Chapter II : A Dream beyond Reality

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     Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. It was freaking horrible. It felt almost like a nightmare. It was a nightmare. But it wasn't completely like that. The guy in my dream was nowhere near of being a monster or a ghost. He was very beautiful. Beautiful was the understatement of the year. I couldn't find a word to describe him, so I would just settle for that word. It was the closest I could think. The only thing I was horrified of my dream was the strangeness of the guy and how he could do things freely with or without any of my restrictions. And I didn't like that.

    I bury my face more on the pillow and sighed. "It was a very bad dream."

    "What was it about?"

    I felt my body tensed up. My chest went up and down rapidly from my erratic breathing. There was no way I could forget that bass tone voice that once called my name. I found myself moving slowly to my back and for sure there he was; leaning on the wall across me. He was fully clothed now. Wearing a white button up shirt with the first three buttons undone and a black pants. His hands were tucked in his front jean's pocket, his hair looked gold with the sun's ray shining over his head from the window at the other corner of the room. He had a warm smile on his flawless face that made me swoon. I had no idea how long I was gaping at him but I realize that I was still in my dream. I closed my eyes to block it all, to block him out to let myself get back to reality and wake myself up.

    A loud familiar ring of my alarm clock made me relax. I was finally back. Though there was an unexpected pang of disappointment in me knowing I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. I had to go on and get over this. I remember I had a reaction paper to submit and I still need two paragraphs to complete it. I groaned and opened my eyes and was greeted again by the beautiful guy who was wearing a smile, now wider and was reaching his eyes.

     "Good Morning." He said, his eyes twinkling in amusement.

    I screamed, springing out of my bed towards my bedroom door, out to the living room , passing the kitchen and dining room and straight to the main door. I grabbed the knob but halted when I saw a movement at the dining room. I whipped my head to the side and found the guy pouring a bottle of water to one of my wine glass that I never used before.

    "H— did you get there so fast?" my voice was small. There was nooo way he could get there that soon when I left him standing in my room just seconds ago.

   His purple eyes traveled to meet mine. "Eat and I'll tell you."


    "What?" I was suddenly fully aware of the mouthwatering scent all over the place and the savory appetizing look of all the foods on the table. I snapped my eyes back at him and found him smiling widely at me.

    Okay... Maybe I'm still in my dream.

    Or stuck in my dream.

    "Please take a sit and eat your breakfast." He pulled one of the delicately carved wooden chairs out to invite me in.

    "NO!" I stepped back, feeling the hard wood of my main door against my back.

    The guy audibly sighed. "I don't want you to be late for your class. Come here and eat." His eyes were full of concern as I stare at them wide.

    "Tell me I'm dreaming. Tell me this is a dream." I looked around at my familiar unit. Nothing changed. This dream was very vivid and detailed. Almost seemed like reality, only it wasn't. I need to wake up. I need to get out of this weird dream. I closed my eyes and pinched my arm but when I open my eyes he was still there. I closed them again and pinch, this time; harder.

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