Chapter 22

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"No work today mommy?" Chiaki asked as he climbed onto the bed next to you. You smiled and shook your head, tucking him into the bed with you. "Nope, I'm going to have you stay in bed with me all day."

Chiaki giggle as you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Nooo~ We can't stay here forever!" He joked as you tickled his stomach. "Yes we can~"

A few minutes later, Izuki walked into the room and lied down next to you, Chiki huddled against your chest as you read a book to them. They seemed to enjoy it as they would often make small comments on the pictures. "The end." They both smiled up at you as you kissed them each on the forehead, "You guys are my babies, and I love you."

Chiaki gave you a cheeky smile as Izuki snuggled in closer to your chest, bringing the blanket up to his chin. "Hey, I have a great idea mom." Chiaki began as you looked down at him, "What do you have in mind?"

"Since Sasaki-san always comes to visit us, we should go visit him!" He exclaimed as Izuki sat up and nodded. "Yeah, we should go visit him."

"Let me call him and see if he's home first okay?" You asked as the two young boys nodded and replied with small 'okays'. Picking up your phone that was on your nightstand, you dialed Haise's number and called him pressing the phone against your ear.

"Hello?" You heard a voice say from the other side, definitely Haise's voice. "Haise, are you perhaps home right now?" You asked as you looked down at the two boys who were giving you cheeky smiles with large impatient eyes. "Right now? I am actually, just resting after the mission yesterday. Why? Is something wrong?"

"That's perfect then. The boys wanted to come visit you today, just wanted to check in with you to see if you were home or not." You turned to the boys and nodded, giving them a thumbs up with your free hand. They quietly cheered as you chuckled at their response.

"Oh, come right ahead! I'll be waiting! See you soon~" Haise responded with a cheery tone before hanging up the phone. Placing your phone back down on the nightstand, you stood up and helped the boys off the bed and onto the floor, ushering them into the bathroom to get ready.


"Quinx! We need to clean up!" Haise exclaimed as he began picking up random wrappers from the ground, which were most likely all from Saiko. "What's the occasion?" Shirazu asked as he walked down the hallway. Haise ran into the kitchen and threw the trash away before answering.

"(F/N) and her kids are coming over! This place is a mess!" Shirazu raised a brow at him as he smiled, showing his shark teeth. "Oh, (F/N). Your girlfriend~"

Haise's cheeks flushed as he continued cleaning the living room, "S-she's not my girlfriend!" Shirazu walked over and helped him pick up random items on the floor as he laughed, "Not yet she isn't. I know you're planning on asking her." Haise looked up at Shirazu with a shocked face. "Who told you that?"

Shrugging, shirazu picked up more trash and walked to the trashcan to throw it out. "I just know, you know? I can tell you're planning to." Pursing his lips, Haise walked into the kitchen to do the dishes. "I'm just waiting for the right time, I don't want to mess this up." Haise stated as he drizzled the dish soap onto the sponge, running water over it. "Help me clean the rest of the living room please."

"Sure thing Sassan."

About half an hour later, there was a small knock on the door. "I got it." Mutsuki replied as he got up and walked over to the door opening it, revealing you and the two small boys. "Ah, (L/N)-san! Come in!"

You smiled at the young man, "Thank you..." trying to remember his name, you pursed your lips and scrunched your eyebrows at him. Finally a lightbulb turned on in your head, "Mutsuki! Thank you Mutsuki-kun!" He smiled at you and stepped aside to let you and the kids in.

Izuki and Chiaki looked around in awe as they were in another new place. "This place is so big.." Chiaki whispered to Izuki as he replied back with a nod. "I know.." Being a little nervous in the new place, they stuck by you the entire time.

"(F/N)! You guys are here!" Haise exclaimed as he quickly walked down the hall to greet you guys near the door. Chiaki and Izuki gave Haise's small waves as he responded back with a wave as well. Crouching down, he looked at the two boys and smiled. "Let me introduce you to my team."

Haise pointed to the man with a sort've orange hair color, Izuki and Chiaki turned their heads to look over at him. "His name is Shirazu Ginshi." Shirazu waved at them and smiled, showing his shark teeth. Unfortunately it kinda scared Chaiki. Chiaki grasped onto Haise tightly as he saw his teeth and Haise laughed and Shirazu's expression changed into a shocked one.

"It's okay Chiaki, he won't hurt you. You can always come to me if he hurts you." Haise explained as Chiaki nodded at him. "Okay."

Shirazu walked over to the two young boys and squatted in front of them, holding his large hand out. "Nice to meet you, what's your name?" Chiaki looked down at his hand and back up at him, a nervous look on his face. "M-my name is Chiaki.." His small little hand held Shirazu's and he grasped it as they shook hands, Shirazu smiling at him. "I like that little man." Chiaki smiled at his words as he looked up at you, you smiling back.

"And what about you?" Shirazu asked as he turned toward Izuki. "My name is Izuki, I like your shark teeth." Shirazu shook Izuki's hand as he gave him a chuckle. "Thanks!" Standing back up, Shirazu walked back to the couch and plopped down, nudging Mutsuki. "They love me." He whispered as Mutsuki gave him a half horrified face.

"And that is Mutsuki Tooru, the one with the nice eyepatch and green hair." Haise continued as Mutsuki gave them a shy wave. "Nice to meet you." "And that guy, is Urie Kuki." Urie glanced up at the small boys and averted his eyes back to his book as Haise turned to the young boys, shaking his head. "He doesn't like to talk to people."

"And the last person we have is Yonebayashi Saiko, she loves candy and games." Saiko smiled and waved, pocky sticks in between her fingers. "Do you want some?" She asked as she held out two sticks of pocky for the boys.

Chiaki and Izuki looked up at you for approval, that was really sweet and cute of them. Nodding, you lightly pushed them towards her. "Go ahead~"

Chiaki looked at Izuki, a bit nervous to go. Being the big brother, Izuki went forward first and took one pocky stick before turning around to look at Chiaki, telling him it was okay. Nodding, Chiaki ran to Izuki's side and gently took the other pocky stick. "Thank you."

As the two ran back to your side, Chiaki looked up at you and smiled, waving his pocky stick around. "Look, I got one!" He whispered loud enough for you to hear. You chuckled and gave his head a small pat, "Good job!"

"Here, let me show you guys something cool!" Shirazu stated as he sat on the floor, gesturing Chiaki and Izuki to come sit by him. Saiko sitting on the floor close to him, waving at the young boys. "Mommy, can we?"

"Of course." Smiling, they ran over to Shirazu and Saiko, sitting in a circle as Mutsuki watched from the sofa.

You looked over at Haise and smiled, a sigh coming out of your lips. "They're really enjoying this." Nodding, Haise glanced over at them before looking back at you. "I'm glad you came today, makes my day off much better." Chuckling, you nodded. "Me too."

Left a mother - Kaneki X Reader X HaiseWhere stories live. Discover now