Chapter 9

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Sorry for the late late chapter! I'm going to delete the other chapter "to make it up to you guys" but i'll post the small one shot on my Kaneki oneshot book if you still would like to look at it.

Thank you for waiting, I hope you enjoy!


"Izuki, do you have tutor lessons today?" You asked as you were heating up some ramen for the two young boys. "Mhm." Izuki softly replied as he continued to work on his workbook.

"Can you take Chiaki with you today? Aya-sensei won't mind would she?"

"No, she likes it when Chiaki comes." You sighed happily at the response. You were very grateful that you had such amazing people in your life that would help you. Placing the two bowls of ramen on the table, you called out to Chiaki and told him breakfast was ready.

"Sorry Izuki," You said as you kissed his forehead. "I'm leaving you in charge okay? Make sure you bring your key and always hold Chiaki's hand when you walk over to Aya-sensei's. I'll be back in the evening."

Izuki nodded and you gave him another kiss. "Be good to Izuki, okay Chiaki?" You asked cupping his cheeks. "I will mommy!" You smiled at the young boy and gave him a kiss.

"Great. I love you two, see you later!" Closing the door behind you, you walked off to the train station.

Izuki closed his workbook and placed it next to him on the table as Chiaki climbed onto the chair next to him. "Are you ready?" Izuki asked his younger brother. He was responded with a nod and the two boys clapped their hands.


You felt bad for giving Izuki so much responsibility as such a young age. He was already so mature for an 8 year old boy.

As the two boys finished eating their ramen, Izuki placed both bowls into the sink and began to get ready to leave to Aya-sensei's.

"Did you grab your backpack?" Izuki questioned as Chiaki lifted his small backpack to show Izuki. Walking over to the fridge, Izuki took out two small juice boxes and two bento boxes you had made the previous night.

"Put these in there and don't eat them until lunch. Bring a snack and bring your hat." Chiaki nodded at his brother's words and placed a small bag of cookies in his backpack and wore his small fisherman hat.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Izuki took Chiaki's hand and stepped out the door, locking it behind him. Chiaki held onto Izuki's hand happily as he picked up a small dandelion for Aya-sensei.


"I was asked to deliver this to you, Akira-san wants it filled out and returned to her by the end of the week." You held out a manila envelope and handed it to them as they nodded and thanked you. Giving them a polite bow, you turned and left.

"Alright, I have to place these in their mailboxes.." Organizing the mail in your hands, you walked over to the mailboxes and inserted each mail in them.

"Ah, (F/N)-chan!" Turning around, you smiled as Haise stood by the door of the mailroom. You stood up and waved at him, inserting the last envelope into a box.

"Good morning Haise, is there anything I can do for you?" You asked politely as he walked closer toward you.

"Just wondering if you had time on your hands after work today?" You give him a light chuckle but shook your head at him. "Sorry not today Haise. I have to be home for my boys."

He let out a sigh of defeat but smiled at you anyways. "I tried. Just wanted to come say hello and tell you, you look beautiful."

Blush crawled on your face as you chuckled at him. "You flatter me too much. You better get back to work before Akira-san and Arima-san get mad. I'll see you around." Waving farewell to Haise, you walked to the front desk to busy yourself more into papers.


"Here, Aya-sensei." Izuki handed her piece of paper and began to pack all of his and Chiaki's items onto his small backpack.

"Thank you Izuki-kun, are you leaving already?"

"My mom is coming home soon." Izuki tapped on Chiaki's shoulder to get his attention and handed Chiaki his backpack. Aya nodded and watched as the two boys walked near the door.

"Have a safe trip back home~" Aya called out as the bell to the door rang as Izuki opened it.

Izuki held onto Chiaki's hand and looked forward as his home became closer with each step. As Izuki walked nearer to his house, he saw a man stand outside near his house who seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Chiaki, if he says anything don't say anything back." Izuki whispered as Chiaki looked up at his brother and nodded. Izuki glanced at the male and made eye contact with the male but ignored him and continued to walk toward the house.

"Excuse me?" The man asked as Izuki walked passed him. Izuki didn't look back but instead hummed in response. "I was wondering if your mother was inside? I'd like to speak to her."

Izuki glanced around his shoulder and gave the man a cold stare. Squeezing Chiaki's hand, Izuki pulled out his key and began to open unlock the door.

"Izuki, can I talk to you please?" Izuki's and Chiaki's eyes widened as they heard Izuki's name come out from the man's mouth.

Turning slightly around, Chiaki looked at the man, "Izuki?"

The man smiled and nodded. Izuki turned Chaiki away from the man and ushered Chaiki inside first, telling him to go unpack his backpack. Before Izuki could enter the house, the man spoke.

"I'm your dad Izuki."

Izuki's fists clenched and turned around, glaring at the male. "You're not my dad." Izuki entered the house and slammed the door shut, locking it behind him. He let out a heavy breath as he walked into the living room where Chiaki was.

"Izuki? Who was that?" Chiaki asked innocently. Izuki pursed his lips and sat next to his brother. "Nobody, he was just asking for the bathroom."

"But he knew your name." Chiaki quickly stated as Izuki looked at him. "He saw my name tag sticker that's all."

"Oh, okay." Chiaki didn't ask anymore questions after that. Izuki watched Chiaki color as multiple thoughts ran through his mind. He didn't want Chiaki to know about the man, he was too young. Izuki walked toward the window and carefully looked out the window.

The man was no longer there.

'My dad, huh?'   

Left a mother - Kaneki X Reader X HaiseWhere stories live. Discover now