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James moved towards Bella biting into her arm than he moved towards Arielle grabbing her arm

"Your going to make an amazing vampire."


Emmett shoved James off of her, James slamming into the other side of the room "Not on my watch." Emmett snapped glaring at James, Emmett turned to Arielle "It's okay Em. I'll heal." Arielle said giving him a weak smile

Emmett didn't want to leave her side "Emmett, go, I'll be fine." Arielle spoke softly with a smile on her face, Emmett nodded "Kick his ass babe." Arielle said with a small smirk Emmett grinned at her rushing towards James

Arielle could here Bella's screams Arielle focused on healing she sighed of relief quickly standing up on her feet with Nate at her side, "Go to Bella, she'll need you to heal some of her wounds." Arielle told Nate who nodded most of the Cullen's had arrived Alice was at Bella's side along with Nate, Emmett and Jasper taking hold of James, Carlisle and Edward moved towards Bella

Jasper stared tearing open the floor boards as they called after Alice who tore apart James, Arielle stared at the wood were the lose floor boards were she glared hard causing the fire to start to form due to her anger the fire was getting higher

Emmett, Jasper and Alice looked surprised seeing the focused look on Arielle's face as she started the fire, The three Cullen's tore James apart throwing his limbs into the fire Arielle had created

The fire continued to rise, Emmett turned towards Arielle rushing to her side "Babe, calm down. " Emmett spoke softly but it was like she was in some zombie trace Arielle remembered what Rosalie told her

"if James even comes near you it can trigger something in you, something deadly"

Arielle snapped out of it looking at Emmett the fire started to calm down "It's over." Emmett said but Arielle got theses visions of Rosalie

"No it's only just beginning."


"Why'd you change your mind?" Derek asked looking at his sister "Because I'm not the coward you or our parents were, I'm not going to run from my problems." Arielle said to him

"You know Arielle, your parents would be very proud of you." Derek said Arielle scoffed "Mom and Dad wouldn't care." Arielle scoffed

Derek rolled his eyes "Your birth parents Arielle, you were adopted it's why your the only angel in this family, it's why you so much stronger than any of us, it's why you so much more special. " Derek said standing infront of Arielle who stared at him in disbelief.


Arielle sat on Emmett's bed her eyes watered she was upset from being lied to all theses years by her so called family

"I'm not even angry, why am I not angry?" Arielle asked Emmett her eyes watered

"Because you don't hate, your never angry at the people you love, Other than forehead Jessica of course." Emmett said Arielle smiled giggling

"Arielle, I know this is going to sound crazy and stupid, but we've been through so much that other couples don't have to go through and I know your still young and you probably want to have some fun still, but I love you so much, I love you more than anything in this world. Will you marry me?" Emmett questioned kneeling down in front of Arielle

Arielle stared wide eye at her boyfriend of only a few months yes they are mated to be together for the rest of their lives but Arielle was scared to say the least but she knew one thing for sure she loved Emmett more than she's loved anyone in this good damn world

"Yes. Of course I will Emmett." Arielle said grinning happily jumping into Emmett's arms he grinned kissing her passionately

"I love you so much." Emmett said to her "I love you too." Arielle said her head leaning against his forehead


Arielle curled her hair to perfection she was getting ready in Rosalie's room to go to the stupid dance she didn't really want to go to but than Emmett had changed his mind and wanted to go

So here was Arielle getting all dolled up for "You look gorgeous." Rosalie said smirking "Are you sure you don't want to come, it's going to be like a double date from hell with Edward and Bella." Arielle said with a smirk

Rosalie rolled her eyes and laughed "No I'm fine, Arielle go have fun with Emmett but not to much." Rosalie said smugly walking out of the room

Arielle rolled her eyes but smiled watching Rosalie walk out

Arielle walked out of the room down to The Cullen's living room The Cullen's stared wide eye Emmett grinned looking at his fiance in 'Awe'

"You look amazing, as you always do." Emmett said grinning Arielle smirked "You don't look so bad yourself." Arielle said smugly The Cullen's laughed at the duo

"Well we got to get going." Emmett said "Bye family, I'll see you guys later, and I'll miss you." Arielle shouted to them.


Emmett had went off somewhere while Arielle sat in her car when a soft knock on her window interrupted her from fixing her makeup

Arielle got out of the car "Paul? What are you doing here? Aren't you a little too old to be at one of theses things?" Arielle questioned amused

Paul chuckled "I just came to talk to you." Paul said to her nervously Arielle knew something was up

"What's wrong?" Arielle questioned concerned "Billy and Sam wanted me to tell you to break up with your boyfriend they said and I quote well be watching over you." Paul told her causing Arielle to frown

"Well tell them thanks, but I'll be fine, I think I can handle my boyfriend myself." Arielle said eyeing Paul suspiciously she got this feeling from him it wasn't a bad one it was good she knew he must have been something

"I know you can." Paul said with a soft chuckle "Well I hope I see you soon Arielle." Paul said moving to hug her but Emmett interrupted glaring at Paul, Paul glared back at Emmett

Arielle stared at the two confused "I'll see you soon Paul." Arielle said as Emmett moved her away from Paul.


Arielle and Emmett moved into the woods they'd both gotten tired of the party

Emmett carrying Arielle on his back he gently sat her down on to the ground "I think I owe you a dance." Emmett said smiling at her

Arielle face light up taking Emmett's hand the two dance to a slow song, Arielle knew she wanted to be with him forever if she had to turn into a vampire to do so she would Emmett is the love of her life, and she needed him just as much as he needed her.

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