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Arielle sat tide up to one of the wooden stands holding up the ballet studio, Nate tide as well behind her on the same wooden stand his face had blood running down for the right sie of his face

Nate sighed of relief hearing Arielle softly groan in pain, relieved she was alive and James hadn't kill her with a strong blow

Nate knew they couldn't die from human causes but he was still worried "Where am i?" Arielle questioned her voice weak "You don't remember your old ballet studio, you were the Queen of ballet even for a young child." James said smirking he bent down infront of her slowly touching her face

"Don't. Touch. Her." Nate growled Arielle's eyes widen seeing him "Nate?" Arielle asked surprised

"How did I get here?" Arielle asked "Nate used his angel powers to bring you here, well it's not like he had a choice, but not the point, you're here because I want every last drop of your blood." James asked smirking Arielle glared at him

"But I'm going to wait, until Bella Swan arrives." James said smirking Arielle frowned "Why would she come?" Arielle questioned "I may have told her I have her mother." James said smirking "Your sick." Arielle snapped glaring at him

"Been alive a very long time, and this is the most fun I've had in a long time, I want to make it memorable." James said chuckled standing up "So you two just sit tight and wait." James said leaving the two angels tided up.


Arielle and Nate were still tide up Bella walked into the studio seeing Arielle "Ariel." Bella said wide eye also seeing Nate, Bella moved to rush towards them but than heard the sound of her mother's calls

Arielle wanted to scream and tell Bella it was fake, to run but if she said said a word her life and Nate's were in his hands, Bella opened the doors seeing a video of child her and mother "Your a wonderful dancer." Renee tried to encourage her daughter

"Mom I suck." Young Bella said when James appeared behind Bella with a laugh, Bella gasped seeing multiple James' because of the mirrors "That's my favorite part, your a stubborn child weren't you, hmm." James said moving closer to Bella

"She not here." Bella said James chuckled he pinned Bella to the wall "Get off of her!" Arielle shouted  James chuckled "Arielle, why are you throwing your life away for vampires, you could have a family, your own children, you would of made a hella of a great mother." James said looking at the strawberry blonde

James turned back to Bella "You made it to easy, so to make things more entertaining I'm going to film our time together, I borrowed this from your house I hope you don't mind. And action." James said opening the video camera

"It'll break Edward and Emmett's little heart." James said Arielle glared at him "They have nothing to do with this." Bella snapped at James

Bella was pushed back against the wall the camera in her face "Their rage will make for a more interesting sport...let's continue." James said smirking

Bella pepper sprayed him making a run towards Arielle only for James to catch up moving in front of Bella and tossing her aside causing her to hit her head, Arielle was getting tired of watching this, she tried getting out of the ropes

"Stay out of this Arielle." Nate warned her "What kind of Angel would I be to let any of this happen to an innocent human." Arielle snapped the ropes on their arms lighting up in flames

Arielle and Nate's eyes widen Arielle didn't care she stood up tiredly James moving closer towards Bella, Arielle glared at James swing her hand towards the left James flew against the wall

James glared at her but made a run towards Bella stepping hard on her foot "Get. Off of her!" Arielle shouted she speed towards him pushing him against the wall

Nate looked surprised Angels weren't usually supposed to get in between fights they stood by and made sure no one died but here in front of him was a strawberry-blonde angel standing at 5'3 and fighting a vampire

James grabbed her broke a piece of wood stabbing it onto Arielle's leg "Arielle!" Bella shouted just as Edward rushed into pushing James off of her

Edward stared at Arielle and Bella smelling their blood Nate rushed towards Arielle away from James and Edward's fight

"Your alone cause your faster than the others but not stronger." James said slamming him into the mirror Arielle pulled the wood out of her groaning in pain she stood back up rushing towards James and ripping him off of Edward and a cross the room

Edward sped over to Bella lifting her up trying to get her away from here but Arielle moved to cover for Edward and Bella, but James caught hwe tossing her into Nate than into a window James rushed up and stopped Edward from taking Bella

Arielle groaned in pain a mirror part was stabbed into her arm another in her thigh "Screw my life." Arielle said groaning in pain Nate chuckled next to her a large mirror part stabbed into his leg

Arielle and Nate pulled them out to see Bella on the floor pulling a smaller piece of the mirror being pulled out, James moved towards Bella biting into her arm than he moved towards Arielle grabbing her arm

"Your going to make an amazing vampire."

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