Frights and Feelings

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Enjoy! :)

Laura's POV

It was 6.30am on another Monday morning and I was already awake and getting myself ready to head down to the Austin and Ally set.

"Done!" I cheered.

So, I've got 2 hours to kill. Great... I honetly don't know why I get up so early! I guess it's just a me thing.

Well, might just watch some re-runs of A&A.

2 hours later...

"Ooh! I love this episode!" I exclaimed. I was watching Secrets and Songbooks.

"Wow! Ross, you look sexy! Even in orange!" I said in a daze. Yeah , Yeah, No, NO!!!

"LAURA! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!?" I shouted at myself.

I heard a voice behind me say, "You just said that Ross was sexy! Hehe!"

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed possibly deafening people in China while shielding my head with my arms in fear.

Then, I heard a familiar laugh behind me, I slowly turned around to see... RAINI! My fellow cast member, laughing hysterically whilst I was boiling over with anger.

"RAINI RODRIQUEZ!!! What the HELL! What are you doing here!?!?!" I half shouted and half asked.

"Woah! Of course. I should definetly not be here, it's not like you asked me to pick you up because your car broke down (A/N: In this story, Laura, Ross, Raini and Calum all can drive!) in the middle of the street yesterday! Or something like that..." She said sarcastically with a slight smirk on her face.

"Ugh, I hate it when you're right!" I said jokingly.

"Well, I don't know about you but being right just comes naturally to moi." She replied in an posh accent before walking out to her car.

I just sat on my sofa staring into the abyss. I couldn't stop thinking about what I said about Ross. I mean we've been best friends for 2 years now. I couldn't like my best friend or could I? Maybe I sh-

"Laura!!! Hurry UP! We're gonna be late!!" She screamed out of her car window while honking her horn. I quickly ran out of my house and into Raini's car.

"Raini, about this morning. Uh, can we just forget about what I said? You know, I was just caught up in the moment." I said.

She looked at me as if to say 'Really, that's the best you could do?' but yet she didn't say a thing the whole trip.

Maybe I do like Ross or maybe I don't. I hope this just blows over. I can't ruin our friendship just because of some mixed feelings.


Thanks so much for reading!

I know this is horrible, but I'm new at this sooo...

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