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Arielle Bennett  wasn't the same girl that lost her older sister, and parents she had completely changed especially since she had told Emmett the honest truth about her and he completely stopped talking to her.

 Emmett never called never visited like he used to and when they were at school he just ignored her, it infuriated Arielle she was willing to let someone anybody in only for Emmett to ignore her and pretend she wasn't even there so she did the same, she easily became popular because of her beauty she could be a real sarcastic bitch but she could also be sweet, she became a complete flirt, Arielle Bennett had changed and she wasn't sure if it was for the better but it satisfied her when she would flirt with a guy and Emmett would glare at the guy so hard, she enjoyed hurting him after he hurt her.

Arielle stared out her window out her window to see Charlie Swan, Chief of Police and a girl she could barely remember as Isabella Swan, a girl who Arielle used to be best friends with, when they were just kids. Arielle jumped up and out of her room outside Bella turned around hearing a door shut she noticed a gorgeous short girl with strawberry-blonde hair, Bella eyes widen in 'Awe' Bella quickly felt insecure of her looks and body seeing Arielle

"Hey Chief." Arielle said with a kind smile "Arielle, Bella you remember Arielle, you and her uses to play with mud and color all over the floors." Charlie said to his daughter Bella's eyes widen in amazement when Arielle was younger she had glasses, her hair was short and more of an orange color and here was Arielle who looked to like a model.

"Oh umm yeah I remember." Bella said awkwardly Arielle quickly came to realize Bella was awkward and shy which Arielle didn't mind, "Do you need some help with that?" Arielle asked kindly taking a few bags from Bella "Oh. No you don't have too." Bella said nervously Arielle shook her head with a small laugh "Don't worry I don't mind." After the small conversation Charlie had invited her and Derek to come over later which Arielle had happily agreed too.


Arielle sat in Bella's bedroom helping the Swan Girl unpack "So how was it like in Arizona?" Arielle asked curiously, Arielle had always wanted to be able and travel and see the sun, but at the time she was a prisoner to her parents  "It's was great. There was a lot of sun." Bella said not so awkwardly this time 

"How's your mom?" Arielle asked Bella "She's great to got remarried, and is going to be on the road for awhile." Bella told Arielle, Arielle smiled "She is lucky." Arielle said with a smile "How are your parents?" Bella asked her Arielle froze "Dead." Arielle said no emotion in her voice Bella's eyes widen guilt in her eyes "I-I I'm so sorry I didn't mea-" Bella was cut off 

"Bella it's fine you didn't know. They died about three weeks ago now, in a car accident I survived and they didn't." Arielle explained to Bella, Bella gave Arielle a sympathetic look "It's life people come and go." Arielle said with a fake smile 

Bella felt horrible for bring it up "I really am sorry." Bella said Arielle nodded "I know." Arielle said "So when you were in Arizona were the guys cute?" Arielle asked with a smirk on her face Bella laughed "Yeah but I wasn't really into them." Bella said with a smile Arielle laughed "Well I hope that now that you're in Forks you'll meet someone and you'll fall in love." Arielle said smiling at Bella, Bella looked at her with a smile as well "I hope you do too Arielle." Bella said the girls smiled at one another

Ariellea and Bella walked downstairs hearing a trunk honk Arielle saw her brother Derek, Billy Black and Jacob Black with Charlie "Bella you remember Billy Black."
And during that whole conversation Arielle had talked, and smiled and laugh they were genuine, she felt happy, actually happy something that she'd been trying to feel she knew she didn't want that to change but the world could be so horrible and so beautiful at the same time.


Okay so this is just the beginning, Emmett will be in the next chapter and a lot pf things will happen between the two. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I originally wanted to have Arielle have some drama with Bella but than I was like NAH, I wanna build a friendship between Arielle and Bella, since there going to be in the Cullen Family disaster together. Please vote and comment.

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