{0.3} ✓

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Arielle sighed standing next to Bella against her truck "Why did we agree to coming so early?" Arielle questioned twirling her curl in her finger "Because even if you won't admit it you want to see Emmett." Bella said with a soft smile, Arielle frowned

Arielle covered it up with her famous smirk "Oh don't put this on me when you want to see Edward." Arielle said smugly seeing Bella's eyes widen "So what happened between you and Emmett?" Bella asked curiously Arielle looked at Bella confused

"You're my neighbor, I saw him show up at your door step." Bella said with a small laugh, Arielle rolled her eyes seeing Rosalie's car followed by the others Emmett was standing up on his jeep he smirked at Arielle winking at her

Bella had a smug smile on her face as Emmett continued to stare at her, "Wait- did you two already?" Bella asked awkwardly "God No! Bella! Look just because everyone thinks and says things doesn't mean it's true, like that rumor going around that me and Tyler slept together, if I'm going to have sex I want it to be special and not just for fun." Arielle admitted quietly

"You know that isn't bad, it also isn't bad to care about people." Bella said as Emmett walked behind Rosalie, Alice and Jasper looking at the two girls "I do care, just not about forehead Jessica." Arielle stated with a smirk Bella laughed, Arielle looked at Emmett to see he also laughed he quickly stopped seeing Arielle look at him Arielle just shrugged it off.

Days passed there was no sign of Edward only of his family, Bella and Arielle both thought it was odd and since Arielle didn't like the way Edward was towards Bella, Arielle decided to ignore Emmett until Bella and Edward made amends so she got her seat change in Biology and sat next to Mike.

Arielle walked into class she froze seeing Edward sitting there he gave Arielle a genuine smile but Arielle didn't return it she glared at him walking away going to her seat only to be stopped by Emmett

"Why don't you sit with me, pretty sure Blondie misses his other friend." Emmett said Arielle didn't notice the jealously in his words "Why should I?" Arielle questioned with an annoyed look on her face "Well because I don't understand what we're doing and I know your a genius. " Emmett said with a smug look on his face

Edward couldn't help but chuckle at the two, Arielle looked at Edward than at Emmett "Don't make me regret anything Cullen." Arielle said walking next to Emmett's seat she sat next to Emmett, Emmett pulled out a worksheet as Arielle began to help him "Watcha doin' Red." Mike asked confused at the pair in front of him, Emmett couldn't help but have a smug look on his face knowing all to well what the blonde felt for Arielle

"Strawberry blonde." Emmett corrected Mike looked at him confused, Arielle couldn't fight the smile tugging on her lips "What?" Mike asked confused "She's not a red head, she's a strawberry-blonde." Emmett said to him rolling his eyes at Mike

Arielle looked at Mike giving him an apologetic look "Sorry Mr. Molina move me so I could help Emmett." Arielle said Emmett still had a smug look on his face, Bella couldn't help but smile seeing Emmett and Arielle sitting together, during the past few days Arielle had been ignoring him, and Bella had notice Emmett had tried to get her attention and now he finally had her full attention

"Y-yeah. That's fine." Mike said walking away to sit with Eric, Arielle felt bad Mike is a great guy but Arielle didn't see him that why, Emmett noticed the sad look on her face he grabbed her hand, Arielle shivered not just because he was holding her hand but because he was freezing"God. Your freeze, you should've brought a bigger jacket." Arielle said Emmett couldn't help but chuckle

"Wait is Arielle actually concerned about me?" Emmett questioned Arielle rolled her eyes at him

"Of course not you idiot, but you could get sick." Arielle sassed him Emmett smirked at her "Not possible." Emmett said, Arielle rolled her eyes at him but didn't question him, Arielle turned seeing Edward actually being nice to Bella, Arielle smiled watching the two,

Emmett noticed this he chuckled seeing how happy Arielle is for Bella, he smiled he wondered why she put herself to be this Queen Bitch when she cared for everybody besides Jessica.

The bell rang dismissing the class Arielle gathered her things moving her bag on her shoulder only for Emmett to stop her "Let me." Emmett said giving her a genuine smile he put her bag over his shoulder Arielle giggled at him

Arielle smile fell as Jessica walked over with her annoying self and at the point Emmett hated Jessica very much "Oh hey Ariel." Jessica said Ariel glared at her the nickname was only used by her family and also because Jessica was giving Emmett a flirty look

"Don't call me that. We're not family nor friends." Arielle snapped intertwining her's and Emmett hand walking past Jessica "I hate that bitch so much." Arielle said annoyed Emmett laughed "Your so little, with such a short temper, you know almost as short of yourself." Emmett joked,

Arielle glared at him smiling she playfully shoved him "Shut up." Arielle said Emmett looked at her Arielle looked at him the two laughed "Well I'll see you later." Emmett said

Arielle wasn't surprised when Emmett kissed her forehead handing Arielle her bag, she was most surprised that she just let him do this, she stood there wondering what Emmett was doing to her.


Arielle sighed walking towards her car seeing Bella already there, she moved next to Bella "Hey Bells." Arielle said smiling happily it was genuine it wasn't her face smirk it is an actual smile, Arielle noticed Edward staring at Bella, Arielle smirked "Eddy is staring at you?" Arielle said smugly

Bella turned seeing this but she also noticed Emmett staring at Arielle with such love and adoration in his eyes "Eddy? Really?" Bella questioned Bella noticed Emmett staring at Arielle "And I'm not the only one being stared at." Bella said causing Arielle to look around Arielle's green eyes met with Emmett's gold ones she quickly looked away to hide her blush

Arielle turned hearing a honk Arielle moved to rush out the way but instead Arielle tripped in her heels falling to the ground hitting the floor hard, Edward rushed over his eyes looking at Arielle guilty as he'd only been able to save Bella, Edward took off a different direction before more people surrounded them, 

Bella snapped out of her daze seeing the blood and Arielle passed out "Oh my god! Arielle!" Bella shouted in horror, Bella gently grabbed the strawberry blonde "I called an ambulance, they're on there way." A girl said.


So yup, My poor baby Arielle. Don't worry there will be a lot more Emmett in the next chapter a lot more. And a lot of guilty Bella and Edward.

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