{0.14} ✓

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Arielle walked into The Cullen's House hold "There's my Ariel." Emmett said smirking lifting Arielle of the ground he spun her around kissing her forehead

Arielle smirked at him wrapping her arms around his neck.


"You want me to go up against Emmett in a fight?" Arielle questioned Carlisle, Emmett smirked "Afraid you can't take me?" Emmett questioned his girlfriend with a huge smug look on his face

Rosalie rolled her eyes, the rest of The Cullen's looked amused "Oh it's on." Arielle said rolling her eyes she smirked at him


Arielle smirked at Emmett the two smirked at one another "Ladies first" Emmett said smirking "I respect my elders." Arielle said smirking "So you go first." Arielle added smugly

The Cullen's laughed except Rosalie of course Emmett moved to throw the first hit only for Arielle to block him easily as if on instinct

The Cullen's watched as the couple fought it was different Emmett is the strongest vampire there is and here was Arielle a 5'3 strawberry blonde with a short temper almost as shorter as her actually handling a fight with a vampire standing at 6'1

Arielle smirked she kicked Emmett's side Emmett grabbed her foot she groaned but than used her other foot to push him back, Emmett was pushed hard to the ground surprising the Cullen's, Emmett looked clearly impressed with Arielle

"I want to test something else, but I just want Edward, Rosalie, Emmett with me and Arielle." Carlisle said Alice, Jasper and Esme walked out "I want to test your healing ability, Emmett's told me you heal very inhumanly quick." Carlisle said Arielle looked at Emmett, she turned back to Carlisle nodding

Carlisle handed her a knife Emmett stood in front of Arielle in a heart beat "Emmett I need to see if my theories are right." Carlisle said Emmett rolled his eyes "And if their wrong, she gets hurt." Emmett pointed out

"Emmett, I want to know what I am, if stabbing myself a hundred different times is what I have to do I'm going to do it." Arielle said looking at Emmett he sighed moving next to Rosalie and Edward

Carlisle handed the knife to Arielle, Arielle stared at the knife in her hand she slid it deep into her arm the blood slowly coming out it took a few minutes but I did heal "That's pretty awesome." Arielle said happily looking at Carlisle than Emmett.

"An Angel you except me to believe am in Angel?" Arielle questioned Carlisle looking at him as if he had two heads

"Yes, an a guardian angel, you guide the good to a the right path." Carlisle explained Arielle looked confused

"You also protect the good, you have all theses different types of abilites, strength, enhanced hearing, quick healing and other things." Edward added, Arielle looked at them "This explains a lot actually." Arielle said to them

"The thing is Guardian Angels, usually guide the werewolf packs, it's different that you feel at home here." Carlisle added Arielle looked at them, "Wait so I'm supposed to be team werewolf?" Arielle questioned confused looking at Emmett

"No. Well yes. Well it just means your one of the first guardian angels to guide vampires." Edward tried to explain to Arielle

"That's my girl." Emmett said smirking he was very satisfied about the fact that Arielle wouldn't have to be anywhere near the wolves, Arielle rolled her eyes but smiled at her boyfriend, he stood close behind her holding her hand


Arielle sat down on Emmett's bed sitting criss cross, Emmett walked out of the shower with sweats on no shirt, Arielle stared at him she couldn't help stare at his abs and his huge muscles and how godly looking he is "You done staring babe?" Emmett commented amused

Arielle wasn't embarrassed "Nope." Arielle said staring at Emmett perfect lips "There." Arielle said going back to read her book, Emmett chuckled easily lifting her up he sat down sitting her in between his legs he played with her hair

"I love you, you know that?" Emmett asked Arielle slightly turned her body to look at him

"Yeah I know that, I know because I love you too. And I always will love you." Arielle said with a soft smile on her face Emmett grinned cupping her face pulling her into a passionate kiss.


Sorry I haven't updated but here's a knew update. Arielle is an Angel you won't really see her use her abilities just yet but she will very soon. I will also update later on since it's currently 11:47 am here, and I'm very sleep but I promise you that update because I love when Bella comes over to Meet the Cullen Family.

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