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Arielle had wondered off in the middle of the night, Emmett had been in the bathroom when he'd notice she was gone, Emmett felt his whole world collapse at the thought of Arielle being taken, or hurt, he'd promised himself he'd protect her and here he is losing her.

Emmett rushed out of the room "Carlisle!" Emmett shouted the whole family rushed out of they're rooms "What? Is so important in the middle of the night?" Rosalie questioned rolling her eyes "Arielle, sh-shes gone one minute she is laying peacefully a sleep on the bed next thing I know she's gone." Emmett said

The Cullen Family looked confused "You and Rosalie stay here, well find her." Edward suggested Emmett scoffed "And leave her ilife in your hands, I'm going to get my girl and I'm going to bring her back home and make sure she's safe and sound." Emmett said to them

Alice stayed quiet they turned to her "Alice what do you know?" Emmett asked "I can't see her, I don't see her anymore it's like she's g-" Emmett was cut off

"Don't. Say it." Emmett growled at Alice rushing out of the house.


Arielle walked through the woods almost in a robotic way, Arielle didn't even notice the massive wolf following closely behind her watching her every move,  Arielle finally snapped out of her state when she heard a twig snap she turned around staring at the wolf it slowly moved closer to her,

Arielle didn't feel like she would have to run for her life, the wolf than turned around and ran off Arielle watched it.


"Where have you been Emmett's been worried sick about you?" Rosalie questioned a bit angry but also concerned

Rosalie looked at Arielle, noticing how pale Arielle had become and how she shivered violently

Rosalie quickly grabbed a blanket wrapping it around Arielle, Arielle felt weak she collapsed but Rosalie caught the strawberry blonde, Rosalie lifted Arielle onto the couch calling the others, Emmett rushed throw the house "Arielle? Ari." Emmett said rushing towards her the rest of the family following closely behind

Rosalie walked back into the living room "Get her into the shower before she dies of hypothermia." Rosalie told Emmett, Emmett quickly lifted up Arielle bridal style in to one of the restrooms "We got her from here." Alice told Emmett, Emmett looked unsure of leaving her

"Emmett, we got her. Don't worry." Rosalie said to him Emmett nodded walking out of the bathroom Rosalie closing the door after him.


Emmett stared at Arielle who layed peacefully asleep on the couch, she was changed into one of Emmett's sweats and sweaters, "What's happening to her?" Emmett asked his family they all looked confused and not sure of what to say afraid Emmett would get angry

"I don't know, but I'll find out." Carlisle promised Emmett, Emmett nodded "It's was cold." The family turned to Arielle, Arielle looked at them tiredly, Rosalie walked over handing her a cup of hot chocolate "Thank you." Arielle said to her Rosalie nodded moving back to give her space

"Arielle where did you go off too?" Alice asked Arielle "Farther into the woods, I don't remember walking their it was like I was in this zombie state." Arielle said to them she stared at the hot chocolate

"What happened?" Emmett asked worried "They're was a wolf, a huge one." Arielle said the Cullen Family tensed up hearing this,"It's why I couldn't see her anymore, because she was with the wolf." Alice explained to the family

"The wolf stared at me, I think it followed me for awhile." Arielle told them Emmett clenched his jaw angry and a bit jealous, "Why would it follow you?" Rosalie asked her curiously "Do you think it wanted to hurt you?" Esme asked

"No. No it didn't want to kill me it was watching over me like it was..." Arielle was cut off "Trying to protect you." Carlisle finished Emmett glared at the floor "Well leave you both to talk." Carlisle said moving the rest of the family out of the living room.

Emmett and Arielle sat in silence "You okay?" Arielle asked him Emmett chuckled "Ari you were in the woods at a freezing night like this and your asking me if I'm okay?" Emmett questioned

Arielle nodded "I can't lose you Arielle, If I lose you I'd go out of my damn mind, and I don't think you get that, I don't think you get the fact that you getting hurt would kill me." Emmett confessed to her

Arielle cupped his face "Emmett I love you so much, and I don't think you get that if it mean't getting hurt to protect you I'd do it in a heart beat." Arielle told him honestly

Emmett kissed her gently cupping her face Arielle kissed him back sitting on his lap they broke apart he leaned his forehead on hers

"I'm going to protect you Arielle." Emmett said to her holding on to the women he loves.


My babes are so perfect they are so meant for each other and it'd suck for something or someone to try and tear my cinnamon rolls apart 😈😉. Sorry I haven't updated my interests been sucky lately. Please Vote and Comment.

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