Chapter 28

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The light music in the background intertwined well with the nicely dim lights of the small cafe you were in, waiting for your coffee as you had just finished your first day at the 13th ward's CCG. It was a great place, they staff were all nice but nothing could compare to Haise.

Hearing vibrations come from your phone, you picked it up gently and looked at the caller ID. It was Haise! Swiping to accept his call, you smiled at the thought of hearing his voice again. "Hey, how was your first day?" There it was, that sweet sweet melody.

"It was great, everybody was friendly and they helped show me around. It was pretty easy to adjust to." You replied as you stood up to grab your coffee. "How was work for you?" You questioned as you gave the cashier the correct amount of change before walking out the doors.

"It's boring without you there." You chuckled at him through the phone. Even though he wasn't next to you, you could see the little pout on his lips as he complained. "Come back soon."

"You know I can't Haise. We're both busy, especially since we're working for the CCG and I had just left the 20th ward."

"Yeah, I know I know. I just..I miss you already." A smile tugged on your lips as your cheeks flushed a rosy color. Sipping your coffee, you made your way down the road to where you lived. "I miss you too. We can always call like this Haise."

Haise stood outside under a street lamp as he smiled at hearing your voice. You were so precious to him, you and your cute little kids. "How are the boys? Are they adjusting well?

"They love their new house, and they love having oba-chan around." Haise arched an eyebrow, "Oba-chan?"

"Oh, right! I haven't told you about her! We're living with an older lady and we call her oba-chan. She's the sweetest." A few minutes went passed and Haise didn't respond to you, which puzzled you. "Haise? Still there?"

"It's been a little over seven months hasn't it?" He suddenly said, with a softer tone than usual. Your heels clicked with each step you took as you walked down the sidewalk, your hand warm from the coffee you were holding in your hand. "What are you talking about?"

"Seven months since I met you."

"You remember?" A warm smile displayed on the faces of the two of you. "Of course. Even within this short amount of time, you managed to get me to fall in love with you. November is so pretty, but it would be prettier with you here."

"You flatter me too much Haise. Maybe I can come over and visit you for Christmas? I'll bring the boys and we'll spend the whole day together. How does that sound?" From the other side of the phone, you could hear his gasp of happiness which caused your smile to grow larger.

"Yes! Yes come over for Christmas! Ahh, I can't wait now! Oh, I'm so excited (F/N)!" He exclaimed as you laughed. He was so cute when he was excited. "Okay, let's continue to plan this some more as the time comes closer. I'll talk to you later Haise."

"Okay! I love you!"

"I love you too."

Turning the corner, you walked up the small street and took out your key to open the door to your house. As you opened the door, the house was filled with amazing scents. Mouth watering, you walked over to the kitchen and saw oba-chan cooking a whole dinner meal.

"(F/N)-chan, I wanted to cook you a meal for when you came back home! I'm sorry it isn't complete yet." Oba-chan stated as she stirred the food in the pan. Setting your bag down you threw on an apron and tied up your hair. "Here, let me help."

You spent the rest of the evening cooking dinner with Oba-chan and eating the delicious meal. She had some secret chef ability to her, everything she cooked tasted so amazing, just thinking about it made your mouth water. Izuki and Chiaki helped Oba-chan with the dishes, they seemed to be enjoying that a lot.

Laying in your bed with the lights off, moonlight peeking through the blinds, you thought about the rest of your future here in the 13th ward, without Haise. How long would the two of you continue to be long distance? How long until the two of you live together or be with each other again? Closing your eyes, you turned to the side and drifted off into a deep sleep.


Haise sat in his office chair as he looked over some papers Shirazu had given him the day previous. He wanted Haise to go over it and give him feedback, so that's what Haise spent his morning doing.

Hearing a knock on the door, Haise moved the pen from his lips before mumbling a "Come in!" before he placed the tip of the pen on his lips. Hearing the door open, he looked up at them through his lashes and glasses lens to see a young lady standing at the door.

"Good morning Haise~" She chirped as she walked over toward his desk. Leaning back on his chair he let out a sigh. "Hiriko, what can I do for you?"

"Haisee~ Call me Mayu!" She whined as Haise let out another sigh. "Please address me as Sasaki, and this is a work environment, therefore I will continue calling you Hiriko."

Placing a hand on her hip, she smiled at him. Her long hair flowing down her shoulder. "Outside of work then, you'll call me Mayu." He shook his head. "No, it's still Hiriko."

"Aww, come on! You called (L/N) by her first name!" Hiriko whined as she placed her hands on his desks as she leaned forward on them. "That is because (F/N) is my significant other." Haise replied, head up high and proud to say that sentence. She pouted and let out a puff of air. "You're no fun Haise." Standing up straight, she flipped her hair away from her face as she turned around and toward the door.

Letting his head bang back on the chair, he took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger as he looked up at the ceiling. "This is going to be a long day."

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