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Arielle sat in the car with Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper, she could feel the anger off of Rosalie they others didn't seem to mind, Emmett didn't really care due to the fact that he was in the same position like Edward and Bella except, with Arielle.


Arielle and Emmett were up on the school roof top the two were in a comfortable silence, Arielle looked at Emmett "You want to ask me something babe?" Emmett questioned Arielle with an amused look on his face

"How- how did you come to be a vampire?" Arielle asked Emmett he looked at her he could see the curiosity in her eyes "1953" Emmett rolled his eyes at the amused look on Arielle's face, Emmett still couldn't help but smile at her lovingly "I was a bit of a risk taker, didn't listen to what my parents wanted me to do, I drank a lot, flirted with many women." Emmett explained with a smirk on his face He looked at Arielle, Arielle scoffed rolling her eyes at him. 

Emmett smirked he could feel the jealously radiating off of her,"But of course my life was cut short when I was mauled by a bear in the mountains of Tennessee. I can still remember it's dark eyes, it's teeth ripping through my flesh." Emmett continued to explain Arielle's eyes soften she gently squeezed Emmett's hand

"Rosalie was the one to find me, she requested Carlisle to turn me. Apparently I looked like her best friends child, Henry." Emmett told Arielle,

Arielle looked at him "Did you and Rosalie ever?" Arielle asked Emmett looked at her sighing "Yeah. But we were never into each other in that way in the way, I'm so into you." Emmett explained "I love you." Emmett said to her Arielle smiled "I love you too." Arielle said to him

Emmett now looked at her curiously "Yes? Babe?" Arielle questioned looking at Emmett "What did you want in the future?" Emmett asked Arielle's face light up

"I want to be a lawyer, I've always wanted to be something important, but I wanted a family, I never got to have the happy family, so I've always wanted to have a child of my own, get married have our own home." Arielle explained her face feel to see Emmett looking guilty

Emmett felt guilty because he couldn't give her a family, her own family "But things have change and the one thing I'm sure I want now is you." Arielle said to Emmett

"I want you too, I want you so much. " Emmett said kissing her Arielle smiled she kissed Emmett back.

Arielle decided to go home get some rest she drove to her house to see Bella outside washing her truck, "Hey Bells." Arielle said smiling at Bella, Bella smiled hugging the strawberry blonde girl, "How are you?" Arielle asked Bella curiously "Fine, Edward told me you knew about him and his family." Bella said Arielle tensed

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Arielle simply said "No it's fine, Edward told me you didn't want to tell a secret when it wasn't yours to tell." Bella said with a soft smile "Well, I'm going to take a shower, I'll see you soon Bells." Arielle said walking to her house Arielle watched amused as Edward jumped out to her truck scaring her since she had just put on her headphones.

Arielle walked inside her house quickly changing out of her clothes and getting into a shower, she got out of the shower her eyes landed on the house phone, She heard it beeping she covered her ears as if the noise was beeping so close to her ears

She slammed the house phone trying to quiet it only to answer the voice mails "Hey Arielle I just wanted to call and make sure you were doing fine since the last time I saw you, if you don't know who this is, it's Paul."

Arielle smiled a bit as she deleted the voice mails, she got dressed again, walking out of her house to see Edward and Bella still talking

"Arielle you need a ride, I'm taking off." Edward said to the strawberry blonde who nodded hugging Bella as they left not before Jacob and his father showed up eyeing Edward.

"So I invited Bella to come over tomorrow, meet the family, and since your part of the family now you have to be there." Edward pointed out Arielle laughed

"Edward I'm staying at your place of course I'm going to be there." Arielle pointed out Edward rolled his eyes but smiled at the girl they walked back into the house.


Okay this is a very short chapter I'm so sorry but my favorite parts of the movie will be coming up so those will be very long also next chapter will also explain more of what Arielle is and Arielle's family history. Please Vote and Comment.

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