{0.17} ✓

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Arielle groaned in annoyance she tried to call her brother for the hundredth time but no answer, than she tired to call Nate since Jessica called telling her that Nate hadn't been to school since the first day he came

Only for Arielle to curse at Jessica about how the hell Jessica even got her number with Emmett laughing his ass off until he finally hung up for both Jessica's sake and Arielle's.

"I don't wanna go." Arielle whined like a small child "Babe, come on it's your first time going out to play with us." Emmett said Rosalie watched the duo amused

"I play with you all the time." Arielle said smugly causing Emmett to smirk and Rosalie to look at the two disgusted, "Oh shit. Rosalie I forgot you were in here." Arielle said now red of embarrassment

Rosalie shrugged awkwardly causing Emmett to laugh "That's what you get for always being around us." Emmett said towards his sister, Rosalie rolled her eyes "Shut up." Rosalie said simply standing up and walking out

"How is she so flawless?" Arielle questioned watching Rosalie leave the room Emmett chuckled "Your way more flawless." Emmett said kissing her

"Cute. Still don't wanna go." Arielle said to Emmett, "Bella's going too." Edward said standing by the door with a soft smile on his face

"You know I'm starting to hate you a little less everyday." Arielle commented "Aww." Edward said with a small chuckle "That's so sweet of you Ariel." Edward said

Arielle rolled her eyes "I take it back." Arielle said using her mind to toss the pillow at Edward catching him completely off guard "She's learning how to move things with her mind, should've warned you." Emmett said chuckling

"Would've of been a nice warning." Edward commented Arielle rolled her eyes "It was a pillow." Arielle said with a small laugh

"If Bella goes, I will so go, because who's going to make sure Rosalie doesn't eat Bella, me. Well unless I'm playing than I feel sorry for Bells." Arielle commented to Emmett's amusement Edward rolled his eyes not very amused

"Oh lighten up Eddy, we're in this together. What team?!" Arielle shouted the last part

The Cullen's couldn't help but laugh "Wildcats!" The Cullen's shouted "What time?!" Arielle shouted once again grinning, Since Arielle had stayed they had watched High School Musical everyone had enjoyed the movie but couldm't not watch it more than two times unlike Arielle who made them watch it almost everyday

"Wildcats!" The Cullen's shouted even louder to satisfie the strawberry-blonde

"Get your head in the game!" Arielle shouted clearly satisfied with the families participation.

Arielle smiled as Emmett placed the hat on her "I'm I going to regret this?" Arielle questioned with a smirk on her face Emmett smirked "Probably."

Arielle giggled at her boyfriend kissing him Emmett smiled kissing her back, Arielle broke the kiss hearing Edwards car "They're almost here." Arielle announced

The Cullen's grinned Arielle was partially one of them besides the fact that she still had human flesh, "So I'm just going to let you know, I can actually play baseball." Arielle said The Cullen's looked at her surprised

"I told you, she wasn't all heels." Emmett said smirking staring at his strawberry-blonde girlfriend, Arielle grinned at as Emmett wrapped his arms around Arielle's waist when he saw Edward and Bella getting out of the car, knowing the other newly pair needed to speak before Arielle stole Bella from Edward

After a few minutes the strawberry blonde practically flew into Bella's arm, "Thank god you came." Arielle said happily Bella smiled at the strawberry blonde, Bella still didn't get how everyone at school was so intimidated by Arielle, when you get to know the small girl you start to realize she's just a small cinnamon roll that's in love with a huge grizzly bear

"Bella were all glad your here not just for Arielle's sake but we need an empire." Esme said, "She thinks we cheat." Emmett commented "Em knowing you, you probably do." Arielle said smirking

Emmett rolled his eyes smiling at his girlfriend "I know you cheat." Esme said as Bella laughed "Call 'em as you seem Bella." Esme said Bella smiled

"Okay." Bella said looking at Arielle, who playfully shoved Emmett, Emmett quickly turning around lifting Arielle in the air, "Is it even safe for Arielle to play with you guys?" Bella asked concerned for the strawberry blonde

"She's not just a human Bella, she'll tell you herself." Edward said Arielle rushed over surprising Bella at Arielle's sudden speed. "Wait your an Angel?" Bella questioned surprised "Exactly my reaction." Arielle said grinning

"I'm pretty fast, strongx I can hear things from far, move things with only my mind, it's pretty-" Arielle was cut off "Amazing that's really amazing." Bella said excitedly "Carlisle says it's been very rare for angels to become attached to vanpires, I think it's incredible. " Arielle said

"But he also said that it came dangerous if I get into the wrong hands of certain vampires, he said it could change the good angel I am." Arielle explained to Bella

"I also have a strong scent to vampires, one that tells them what I am." Arielle added Bella frowned hearing this

"Which is why I have to practice on my powers, that's really all I know but if I learn more, I'll tell you about it." Arielle said smiling Bella smiled as well Edward and Emmett moving towards their girls

"Are you ready?" Emmett asked smirking at Arielle

Arielle grinned "You bet your ass I am."


So Arielle is this huge cinnamon roll and Emmett's a grizzly bear what a perfect pair. Don't worry I'm getting to the good part. Please vote and comment.

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