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Arielle sighed driving to school, she parked in her usual parking space opening the door only to hear a loud hit she turned around, "Oh my god. I'm sorry I didn't mean that at all." Arielle said worried looking over the tall boy making sure he wasn't badly hurt

The guy chuckled "It's fine love, I like getting hit by doors from pretty girls." He said giving her a cheeky smile, Arielle smiled excitedly hearing his deep British accent "I love your accent." Arielle said "Thank you."

"So you must be new here right? I've never seen you here." Arielle told him he nodded with a smile on his face "Yeah I just moved here from London." He said to her "Oh I'm Nathan Daniels, you can call me Nate." He told her sticking his hand out

Arielle gladly shook his hand "Arielle. Arielle Bennett. It's nice to meet you." Arielle said the two smiled at each other.


"Bella this is Nate, Nate this is Bella." Arielle introduced her two,  Nate and Bella smiled at each other

The three looked around Nathan noticed Edward staring at Bella, and Emmett staring at Arielle, Arielle had looped her arms with Nate's as they walked, Nate noticed the pissed off look on Emmett's face and a confused look on Edward's, 

 Arielle unlocked her arm from Nate's flipping her hair away from her face as Arielle confidently walked towards there table with Bella and Nate smiling they followed after the strawberry blonde

"Hey. The push, you three in?" Eric said to Bella, Nate and Arielle, they'd all met Nate in the earlier periods "Should I know what that means?" Bella asked them "LA Push Beach, were all coming tomorrow." Mike explained staring at Arielle making her uncomfortable she still felt bad for turning him down

"And I don't just surf the Internet. " Eric said Jessica rolled her eyes "Eric you stood up once and it was a foam board." Jessica told him "And there's whale watching too, come with us." Angela said staring at Arielle, Bella and Nate

"I can't." Arielle and Nate said in unison causing the group to look at them suspiciously, "We can't. I'm going to help him study and catch up on what we are doing." Arielle said to them with a smirk Nate quickly agreed with Arielle, Bella had agreed to go.

Arielle and Bella had walked over to get more food Arielle noticed Edward talking to Bella, Arielle rolled her eyes turning away from them only to come face to chest with Emmett's chest,

Arielle stepped back "What do you want?" Arielle asked rolling her eyes "I want to talk." Emmett said moving closer to her she stopped him placing her hand on his chest

"No you listen to me. I like you Emmett, but I'm not putting myself through your games. And I'm sick and tired of your lies, I know your hiding something from me, like the fact that you can hear things when we're not even in close distance your extremely cold, your eyes turn really black from gold, it's like your a v-" Arielle cut herself off

Emmett froze "I-i have to go."Arielle stuttered the strawberry-blonde very stuttered Emmett looked at her she moved back bumping into Edward "Stay away from me okay." Arielle said rushing out of there so quick.


Arielle looked up on the Internet old vampire stories and facts, she knew what Emmett was she  just didn't know if Emmett is only and if his family entire family is,

Arielle stopped hearing the door bell ring she looked out the window seeing Nate, Arielle opened the door "Hey? What are you doing here?" Arielle asked "You want answers right, answers on Emmett and his family." Nate said Arielle looked surprised at how Nate knew "And I thought you were a normal british boy." Arielle said Nate let out a laugh "Far from normal love." Nate said walking inside.

Arielle and Nate were currently in her bedroom as Nate explained to her about vampires, "Wait- so I'm right they're vampires, also known as the cold ones that's why they hear things so clearly, that's why Edward got to Bella quickly, it's how he saved her." Arielle said putting in together

"Your really smart Arielle, you know it takes people forever to find out about Cold ones." Nate said looking around her room he stopped seeing some drawings

"And it seems like your mind knew it before you did." Nate said holding a picture one of huge giant werewolves and the others of the Cullen Family, Arielle frowned grabbing her drawings

"I don't remember drawing any of theses." Arielle said to him honestly.


Arielle sighed running a hand through her hair she looked over her drawings she'd drawn so many of Emmett, and the Cullen's

Arielle looked up from her drawings to see Emmett "You can walk through the door like the human beings, you and your family are trying to pretend to be." Arielle snapped"Is that why you started talking to me, so I could be your own personal blood bag?" Arielle questioned

"Arielle it's not like that. I love you, I have since the day I took you to the hospital, I stayed away from you because I'm a monster." Emmett said, Arielle shook head moving towards him their bodies touching there was no space between the two "That's not true." Arielle said gently lifting his face so he'd look at her

"Emmett your not a monster." Arielle said softly Emmett looked at her confused "Than what am I?" Emmett questioned her "Your Emmett." Arielle said to him with a soft smile he cupped her face kissing her she instantly kissed him back his hands moving to her waist

The two pulled apart "You got to stop pushing me away Emmett, we're in this together now." Arielle said with a smile Emmett chuckled

"I love you too." Arielle added smiling at him Emmett's face broke out into a huge grin he gently lifted her up off the ground spinning he kissed her she giggled into the kiss causing Emmett to smile

"But you have to tell me everything. " Arielle told him.

So I lied they were closer to being together than you thought. Okay so my two cinnamon rolls are together things are going to be a lot more better for the two. As a couple couple I kind of picture them as badass, and loyal as Scallison, but also witty, cocky, and sarcastic, as Klaus and Caroline. BTW there is a reason Nate is now in the book, and also Nate is played by Daniel Sharman cause I love him.

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