Sorry, I forgot to update yesterday!! Thank you for all of the comments on the previous chapter! I love reading the comments!! Enjoy this chapter!!
--------------Chiaki stood by the window, looking at the gray sky that let out drops of water, making puddles in the small potholes of the street. To his dismay, it happened to be raining the day he wanted to go outside with you.
Noticing your son's saddened state, you walked up to him and crouched down next to him, looking at the rain.
"Mommy, I wanted to go outside with you.." He sadly said as he turned to you, tears welling in his small grey eyes. Bring your hand up to his cheek, you wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled.
"Hey, we can always go outside another day okay? How about I make you your favorite food?" His eyes lightened up a bit as his small lips curved into a smile, making you smile back. "You can help me too okay?" You asked as you stood up and held out your hand for him.
Giggling, he held your hand and nodded, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "Okay~"
"Is it almost ready?" Chiaki asked as he sat at the table with multiple crayons around him. While the two of you were cooking, he had gotten a bit tired so you let him color instead, which seemed to help him.
"Almost, I'll let you get the first bowl okay?" You answered, putting the ramen noodles into the small bowl for Chiaki. "Yes!" He exclaimed as he began to color again.
"Izuki? Come to the table! Ramen is almost ready!" After those words, you heard small footsteps coming down the hallway and soon Izuki appeared at the table, taking a seat next to Izuki. "What were you doing in your room all alone?" You asked, trying to make small talk with your quiet son.
He shrugged, "I was doing math." Your mouth formed an 'O' shape as you poured the ramen soup onto the noodles before placing them in front of your boys.
"You do like math, how is it going for you?" He shrugged at you, "It was okay." Izuki softly replied before he mumbled a small "Itadakimasu." He picked up his small chopsticks and started eating.
Izuki took a lot after Kaneki. His soft black hair, his soft grey eyes, even his personality. At a younger age, Izuki was a shy, soft and sweet boy. He would get flustered whenever he was ever complimented by people at the convenience stores.
But he would love the affection you showed him as a mother, the small pecks on the noses and the way you would hold him to sleep. But now, he's a bit more stubborn, more quiet and he isolates himself from people, even you.
Chiaki on the other side, has taken his personality from you. He does have Kaneki's black hair and grey eyes but Chiaki's a softy. He loves hugs and he loves talking to anybody. He's a bundle of joy.
"If you ever need help come ask me okay?" He nodded as he continued to eat his ramen.
You didn't enroll them in school because you could barely afford it and it was going to be too much on your hands. So you would teach the two boys whenever you were home. Since Izuki was 8 years old, he would go to a small tutoring session down the street, which was completely free.
Chiaki being 5, was a bit too young for the tutors to teach him so you taught him yourself, which you didn't mind at all. Even though you had to work with teaching your sons and keeping up with a tough job, you did it to make sure they had a good future.
The rain hadn't stopped yet, the sky was still grey and the atmosphere was still low. Chiaki and Izuki were in their room studying small problems or playing with their toys. You on the other hand, treated yourself to a good book and a nice book that you have been reading at night each day.
Shifting to a comfortable position on the couch, you opened the book to where you left off and started to read,
The book was about a young lady who fallen in love with her childhood best friend and they developed a relationship and had gotten married, but tragedy struck when he died in a terrible accident as he was on his way to the hospital to see his wife give birth. When she had gotten the news, she cried into her newborn son, saddened at the fact he had never gotten to see his son and having the love of her life pass. One day she sees his ghost and was able to communicate with him, and he was finally able to see his son.
You sighed happily as you finished the book and placed it down on the coffee table in front of you. You were a sucker for books like those. Hearing small feet run down the hallway, you looked toward the hallway and noticed Chiaki run toward you, but he tripped in the process.
"Chiaki!" You cried as you jumped you of the couch and saved him before his head had hit the floor. Sighing at your save, you got him up onto his feet before he unexpectedly hugged you.
Your eyes widened a bit at the affection, but quickly melted into his small hug, hugging the small boy back. In your ear he whispered a small, "I love you mommy~" That made you pecker his face with small kisses.
"I finished mom." Izuki stated as he held out his worksheet filled with math problems. "Thank you sweetie." You replied as you set the piece of paper down on the coffee table next to the book. "Come here." Izuki looked at you confused before he turned around and was met with your arms around his small body. "You're doing a great job, i'm proud of you."
He whispered a small "Thanks." before trying to get out of your grasp. You pouted at him, "Aww, come on don't be mean to mommy! Can you give me a kiss?"
He turned around and gave you a look of annoyance. "You only want me to kiss you because dad left you."
Your eyes widened at him and your mouth grew opened at his words. "Hey, you don't say that.." You replied softly, and a bit hurt. He noticed the hurt in your voice, making him flinch a bit.
"S-sorry mom.." You gave him a sad smile before enveloping him into another hug, this time softer. "It's okay Izuki, it's the truth though." You replied as you pulled away from the hug, looking at your son. He sat down on the floor in front of you, Chiaki shuffling over next to Izuki, the two of them looking at you.
"Why did dad leave you?" Izuki asked as you pursed your lips at them. Chiaki looked at Izuki and nodded, turning back to you. "Yeah, did daddy not love you?"
You shook your head and shrugged at them, "I don't know, maybe daddy didn't love me anymore. Maybe he got tired of me."
Chiaki stood up and hugged you. "I still love you, i'll never get tired of you mommy~" Your heart melted and you smiled at him, hugging him back. "Aww, I'll always love you too."
Izuki quietly came and hugged you too, not saying a word, just hugging you. But you could feel all the affection he put into his hug, because he was never the one to hug you, you always hugged him. After the small hugging session was over, you all went to go eat leftover ramen, actually having a conversation this time.

Left a mother - Kaneki X Reader X Haise
FanfictionYou want what ever mother would want, a happy family where the kids can greet their dad when he comes home from work, where the wife gives the husband 'welcome home' kisses, where the husband kisses and embraces his wife. But, that's not what happen...