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Today was Arielle's first day back at school since the accident everyone would constantly ask her questions, and Arielle was getting tired of all the sad and sympathetic looks, now if your wondering about Emmett and Arielle, they'd continued to talk and get closer but Emmett didn't want to say anything afraid of his families reaction, and Arielle understood.

Arielle stood next to the buses, she could feel Emmett's eyes on her, she turned seeing him, he smirked at her, Arielle rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face, Her view of Emmett was than blocked by Mike Newton, Emmett rolled his eyes annoyed But he listened into their conversation

"Look it you huh. Your alive." Mike said Arielle smiled softly "I know, yeah. False alarm I guess." Arielle said, Edward rolled his eyes with a smug look noticing Emmett listening to their conversation

"Yeah. I-i wanted to ask you um-if I you know, it's like a month away, do you wanna uh go to go to prom together." Mike continued to stutter, Arielle hadn't been paying attention to Mike due to the fact she'd been staring at Emmett who stared right back at her

"So wh-what do you think?" Mike asked Arielle looked confused "About what?" Arielle asked confused "Do you wanna go? To prom? With me?" Mike asked her Arielle's eyes widen

"Mikey, I think your an amazing guy, but I don't do dances, I'm really sorry." Arielle said guilty because she knew she was lying to him, "You should ask Jessica. I know she wants to go with you." Arielle said they turned to see Jessica wave at Mike, Mike nodded with a soft smile

Mr. Molina called them to hurry up onto the bus, Emmett rushed towards Arielle "Ride with us on our bus." Emmett said taking her hand intertwining there fingers together, Arielle nodded following him to his bus with Jasper, Alice and Edward, Emmett walked over sitting behind the Alice and Jasper, Edward sat on the other side besides them

Alice, Jasper, and Edward stared at Arielle and Emmett "Guys this is Arielle, Arielle this is Alice, Jasper and you've met Edward." Emmett said Arielle gave Edward a fake smile

"Sadly." Arielle said Edward, Alice and Jasper laughed Emmett grinned at Arielle "It's nice to meet you Arielle, were going to be great friends." Alice said smiling at her excitedly, Arielle smiled ignoring the second part Alice said Emmett sat down with Arielle.


Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Arielle and Edward all walked together Edward slowed down until he was next to Bella which Arielle noticed, she had a huge grin on her face watching the two, "You seem to like Bella." Emmett said to her with a smile "Why?" Emmett asked curiously, Bella and Arielle were huge opposites but Arielle seemed to deeply care about Bella, Bella cared deeply about Arielle

"She doesn't believe what she's heard about me." Arielle simply said "You don't do dances?" Emmett asked with a smirk, Arielle looked at him surprised "How'd? Nevermind." Arielle said cutting herself off, "I just didn't want to hurt Mike." Arielle said rolling her eyes Emmett rolled his eyes not caring if Mike got hurt at all

"Arielle I don't think us is a good idea." Emmett said Arielle scoffed "I knew it, I knew you'd do this." Arielle said rolling her eyes, Emmett and Arielle's conversation was cut off short when Jessica ran up to her Emmett walked away

Jessica looked at the two "Guess who just ask me to prom. Mike. Um I actually thought he was going to ask you. It's not going to be weird right." Jessica said "No zero weirdness. Jessica, me and you never going to be friends." Arielle said angry Jessica had got Emmett leave.


"Can you at least tell me why?" Arielle asked him confused Emmett sighed staring at her, he moved closer to her causing her to step back "I will only put you in danger." Emmett said

Arielle rolled her eyes "False. Because it seems like every time where apart, I become a calling call to danger." Arielle snapped at him walking away from him leaving Emmett to think about it,

"Bella we shouldn't be friends." Edward said to Bella, Arielle rolled her eyes "You really should've figured that out earlier." Bella snapped, "Why didn't you just let the van crush me, and saved Arielle, it's pretty obvious Emmett still angry at you for letting Arielle get hurt." Bella pointed out to Edward

"You could've saved yourself all this regret." Bella said to Edward "You think I regret save you. Yeah I regret not saving Arielle as well." Edward snapped at Bella causing Arielle to move him back from Bella, 

 Alice, Jasper and Emmett's eyes widen not because of her actions but how strong she was to be able to push him, "Stay the hell away from Bella." Arielle snapped grabbing Bella hand the girls walked away, Emmett watched Arielle walk away he sighed.


Arielle walked into her house seeing Derek sitting down on the couch watching TV, he looked to be in deep though and distress, Arielle frowned confused she walked towards her brother sitting in front of him, "What's wrong?" Arielle asked confused "Arielle I'm sorry, when I left I didn't want to deal with the pain of losing Delia so I just left, and I'm so sorry I was the worst brother to you." Derek said Arielle looked at him, she couldn't help but hug her brother, he held onto his little sister,

"It's okay. We're together now."

Emmett is so complicated but they are so going to fall hard for one another, you'll love them together.
Can't tell when they'll be together but they will be very soon.

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