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Arielle sat down eating while the Cullen's started to explain everything to her, about how Carlisle is the leader of their coven, how he saved all of them even though it's hard for a vampire to stop drinking blood after biting into someone.

Arielle had taken in the information awfully well almost naturally "I think it's badass, your all a bunch of gorgeous good looking bunch." Arielle said smiling at them Emmett chuckled at Arielle with an amused smile the others couldn't help but laugh a bit as well

"Well we will be in my room." Emmett said lifting up Arielle, Arielle smiled at Emmett "Thank you so much, the food was absolutely delicious." Arielle said Esme thanked her hugging her and the others, but only giving Edward and awkward look, rushing towards Emmett's side.


Arielle sat on Emmett's bed still admiring his room, Emmett hand Arielle sweats and a tee shirt "Are you sure staying over is a good idea?" Emmett asked her "Yes I messaged Derek telling him I was sleeping over a friend's house and would be home after school." Arielle said smiling at him

Arielle grabbed the clothes from Emmett she quickly pulled off her shirt ignoring the fact that Emmett was there, Emmett couldn't help but stare at Arielle looking at her even if he seemed like a prevert, Arielle had his full attention, she did since the day he layed eyes on her

"Your staring." Arielle said smirking "How could I not?" Emmett asked amused Arielle walked towards him "Can you tie it?" Arielle asked Emmett quickly obeyed he bent down tying the strings enough so the sweats wouldn't fall Arielle shivered as his fingers softly touch her hips

"Come on, I wanna show you something." Emmett said to Arielle with a smirk on his face, Emmett lifted Arielle onto his back she wrapped her legs around his back holding on top him

Emmett smirked "Hold on tight Ari." Emmett said he jumped out of his bedroom onto a tree Arielle giggled in amazement, Emmett jumped onto another tree jumping up higher

Arielle looked around in wonder, Arielle giggled causing Emmett to smile satisfied.


"That was amazing." Arielle said to him he chuckled "Your amazing." Emmett said causing Arielle to look at him "I'm not close to amazing, you, Emmett your the definition of amazing." Arielle said Emmett looked at her confused

"Just because your not a human doesn't mean a thing not at all." Arielle said to him "You and your family, your all amazing, your stronger together, I can feel it, you'd protect each other at all cost." Arielle said Emmett noticed the way her eyes shined so bright when she talked about something so passionately

Emmett could fight the urge to kiss her anymore he cupped her face kissing her, she was surprised at first but after realization she kissed Emmett back with as much passion and love as Emmett had

Emmett gently layed Arielle on the bed kissing her lips than moving down to her neck kissing her softly he stopped himself

"I don't want to hurt you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt you." Emmett muttered sitting up Arielle smiled at him she moved over to him sitting on his lap he wrapped his arms around her kissing her cheek softly

"I love you Ari." Emmett said honestly Arielle grinned from ear to ear "I love you too." Arielle said this time Emmett grinned from ear to ear hearing her say it back,

Emmett felt at peace he was holding the love of his life in his arms, his whole world was right in his arms, and he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her, not her, Emmett listened to her heartbeat as she slowly fell asleep he watched her sleep, seeing how peaceful she looked, Emmett knew right than and there he'd do everything to protect her and keep her safe.


Okay so I'm totally in love with Emmett and Arielle so how about a ship name for them? They are going to be actual goals. Please Vote and Comment.

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