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Arielle grinned as Rosalie was the first to hit "You got this Rosie." Arielle said grinning Arielle was next to bat and she was excited, Rosalie smiled towards Arielle she'd warm up to the strawberry blonde and only towards the strawberry blonde

Rosalie still didn't give two shits for Bella, and she probably wouldn't for the longest, Arielle giggled watching her boyfriend "How did I ever get so lucky." Arielle said sarcastically Bella laughed

"It's time." Alice said said looking at Rosalie, Rosalie nodded towards the small pixie haired brunette

Alice tossed the ball so fast Arielle stared amazement, she was a bit neverous since this would be her first real time using her speed and strength with The Cullen's

Rosalie hit the baseball just as the thunder hit excitement filled the small strawberry blonde as she watched the tall blonde make a run for it "Okay now I see why you need the thunder." Bella commented just as amazed as Arielle

Edward went running after the ball "That's got to be a home run." Arielle said watching Rosalie, "Edward's very fast." Esme simply said as the ball came flying back towards Esme who caught it just as Rosalie slid towards the base

"Out! Whoa!" Emmett shouted excitedly Arielle rolled her eyes but smiled at her childish boyfriend, Arielle bent down next to Rosalie "Rosie come on its just a game." Arielle said softly not wanting to anger the blonde even more

The three girls stood up Rosalie glaring at the brunette infront of her Bella looked away as Rosalie passed her.

Next was Arielle's turn to hit she smirked "Don't hold back, monkey man." Arielle said looking at her boyfriend, "Don't worry babe I won't." Emmett said smugly Arielle rolled her eyes and laughed

"You got this just focus alright Ariel, one of us has got to make a home run." Rosalie encourage Arielle just notice how tall Rosalie was compared to her

Arielle nodded "Don't worry Rosie, I got this." Arielle said the two girls smirked at one another

Alice looked at Arielle, Arielle nodded towards Alice, Alice tossed the ball as Arielle, Arielle hit it so hard surprising all of them, Arielle ran and she ran fast, Both Emmett and Edward looked up at the ball both jumping into the air only to collide together giving Arielle an advantage

Arielle slide towards the base grinning knowing she made it, she looked to see Edward and Emmett laughing on the ground

Jasper went up next hitting the ball just as hard as them he took off running Emmett jumping up the trees and getting the ball

"My monkey man." Arielle said smirking Rosalie and Esme smiled at Arielle, who stared at her boyfriend with the proudest look on her face, Emmett tossed the ball back.

The Cullen's continued to play for quite the while Arielle enjoyed playing it reminded her of when she was much younger, she her parents Derek and Delia would play, it made her even happier when she realized this was the same field they had also played on

But Arielle frowned getting this weird feeling Emmett looked at Arielle seeing her freeze, Arielle looked towards a different direction of the woods in fear

"Somethings wrong." Arielle said causing them to look at Arielle, Alice had also stopped in the middle of the game "Stop!" Alice shouted causing all the Cullen's to rush together Emmett gently grabbing Arielle moving her protectively behind him

Battle Cry (Emmett Cullen) {1}Where stories live. Discover now