Chapter 29

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I have introduced a very special character in this chapter~

"Haise!" Hearing his name being called by the door, Haise looked up with his charming grey eyes to see Hiriko's head popping out of the door frame as she smiled at him. "Let's go out for some coffee, it's your break now isn't it?" Looking down at his clock, it was in fact his break time. But he didn't really want to go spend his break with Hiriko.

"I think I'll pass. I have a lot of work to finish up." He replied, trying to dodge her request. "And It's Sasaki." Pouting, she walked into the room and crossed her arms. "Come on! A little coffee wouldn't kill anyone! It'll be on me."

Well, he did have 15 minutes to spare..

"Alright fine." Standing up with a sigh, Haise grabbed his jacket and tossed it on, snugly fitting over his shoulders. Walking out the doors, Hiriko followed behind and the two made their way over to the coffee shop around the corner.

"So," She started as her black heels clicked against the sidewalk, hair bouncing with each step she took. "Doing anything for Christmas?" Looking up at Haise, his face lightened up and he nodded with a smile.

"I am! Infact (F/N) is going to bring the boys and come back to the 20th to stay for a day or so for Christmas! I can't wait, I'm so excited!" He exclaimed with a light blush on his cheeks. Hiriko stared at him with a straight face, before turning back to look forward.

"So she's coming back for Christmas to spend it with you?" Hiriko repeated, trying to clear it up. "I hope so, I miss her so much." Haise's smile grew into a sad one as he looked down at the ground. "But, It's just less than a month less so I should be fine."

Hiriko glanced over at him, a small sad smile on her face. "You must really love her then huh?"

"Of course I do."

"Then why won't you get married with her?" Haise's cheeks tinted with a bright color as he looked over at Hiriko with a surprised look. "Why are you acting so surprised?" Hiriko questioned as she opened the door for herself and Haise.

"I just..I just don't think she wants to get married yet." Hiriko hummed at his response as she crossed her arms and looked at the menu in front of him, deciding what to get. "Give it a few weeks, months."

"What do you want Haise?" Turning over her shoulder to look at him, Haise's eyes flickered to the menu before responding, "Just a black coffee." Hiriko made a face but ordered their drinks for them before walking over to sit at an empty table.

"I have no chance with you do I Haise?" Hiriko mused as she rested her cheek on the back of her hand as she gave Haise a sad smile. Haise smiled back, "I'm afraid not Hiriko." Chuckling, Hiriko sat up straight and grabbed Haise's hands in hers, looking into his grey eyes with her honey brown hues.

"(L/N)-san might have already won, but I'll still be around." Hiriko's smiled at him as slight tint filled his cheeks. "Even if I lose feelings, I won't get tired of being around you Haise." He smiled at her words and she smiled back, she wasn't as bad as he thought.

"Sasaki and Hiriko?" the waitress called out as Hiriko let go of his hands and waved over at the waitress. "Ah, over here!" Nodding, she carried the drinks over and placed them down in front of the two of them before heading back.

"So, why don't you tell me more about (F/N)? Your eyes light up when you talk about her, I like that."


"(F/N)'s in the 13th ward?!" Kaneki exclaimed loudly as they nodded at the frustrated Kaneki. "Is she with that Sasaki guy?" Kaneki let out a sigh of relief once he's been affirmed that Haise was not with you.

"Scared that you'll lose to him if he tags along with her?" They snicker as Kaneki shot them a look before running his hands through his hair. "Hide, please.." "Alright man, sorry, sorry." Hide replied, putting his hands out infront of him.

"Why do you want her back anyways? You did leave her, she's moved on." Hide honestly questioned as Kaneki walked beside him. Hide had just gotten off work from the CCG and met up with Kaneki to talk. Kaneki sighed and looked up at the orange sky, "I messed up, I know that. I just..I want to be with her again."

Hide let out a sigh and shook his head. "It probably won't happen, you know girls, they take those kind of things to heart. You guys had two kids, Kaneki. Two."

"Whose side are you on anyways Hide?" Kaneki asked, giving him the stink eye. "Obviously not yours. Come on man, you leaving her alone with two kids? That was a jerk move." A groan of frustration was released again from Kaneki. "I know I'm your best friend and all, but that doesn't mean I'll agree with everything you do."

Kaneki knew everything Hide said was true, and he hated that. He hated the fact that he left you back then, he hated the fact that now he was a jerk and that you found somebody knew. Kaneki hated the fact that it wasn't him.

"So you think she'll never come back to me?" Kaneki asked as Hide glanced over at him with his hands locked behind his head. Hide lightly shrugged, "Who knows? But lighten up, she loved you with all her heart, who knows if her heart is still loving you?" Kaneki's eyes widened slightly at Hide's words.

"You're right, she didn't seem to push me away the last few times I've been with her.." Kaneki said outloud, more to himself than to Hide. Letting out a chuckle, Hide gently punched Kaneki in the arm. "There you go, thinking brightly."

"Thanks Hide, you're really the best."

"Aren't I?"

Left a mother - Kaneki X Reader X HaiseWhere stories live. Discover now