Chapter X : Sick Sick Sick

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   A heavy truck loaded with bricks or a family of elephant – My body felt like it was buried in either of those two, but there was nothing really, except for my cotton blanket. I had no idea how long I was lying down my bed. I couldn't move any of my limbs without feeling any discomfort and my eyes were constantly in fire and were stuck glued close. My throat felt swollen and it was hard to swallow anything even my own freaking saliva.

   Something cold and soft laid down my forehead and I shivered as a whimper escaped between my lips, I shut my eyes even tightly. Stop! Get away from me!!!

  The stubborn thing didn't listen to me. It stayed there like a crap teaser. Taking a deep breathe, I moved my left hand and tried to reach for it. I moved slow like a dying turtle and before I could reach the damn thing, a hand covered mine and gently placed it back where it was before.

   "It'll help lower your fever, Eri." Uruha's voice instantly calmed me down.

   For the past few hours, since the start of this shitty shit happening to me, Uruha didn't leave. I knew, because if he wasn't holding my hand, he was attending to my needs: the medicines, the foods and drinks.

  With the warmth of his hand covering mine, my breath evened and soon I was pulled into a dreamless sleep.

   A gentle melody awoke me from a deep sleep. The strum of guitar chord echoed softly through out the room. It was a slow, sad tune. Then I heard a low hum. The hum accompanied the strum and soon, words and guitar filled the place. I willed myself to open my damn eyes because the owner of that voice was just too heavenly not to watch.

   The fluorescent was off. The lamp on my night stand was the only thing giving a dim light. All of my windows were close behind the orange silk curtains; it was dark outside too. I tilted my head to the other side and that was when I was showered with glory.

   Uruha was sitting on a chair, playing an acoustic guitar. He was looking down the floor as he sang softly. I was not familiar with the song, but it instantly became my favorite. I watched him as he sang the words out of his lips with such emotion that I could feel. His voice echoed through out the four sides of my room and reached me. His voice reached my skin, enveloped my heart and wrapped around my soul.

   When all words were sang out and the last chord faded into silence, I felt better and much sicker. My body was feeling a lot better than the last time I was awake, I could move without a hard time and was not feeling cold anymore.

   Yet I was sick. I was sick for another reason. I was sick because of this sudden feeling that I had towards the guy in front of me. This feeling was nourished day by day by him and now it bloomed beautiful. I was afraid of it, even how beautiful it was – I was afraid it would writhe once I touch it. So I decided to ignore and continue as if it never bloomed. As if the seed was never planted.

   "Hi." His voiced pulled me back to the now.

   My eyes caught his. The dark purple eyes locked to mine in concern.

   "Hi." My voice cracked. I took a deep breathe and pulled my blanket up to my chin as I look up the ceiling.

   Uruha stood up and placed the guitar on the seat he evacuated before walking to me and placing his palm on my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

   "Good. Better." I cleared my throat before continuing. "That was a great song. What is it?"

   He smiled his warm smile and took his hand away from me. "It's something I made. I can't think of a title yet."

   I smiled back. "You made a song...Is there something that you can't do?"

   He chuckled and the sound radiated in me, I turned to look at the other side.

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