side of her car

Emmett smirked but rushed over opening the car door for her, he than moved back to the other side getting into the driver seat.


Arielle didn't like the fact that she was so nervous and freaked out about meeting Emmett's whole family she never really talked to any of them for long only for about 5 to 7 minues and that was pretty much it

Alice and Jasper seemed very nice, Carlisle had been also very caring she'd forgotten for a second he was a vampire, Edward she wasn't the hugest fan of his bipolarness, and Rosalie she'd never really talked to Rosalie. Same with Esme she didn't know Esme at all

"We are here?" Emmett said quickly getting out of the car and moving to Arielle's to open the door for her she couldn't help smile at Emmett, "This place is amazing." Arielle said smiling "It's a lot like how I inviosioned my future house, just a lot less privacy." Arielle added Emmett smiled taking her hand in his Arielle followed after him

Emmett opened the door he didn't have to have Jasper power to know Arielle is nervous he could feel it off her "Never thought I'd see you so nervous, your not even nervous around me." Emmett pointed out but he was also curious to why she wasn't nervous around him

"I feel calm and relaxed around you, I feel like I can tell you anything. And you wouldn't judge." Arielle said to him

"I'm a vampire. Why would I judge you?" Emmett asked with a smirk Arielle rolled her eyes smiling a bit, Emmett also felt the same way towards Arielle he felt like he could tell her everything, even if he was so in love with her, he felt calm and relaxed around her

Emmett held her hand kissing her knuckles softly causing Arielle to smile at him, they walked through the house Arielle's eyes widen in in amazement as she started at the house, Emmett smiled at her, They finally got into the kicthen 

Arielle smiled seeing the Cullen's cooking "Whoa, it smells amazing in here." Arielle said smiling Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie stopped cooking, Edward stood up, Edward, Esme and Carlisle smiled at her Rosalie looked at Arielle suspiciously

"You all didn't have to do this." Arielle said honestly "Your our guest, it's the least we could do after we drop this huge bomb on you." Esme said smiling at the young girl

"Ari this is Esme my mom, Carlisle my dad, You've met Edward, and that's Rosalie my sister sadly..... guys this is Arielle ." Emmett joked at the last part Arielle rolled her eyes just as Rosalie did the same

"It's nice to meet you Arielle." Esme said to hugging the girl Arielle hugged her she felt comfortable around the family"It's nice to see you again Arielle." Carlisle said smiling "Feels better than seeing you in the hospital." Carlisle added

Arielle smiled agreeing "Much better." Arielle said to them Rosalie glared at the girl "And it's good to see you out of school." Edward said chuckling Arielle fought the urge to roll her eyes "I guess." Arielle said shrugging she moved back to Emmett's side his arm wrapped around her waist

Arielle smiled seeing Alice and Jasper walk in "It's nice to see you again Arielle." Alice said smiling Jasper also smiled at her "Are we going to ignore that fact that she could tell her human friends about us and put us in danger." Rosalie snapped

Arielle rolled her eyes not liking how Rosalie was putting her out to be "Look I just met you, and I get your worried that I'd be an idiot and run around town scaring The Cullen's are vampires, but one I wouldn't do that to Emmett or any of you, two, no one would believe due to the fact I lost both my parents, my older sister and they'd just think I was finally losing my mind, and Bella would probably believe me but I won't tell her unless you really want me too." Arielle stated looking at Rosalie,

Rosalie gave in nodding Rosalie didn't hate the Bennett girl as much as she hated the Swan girl, she didn't even hate The Bennett girl she just need to know her family would be safe,

"We'll talk while you eat." Esme said serving Arielle's plate they sat in the dinning room.


Okay so this chapter and the next chapter will not be based on the movie it'll be based more on Arielle/Emmett, Arielle/The Cullens, and Arielle finding out about all the Vampires, how they became what they are. I hope you enjoyed this chapter please please vote and comment.

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