Chapter I : The First Glimpse

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   The greenhouse that was presented just right outside my side's window was beautiful. It never failed to tantalize my eyes with its lovely structure. The green vines snaked around the wood railings along the glassed two doors. Different kinds of flowers were blossoming at the rectangular pot at the entrance of the huge house. There were white, red and pink roses alternating with yellow tulip. But only one thing had my sight transfixed on the place; that was the sakura tree just a few feet away from the entrance. It was blossoming freely. There were already pink petals scattered around the ground. One day I would pick some of the petals and tuck it inside a random page on one of my books.

   "—Am I right, Eri?" I heard the familiar annoyed tone of our physics teacher pulling me back to the now.

   I turned my attention back to her and offered my dead-pan look. "Yeah."

   She went back to the discussion after that and because I didn't want any attention towards me again, I didn't dare float to different place again and just stared at the salt-pepper haired woman in her late forties as she continue talking in front of the class about how important finding the x of y was. After a century, the bell finally rang and freed us from our invisible captivity. Our capturer went out with her books and purse without saying another word.

   "Where did you go?" Aki asked me all of a sudden when I stood up from my seat. She had the shortest hair in our class and it fitted her just right.

   I reached for my bag and put the annoyingly heavy book of calculus in my protesting, bulging bag. "What do you mean?" I turned to face her, putting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

   "Mrs. Misuno called you; What were you doing? " Oru joined the inquisition, looking very confused with a scowl. Her curly brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail.

   Oh this is great. Is it too unbelievable to be called by a teacher because I was doing nothing good for the... first time? "The sakura caught my attention." I admitted.

   Kimuu, the youngest of our circle joined us. Her straight dark brown hair reached just below her shoulder. She grinned at me, a wicked accusing one. "Saga was there wasn't he?"

   Saga. My long time crush. I flushed. The tallest guy I know with a blond hair and perfect body. Unfortunately he had no idea that I was eying him since the opening ceremony back when we were still freshmen. We were friends. Yes, I got to be one of his friends but I know it was just that and it wouldn't lead into something more. I didn't put my hopes up since I knew I had no chance. I didn't dare confess too. I knew it would be silly and it might break the friendship I earnestly build.

   "Can you guys come with me to the mall? I need to buy something." Aika came up, sounding urgent. Her wavy brown hair settled just above her hip. And right now I was thankful to her for changing the topic.

   "Sure!" I answered merely in a hurry and headed towards the door.

   I had to buy. My subconscious was scowling at me when I gave my last money to the cashier. He punched the sealed album of my favorite band towards the scanner then typed in something to the machine. I didn't care if I wouldn't be able to buy or eat anything for the next few days. I had to buy the damn album. I had to hear their new songs.

   The brunette cashier smiled at me when he handed the plastic bag which carried the precious album inside. I hastily grabbed the bag and marched out of the store. I couldn't wait to get back home. I was never this too excited to be back at my apartment.

   We parted ways after Aika brought a fluorescent from the hardware. We were the same in some ways. We were both living alone in the unsettling comfort of an empty apartment of the city. Though the difference was that she wanted to live by herself and it was opposite when it comes to me. Well. I never wanted to live alone but I had no choice.

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