Quick note!
So, I just want to say that you, Haise, and Kaneki are all around the same age so you don't have to worry about Haise being 22 while you're 29. Haise is 29 also, but he's just older than you :)
"Hinami-neesan! Where's mommy?" Chiaki asked as he pulled on the bottom of her shirt, trying to get her attention. Looking down, Hinami smiled and pushed his black hair back.
"Mommy is out with Sasaki-san. She's going to come home a little later okay Chiaki?" Hinami stated as she handed the younger boy his sandwich. His mouth parted and eyes sparkled, "A date?"
"Hmm..You can say so." She flashed Chiaki a smile as he giggled and ran around her. "Eat your sandwich okay Chiaki? Your mom is going to get mad at you."
"I will Hinami-neesan!" Chiaki ran over to his brother who was at his small table, working on his math problems again. "Izuki, mommy's on a date with that man!"
"Chiaki, I know." He replied as he flipped his page over. "Hurry up and eat your sandwich so you can finish your worksheet." Izuki pushed Chiaki's paper towards his as Chiaki pouted and bit into his sandwich.
"But I don't want to!" Chiaki whined, laying on his back with his feet kicking the air. Izuki sighed and looked at Chiaki. "No Chiaki, you have to. We have to be very smart so we can help mommy."
Chiaki sat up and turned to look at his older brother. "Why?" Izuki shut his book and glanced at him.
"Because, dad is gone. He left us. We have to become smart so we can get a job and help mom. She took care of us so we have to take care of her." Izuki's hands were placed firmly on the table as he was on his knees looking at his brother with a stern look. "You want to help mom too don't you?"
Chiaki looked at the ground and nodded. "Okay, I'll do my worksheet."
Hinami sat at the kitchen table listening to the two young boys ,eyes wide. Her lips soon curved into a smile as she lifted the warm cup in her hands to her mouth, tasting the bitter taste of her coffee.
'(F/N)-san, you're boys are going to grow up great.'
Chiaki glanced at the door as he heard the door knob turn. Soon, the door opened as you walked into the small apartment.
"Thank you Haise, I'll see you soon." Waving to the male, you shut the door and took your shoes off. Suddenly you felt your legs being squeezed. Looking down, you see a head of black hair and small arms wrapped around your legs as you smiled and caressed his head. "Hey there Chiaki."
"I missed you mommy." He mumbled on your leg. Chuckling, you bent down and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry. I stayed later with Sasaki-san."
You placed your hands on his small shoulders as you kissed his nose, a small smile forming on the younger boy's lips. Looking to the side, you see Izuki working in his workbook again. "Hi Izuki~"
Izuki looked away from his workbook and glanced at you. "Hi mom." You smiled at him and he averted his gaze back to his workbook. He was a really hard worker.
"Did Hinami go already?" You asked as you walked into the kitchen pulling out some food to cook. Chiaki nodded at your question and you smiled at him. "She's a good baby sitter isn't she?"
"Yeah, Hinami-neesan helped me with my worksheet today." Chiaki jumped off the chair and ran to Izuki to get his paper before he ran back to you, pointing at a problem. "1+2=3."
"Wow, you're getting so smart Chiaki!" You exclaimed as you pinched his cheek, his smile widening.
"Izuki said that we need to get smart so we can get a job and take care of you when we grow up!" You're eyes widened as your hand on his cheek loosened, your eyes grew soft as a sad smile appeared on your lips.
"But I want to take care of you as much as I can. I don't want you to grow up, you guys are my babies. I want you to stay my babies." You hugged Chiaki close into your chest as your arms wrapped firmly around his small body.
Letting Chiaki go, you walked over to Izuki and hugged him too. You placed a kiss on his forehead as you squeezed him in the hug. "You're such a sweetheart Izuki~"
Night time quickly rolled around as you tucked Izuki and Chiaki into bed. Kissing each of their foreheads and softly lulling them to sleep before you walked to your own room.
"Achoo!" Your eyes fluttered open as you were awoken by your sneeze. Your head began throbbing as you sat up and squeezed your eyes shut. Lightly shaking your head, you lied back down on your pillow as you placed your arms on your head.
"Mommy mommy! Why aren't your getting ready for work? It's almost 10!" Chiaki exclaimed as he ran into your room wearing his pajamas.
"I don't feel good today Chiaki." You softly reply as he looked at you sadly. You grabbed your phone and dialed the office's number.
"Hello? Sorry, I have to take a sick day today...yeah sorry for the short notice..okay thank you." Pressing the off button, you placed your phone on the night stand and closed your eyes.
Chiaki watched you for a minute before he carefully walked towards your phone and grabbed it quickly running into the empty living room. Turning your phone on, he starting looking through your phone.
His small grey eyes brightened when he pressed the name and held the phone up to his small ear waiting for the phone to be picked up. Hearing a voice on the other line, he smiled brightly before asking,
"Sasaki-san my mommy is sick, can you come and take care of her?"

Left a mother - Kaneki X Reader X Haise
FanfictionYou want what ever mother would want, a happy family where the kids can greet their dad when he comes home from work, where the wife gives the husband 'welcome home' kisses, where the husband kisses and embraces his wife. But, that's not what happen...