Chapter 16

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Sorry for the late update guys! I wasn't really feeling it this past weekend and week, but I wanted to get an update out for you guys. Almost at 1k followers, thanks so much for that!

I hope you all will enjoy this chapter, and sorry again for the late update.


"Boys, boys, we're here." Lightly shaking your two young sons, their eyes slowly fluttered open as they both sat up and rubbed their eyes with their small hands. "What?" Chiaki responded as he looked out the window and noticed the station.

"Are we here mommy?" You chuckled at the sleepy boy and nodded before holding out your hand for him. "Can you walk? Or are you still tired?"

He shook his head and got off his seat, putting his backpack back on. "I can walk." He reached out for your hand and held onto it while yawning. Izuki did the same but he held onto Haise's hand.

The four of you walked all the way to the nice hotel where the onsen was at. It was kinda isolated from the town so there were a lot of trees and trails near the hotel, but it was lovely. "This is really nice isn't it Haise?" You asked as you gave him a smile.

"It is, I can't wait to get into the onsen and relax though!" He replied, making you chuckle. "Me too, maybe this evening we can go to the onsen."

You walked over to the front desk and received your key to the room the four of you would be staying in. Chikai and Izuki were more awake now and they talked to each other while Chiaki took pictures in his small camera.

Opening the wood doors to the room, Chiaki and Izuki ran in and explored the small room while you and Haise set down the luggage in the corner. "They're really excited." Haise said as he watched the two young boys flop onto the small mattress on the floor.

"They're excited over anything. It's understandable though, they don't get to go out a lot." You rose your hand and gestured the boys to come over toward you. "Boys! Get your lunch out of your bags!"

"Okay mom!" They both replied as the took of their bags and unzipped it to take out their lunch. You looked at Haise and smiled. "Haise, did you want a sandwich too?"

He looked at you and gave your a nervous smile. "A-ah, that's okay! I ate too much before I came so I should be fine." His hand rubbed his chin but you didn't think to much of it. "Oh, well if you ever need an extra meal don't be afraid to ask alright?"

"Got it, thanks."

[Quick note: I don't know a lot about onsens so most of this information might be wrong. I also changed a few things about the onsen because I got lazy, lol. Just a heads up, thanks!]

The rest of the afternoon, the four of you made yourself at home and took walks outside on the trails enjoying the fresh air. "Mommy? When are we going to go into the onsen? You looked at Haise and he smiled. "It's getting darker, I guess we can go now before they close the onsen for the night."

Izuki and Chiaki cheered as they ran down the trail holding your hands, dragging you two faster. "S-slow down boys!"

You approached the onsen changing rooms and stopped to read the sign. "Oh, it's a family onsen." You blinked before your face heated up with blush.

'Th-that means I'm going to be nude infront of H-haise! W-wait! Haise's going to be nude too!'

The four of you walked into the changing room together, but Haise stood on the other side of the lockers to give you some privacy.

Izuki and Chiaki removed their clothing and put them into a locker together. You looked around and picked the longest towel there was so you would be able to cover your body better.

Quickly removing your clothes, you wrapped the towel around your body and waited for Haise to finish on the other side of the lockers. "Carefully get into the water." You said as Chiaki and Izuki nodded, walking into the water and settling down gently.

You walked toward the water and stopped to look at Haise who had a towel around his waist. "I can turn around for you while you get in." He said politely as you thanked him. When Haise turned around, you unwrapped the towel and entered the water.

The water wasn't clear because of the herbal stuff they put into the water. That was perfectly fine though, nobody could see your body through the water.

"Okay, you can turn around Haise. Thanks!" You said as you placed your towel on top of your head. Haise turned around and smiled before you turned around for him to get into the water.

Since it was dark out, the only people at the onsen were the four of you, which made it more enjoyable.

"How's the onsen boys?" You asked as they let out a content sigh. "It feels so nice!" Chiaki exclaimed as he cupped his hands and collected water. "I like this." Izuki responded as he carefully moved his arms on the water.

Haise sat on the opposite side of you alongside Izuki and Chiaki. Just as you were about to relax, two loud men bursted into the onsen and carelessly entered the water. Some water splashed onto poor Chiaki but Haise helped him.

The men were sitting rather close to you and it made you a bit uncomfortable. "Hey, you're a cutie. Enjoying your time here?" He asked you as you scooted a bit further from him.

"Y-yeah, a bit.." You replied as you turned your body away from them. Haise watched the two men carefully and got irritated with them. "You have a nice body~ Why are you so far away?" The man grabbed your arm and you harshly pulled away.

"Please don't touch me." You said harshly, but he grabbed onto both of your wrists. "Don't be so rude, we're just trying to have fun."

"Stop it!" You cried as you tried to get out of his grip. Haise pried you out of their grip and held onto your waist, pulling you to the other side.

"She said stop it." Haise said sternly as he gave them an intense glare. "I'd like it if the two of you left my wife and kids alone."

They glared at Haise and got out of the onsen, uttering words to each other. As they left, you let out a loud sigh and laid your head on Haise's shoulder. "Thanks Haise, I would've kicked their sensitive spot if you didn't stop them."

Haise let out a chuckle and rested his head on yours. "I just wanna keep you and the kids safe." Haise down at you but noticed the top of your chest instead. His cheeks flushed and he quickly looked away.

"You're like a superhero Sasaki-san!" Chiaki cried as Izuki and him admired Haise for saving their mother. "You called us your kids! Are you our dad now?" Chiaki continued excitedly.

His cheeks grew more rosy and you chuckled before looking up at him. "You did call me your wife Haise~" You joke as you buried his face in his hands. "I said what appeared in my head first, sorry..." He said muffled.

"You're so cute Haise. Thank you again husband." You replied wrapping your arms around his waist, chest pressing up against his arm.

Haise's soul left his body for a second there.

Left a mother - Kaneki X Reader X HaiseWhere stories live. Discover now