Thank you for all of the funny and sweet comments you've given me, I love reading them! Especially those who encourage me to write more those who tell me they always look forward to new chapters, thank you so much!
I'm just trying to finish this book as fast as I can because frankly I'm getting kinda tired of it and because Kaneki and Touka are canon now I don't have a good reason to write for him anymore ;n;
To me, there's not point in writing for him if I'm not that interested in him anymore. It's not that I don't like him, I used to love him with all my heart, but now he's already with someone so I'm like "well, I guess."
I will continue to write for this book until it's finished and from there on, who knows what I'll do. Maybe I'll write for new fandoms, maybe I'll write new stories, but for Kaneki, I think this is it. So this book may start to be progressing really fast, my apologies!
Sorry to those who have been reading my one-shot book, I don't think I'll continue to update it anymore.
Thank you again for reading my book and for giving me your support <3
You sat on the edge of the bathtub with the pregnancy test in your hands, waiting for the results to show. Haise on the other side of the door, waiting patiently for you to tell him the results. "Are you done?" He asked once again but you always said no.
Closing your eyes, you counted to ten slowly before opening them back up and looking down at the stick on your hand. Standing up, you open the door and Haise looks at you with a smile, "What's the result?"
"Positive, you're going to be a dad Haise." You say with a small smile as he runs over and spins you, "I can't wait!"
As you were getting ready to go to sleep for the night, your phone had rang and it was Kaneki. Picking up the phone, you apologized, "Sorry for hanging up on your suddenly yesterday. I wasn't feeling too well."
"I hope you're alright now. Did you catch the stomach flu or something?" Kaneki asked and you let out a breath before answer, "Well, I'm pregnant now."
The silence was deafening and a little awkward, you pursed your lips as Kaneki finally responded after what felt like an eternity, "Oh..congradulations."
"Thanks," You reply with a small chuckle. "I just wanted to chuck up on you, I'm glad it wasn't anything bad. You should get going to bed, goodnight."
"Goodnight Kaneki," Hanging up the phone, you sat on the bed and looked out the window. Tokyo was beautiful at night, but the things that go on around there was unsightly.
You kept the pregnancy a secret from your boys until a month later, when you were sure everything was going fine. Haise and you sat on the couch with the two young boys in front of you, "We have a surprise for you~" You say and they waited in anticipation.
"What is it?" Looking over at Haise, you gave the two boys a grin, "I'm having a baby."
Chiaki shot up from his feet and looked at you with his jaw dropped, "I'm going to be a big brother!" You chuckled at his reaction as Izuki gave him a small smile, but there was something on his mind.
While you were cooking dinner for the two young boys, Izuki and Chiaki stayed in their rooms to play or talk with one another. "Aren't you happy Izuki? I'm so happy!" Chiaki exclaimed as he rolled around on his blankets.
"I am too, but I need to tell you something," Izuki said seriously. Chiaki noticed his tone and sat up, facing his brother on the bed across from him. "What is it?"
"I was talking to dad a few weeks back and he told me the story of why he left mom." Chiaki gasped and leaned closer to his older brother, "What happened?"
"I'm going to tell you but you can't tell anybody else okay? You can't tell mom or even Sasaki-san." Izuki stated firmly, Chiaki nodded and held out his pinky, "Promise."
Setting the bowls on the table, you called the boys to the table but they didn't come. Walking over to their bedroom, you were about to knock on the door until you heard Izuki talking, catching your attention.
"Dad said he didn't want mom to be in trouble with his past because they could hurt her, so he ran away to keep her safe. It makes me kinda sad because dad's such a good guy, he's always keeping us away from danger but we just think he's a bad guy." Izuki says and Chiaki hangs his head down, looking at his toys.
"But what about Sasaki-san? He's like our dad now too." Chiaki states and Izuki nods, "I know, but dad could've had an amazing life with us too."
Stepping away from the door, your brows arch in sadness hearing the story. Was this true? Did he really leave to keep you away from his old problems? Letting out a heavy sigh, you walked towards the kitchen and placed a hand on your stomach.
You weren't sure if the baby was part ghoul or not because of Haise, but it didn't really matter to you. Haise and the boys just really wanted to know the gender, but you were still a few weeks away from being able to know the gender.
"Is it a boy or a girl mommy?" Chiaki asked as he placed his hand on your stomach, rubbing it and poking it with a big smile. "I'm not sure yet, Haise and I are going to go to the doctors tomorrow and when we come back, I'll surprise you okay?"
"I'm so excited! I hope it's a girl!" You laugh and tilt your head confused, "Why do you want a girl?" Chiaki smiled up at you before pressing his cheek against your stomach, "So I can be a cool big brother and protect her."
Your look down at him while placing a hand over your heart, touched by his sweet words. "That's so sweet of you Chiaki," Pushing his black hair out of the way, "You'll be a good brother no matter if it's a boy or a girl."
And so, tomorrow finally came and you found yourself laying on the hospital bed looking up at the monitor where your baby was at. You smiled over at Haise who held your hand for support. The nurse moved the device over your stomach until she let out a smile,
"The gender of your baby is..."

Left a mother - Kaneki X Reader X Haise
FanfictionYou want what ever mother would want, a happy family where the kids can greet their dad when he comes home from work, where the wife gives the husband 'welcome home' kisses, where the husband kisses and embraces his wife. But, that's not what happen...