{0.19} ✓

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Rosalie drove towards Arielle's house while Arielle talked to her brother Derek on the phone "Arielle what do you mean your leaving Forks? Where are you going to go?Our whole family is gone." Derek shouted over the phone

Arielle flinched at his tone "They're dead. Dead Derek and if I don't get out of this town I will be too." Arielle said "I'll be next just like our parents." Arielle added trying hard not to cry

Rosalie hated seeing Arielle so sad and heartbroken, Rosalie had happen to adore the sarcastic, bubbly, intelligent, carefree strawberry-blonde that had become part of her family

"They deserved it." Derek stated Arielle's eyes widen "Then I'll be dead like Delia." Arielle said she heard her brother breathe hitch, Delia was still a sensitive topic to Derek, I mean it was his other half, his twin sister to be exact and she was dead never to return again

This gave Arielle a chance to hang up the phone she sighed let a tear fall "Arielle, everything is going to be okay, he'll forgive you, your his little sister." Rosalie said giving Arielle a soft smile

Arielle shook her head "She was his twin sister, everyone's favorite, it was her over me any day." Arielle said she wasn't bitter over this she sounded almost calm about it

"But I was her favorite." Arielle said with a soft smile on her face remembering all those times she spent with Delia, Delia was protective and loving over Arielle even when Derek and their parents were at times distant with Arielle

Delia loved Arielle to pieces she protected the strawberry-blonde even at a young age

Rosalie smiled hearing this.


After about a 15 almost 20 minute drive to Arielle's house Rosalie looked at the house unsure, Arielle and Rosalie stopped seeing Paul Lahote standing their with a look of distress

"Arielle." Paul spoke softly he glared at Rosalie, the blonde was already glaring at him, "Paul what are you doing here?" Arielle asked Paul moved towards her Rosalie gave him a disgusted look

"I'll be inside getting your things." Rosalie said glaring at Paul, but stopped not wanting to leave Arielle alone with him

"He won't hurt me Rosie." Arielle said giving Rosalie a comforting smile Rosalie sighed but nodded rushing into the house away from Lahote

"What are you doing here?" Arielle asked confused "Derek called me he told me you were going to leave, Arielle you can't leave Derek behind, you can't leave this is your home-" Paul was cut off

"Stop." Arielle pleaded her eyes watered not looking at him

"Ariel please don't leave, I know we haven't hung out in a long time but Ariel, please just don't leave it doesn't have to be because of Forks, or because of Derek, just please don't leave for me-" Paul was cut off

"Stop. Please stop." Arielle pleaded not looking at him knowing she'd break down and cry "Please stay." Paul begged her his eyes watered gently cupping her cheek "I promise will spend more time together, you just have to stay."

Arielle shook her head "I can't, I can't stay anymore." Arielle said her voice cracked Rosalie showed up with a duffle bag in her arms

"Ariel we got to go." Rosalie said glaring at Paul who arm was still on Arielle's cheek

"Arie-" Paul was cut off "Please don't make me stay. Paul if you care about me you won't make me stay in a town that has caused me more pain than any person could cause me." Arielle said to him

Paul stared at her heartbroken he knew Derek would be angry he let Arielle go but Arielle had ever right to want to leave Forks, Washington

The town Arielle lost Delia in, the town her brother left her in, the town she was abused in for years and no one noticed, the town she'd lost her parents in

"Okay." Paul said Arielle looked at him "I'm sorry Paul." Arielle said "I'm so sorry." Arielle said rushing into the car

Rosalie drove off Paul watching Arielle's car get smaller and smaller into the distance

Paul looked around feeling watched but he didn't see James staying hidden from his view.


Sorry there was less Emmett and Arielle but their was a lot more Paul in this chapter. Things will get more complicated in the next chapter for Arielle and Bella. Please Vote and comment.

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