Chapter V : Demand with Grace

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    I couldn't fathom that I believed everything what Uruha said. I knew it sounded very insane but there was something deep inside me that made me believe it all – that made me trust him.

    Last night after dinner, I stayed in the calmness of warm water in my bath. I rerun our conversation before and over dinner in my mind while staring at my covered wound. It was unnerving, what was currently happening to me. I never expect something like this to happen. Hell, who would expect that one day an angel would land on their balcony.

   There was a benefit of having an angel living with you. When I woke up, there were delicious foods on the table ready to dive into my tummy. I left Uruha reading one of my textbooks as I get ready for school. He was wearing a different set of clothes today, White t-shirt paired with dark jeans and boots. He really looked gloriously...human. Where did he get those?

   When I got back out of my bathroom he was still there, like he didn't move an inch. It looked like I had a statue on my couch, a beautiful one.

    Once again, He moved in a flash when I strode to get my bag pack near the drawer. He was beside me then suddenly he was bending down to get my bag then he was in front of me, handing it to me.

   "Where are you going?" I asked him dubiously when he held the door open as I was about to step out.

    Uruha looked down at me like I was a scientific experiment. "I told you, I have to be wherever you are."

    My eyes go bulged like they would come out of their sockets. l shook my head furiously. "NO WAY!"

    He laughed, his eyes were smiling. Uruha opened the door wider almost getting ahead of me but I jumped out hurriedly then I turned and looked up at him.

    "They can't see you! I'll be fine." I tried to look pleading but, I really didn't know how to look like one; so maybe I looked between frustrated and sad – I might've looked crazy because Uruha chuckled.

    "They won't see me. I promise."  He gazed down at me sincerely and I had no choice but to nod because I was defeated by his expression.

    He smiled that warm smile."I'll see you at the entrance." Then at a flash of massive soft winds, he was gone.

    The lift brought me the ground floor. Greeting me with her wide smile was Mrs. Tanomi who was sweeping the white tiled floor. "Good Morning, Eri."

    "Good Morning!" I smiled.

    Her smile lessened and was replaced by curious expression. "Who's that guy with you?"

    My body went rigid. I looked back hurriedly but there was no one with me, not even a beautiful angel. I looked back at her with my brows pulling together.

   "I meant the guy yesterday. He went out of your apartment right after you got out." She wasn't poking her nose around but it was because she felt that I was in her care. And seeing a guy went out of a girl's apartment who hadn't ever brought someone in her apartment ever ever ever before was really surprising.

   I bit my lower lip. I hadn't ready a reply to this question because I never expect Mrs. Tanomi to find out. Oh it was just the guy who suddenly appeared at my balcony the other night and told me that he was my angel and he said that he has to guide me. Insane huh?

   "He was... uh.. my cousin. He was just visiting."

   Liar, liar! My subconscious mocked me. I ignored her.

   "Ah! I see... Have a great day, honey." She had the warm smile of a mother. Like my mom's. I missed seeing her smile. I nodded and didn't dwell on the sudden feeling that emerged in me.

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