Chapter III : Trance In Deep Tranquility

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    I scribbled my thoughts on the white paper on my table. Just one more paragraph then I'd be done and I could go home. Our Physical Education today was very exhausting – volleyball should be banned. I wanted to submerge in a nice jasmine bath and soothing music once I get back to my apartment. And I could only do that fast if I finish this essay crap soon.

    What could I say about the political dynasty? Well, as long as it wouldn't affect my life then I don't give a single fuck. But of course, in every English subject it was a must to dig in to your head and come up with a satisfying, approving answers and ideas. I was pretty sure my balding teacher who was walking around the room wouldn't be happy to know what I really think of this topic.

    I furiously wrote the last sentence of my whatsoever essay and almost tore the paper when I put more pressure on the pen when I ended it with a dot.

    Oru stood up and headed to Mr. Parker's desk, as ever the first one. I stood up when she was on her way back to her seat. I passed Aika's desk, disturbing her silently by nudging her right arm that 'caused a straight line over the word she was writing. I suppressed a smile and continue my way over the bald. He nodded at me when he took my paper and I went back to my desk with Aika glaring at me. I reached down for my bag, ready to go out but I saw the way Kimuu looked at me disapprovingly. I groaned. I remember I promised that I would go with them to see a movie today. But the whole day was so tiring and bewildering specially when...

    No, I shouldn't go there.    

   I sighed and sat back down my seat, defeated.

     As I wait for the others to finish, I found myself staring down at my pointing finger which was covered in a brown band-aid on the tip. I played with it carefully; I could still feel the dull pain inside. What happened earlier might be an aftermath of my stress the past few days. He was an imagination that my head was very happy to show me for a taste of derangement. I didn't like it. Though the way he looks had me a second thought. I shook my head rapidly and my heart inappropriately thudded a little faster.

    "I hope they make the sequel soon!" Aki gushed when we head out of the cinema. The movie was nice. It was an adaptation from a famous anime series about this guy in the samurai era.

    "I read they started the casting." Kimuu chewed on one of her chocolate bars and the information brightened Aki's face even more. I rolled my eyes.

    We head out of the mall's exit and turned to the right busy road. Just a few more minutes then I'd be submerged in my bathtub with jasmine and warm water to sooth this tiredness out of me. I'd be free to watch the movies my parents had delivered to me. I'd be...


    I stopped on my tracks when my gaze settled on a pair of dark purple eyes across the street. My heart missed a beat and my breathing was halted. My freakin mind was messing around with me again, but maybe not after I heard what Aika asked.

    "Why is that guy looking at you? Do you know him?" It would be impossible for her to see the pigment of my mind.

    " can see him?" I know I sounded like I saw a ghost of past Halloween. But my reason was no where near that.

    Oru moved to me. "As handsome as that? Of course anyone will see him!"

    I had nothing against her compliment. But handsome was the understatement of the century. And how the hell could they see him?

    The guy started his way over, his eyes not leaving mine. They twinkle when his lips curled into a warm smile. I didn't know what to do so I stood there watching like I was seeing a murderer closing in. He was wearing the same thing this morning... in my dream... whatever. When he was just a few feet away he tore his gaze away from mine and he scanned my friends.

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