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Arielle and Emmett were cutting up the food for Bella and of course Arielle, Arielle laughed as Emmett throw a piece of food at her, Arielle's laugh seem to let Rosalie become less anger until she remember Bella was coming soon

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie questioned angry due to the fact Edward invited a human into their home, "Her name is Bella." Emmett said rolling his eyes at Rosalie "I'm sure she'll love it no matter what." Carlisle said with a smile

Arielle grinned at them "And if she doesn't I'll eat it." Arielle said causing them to laugh even Rosalie laughed, Emmett kissed her forehead, Then they heard Bella and Edward come in Rosalie's smile fell she went back to being angry "Here comes the human." Rosalie said annoyed

Esme walked towards them "Bella were making Italiano for you." Esme said smiling "Bella this is Esme, my mother for all purposes." Edward said Esme smiled at Bella, Emmett waved towards Bella with the knife in his hand Arielle shoved Emmett causing him to drop the knife Arielle caught it before it fell to the ground

Arielle smirked "I'm never gonna get used to that. " Emmett said smirking ignoring the conversation Bella and Esme where having

"You and Arielle have give us an excuse to use the kitchen." Carlisle said smiling at Bella "I hope your hungry?" Esme asked her sweetly "Yeah absolutely. " Bella lied "She already ate." Edward said causing Rosalie to shatter the bowl

Arielle sighed moving over to Rosalie to make sure the blonde wouldn't choke out the brunette "Perfect." Rosalie said "Yeah, I just -because I know that you guys don't eat." Bella said now nervous "Of course, it's very considerate of you." Esme said looking at Rosalie

Arielle stood by Rosalie gently putting a confronting hand on Rosalie's shoulder Emmett moved to stand behind Arielle his arm around her waist "Just ignore Rosalie, I do." Edward said Arielle rolled her eyes "Yeah let's just kept pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie said Arielle's hand still on her shoulder

"I would never tell anybody, anything." Bella said to them "She knows that. " Carlisle said looking at Rosalie "Yeah will the problem is, you two have gone public now so-" Emmett was cut off "Emmett." Arielle warned her boyfriend "No, she should know, the entire family will be implicated if this end badly." Rosalie said to Bella moving closer to them Arielle stood a bit infront of Rosalie make sure Bella wouldn't get killed

"Badly as in I-i would become the meal." Bella said causing them to laugh everyone except Rosalie

Just than Alice came with Jasper right behind her "I'm Alice." Alice said hugging Bella, of course Bella hugged her awkwardly being the awkward turtle she is,"Hi." Bella said "Oh you do smell good." Alice said smiling "Alice what are you?" Edward questioned his sister

"It's okay Bella and I are going to be great friends." Alice said smiling Edward had this look on his face which made the situation all to more amusing for Arielle, "Sorry Jasper's our newest vegetarian, it's a little difficult for him." Carlisle explained "It's a pleasure to meet you." Jasper said

"It's okay Jasper you won't hurt her." Alice said to Jasper, Arielle busted out in fits of giggles at the look on Edwards face "Alright I'm going to take her on a tour of the rest of his house." Edward said to Bella"Well I'll see you soon." Alice said Bella nodded hugging Arielle, Arielle hugged her back

Emmett moved behind Arielle kissing her cheek "You guys are hilarious. " Arielle said moving towards the food that Rosalie didn't shatter on the ground "Clean this up." Esme told Rosalie they walked away, Alice and Jasper went back outside

Arielle moved down to help Rosalie "Why are you helping me?" Rosalie asked Arielle looked at her confused Emmett rolled his eyes at his sisters behavior

"Rosie you may hate me, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to be there to help you." Arielle said to Rosalie with a gentle smile "Besides this is a mess." Arielle said her hands motioning to the mess causing the food and glass to lift up in the air

The trios eyes widen "Carlisle." Emmett called for as Esme, and Carlisle rushed in with Alice and Jasper behind them

"Arielle just stay calm." Carlisle said "Oh yeah calm since you know glass isn't flying above my head." Arielle said freaking out causing the glass and food to shake above her head

"Emmett cover her if she continues to freak out the glass will harm her." Esme said to Emmett, Emmett hovered over his girlfriend, "Trash can." Arielle mumbled causing the food and glass to go fly into the trash can the Cullen's looked amazed by this

"That was amazing." Emmett said excitedly kissing Arielle's forehead Arielle looked stunned "I did that?" Arielle questioned they nodded "I'm so awesome. " Arielle said smirking, They chuckled "So I'm goning to eat, come on Em, you can watch me." Arielle said causing them to laugh Arielle took. Emmett's hands in hers


Arielle sat at the table eating with Emmett staring at her in awe, "Emmett why do I feel like things are going to change ?" Arielle questioned her boyfriend

"Because things are not just because of Bella-" Emmett was cut off "But because of me." Arielle said she flinched she didn't want to be the certain of the supernatural drama

"But it won't matter Arielle, your family now protecting you is one of our top priorities." Rosalie said smiling at Arielle, "Family." Arielle said a smile on her face "You guys are my family." Arielle said smiling happily at them 


Finally Bella meets the family, Arielle and Rosalie are going to probably be the closest in the family, like Bella and Alice are. A lot of things are going to happen very soon and I'm really excited for it. Please vote and comment. How do you guys like Arielle's character now?

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