Part 3

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His unconscious actions made me blush. I was extremely happy that he was next to me. His arm around me. His face almost on top of my head. I loved it.

I looked at his face and I noticed how perfect it was. His chisseled jaw line. How his Lips were the perfect color and shape, and how his Gray sleepy eyes would stare at you and you would melt-. Oh no he is awake. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush. I had always had some feelings for him that recently I realized were more than just on a friendship level.

"Good Morning, Haruhi" He spoke sleepily, but I still loved the way he would say my name. He was about to speak again but I put my finger to his mouth.

"Shhhh, Hunny-Senpai is asleep" I said quietly but loud enough that he could hear me. He nodded and Kissed me forehead.

"Go back to sleep" He whispered to me. I snuggled closer to him and I could tell his heart was beating faster. I smiled into his chest. Soon sleep overcame me. It was around 10 A.M. when I woke up and I almost instantly noticed that Mori left. I realized that Hunny was still sleeping. I guessed that Mori was either eating or using the rest-room. I carefully moved Hunny off my shirt and sat up. I noticed a two notes left me. I picked one up and read

'Haruhi~~~~~, Daddy didn't want to leave but work called. I am leaveing you in the care of Takashi and Mitskuni. Have fun but not to much you are in the hospital. Bye~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daddy loves you'

I picked up the next one and it was from mori

'Haruhi, I needed to go get somethings. I will be back soon. Mitskuni will look after you. Soon, Takashi'

I put down both of the notes and looked over to Hunny who was awake rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Haru-Chan, Good morning" He smiled at me and I just patted his head

"Good Morning, Senpai" I said and he sat up "Wanna watch some Television?" I asked him

"Ok~ Haruh-chan~" He exclaimed cheerfully and hopped onto my lap. We watched television for and hour when Mori showed up. "Welcome back Takashi~" I watched hunny get onto Mori's shoulders and I giggled. Mori sat down a bag full of something that was kept secret because he put stuff at the top to keep people from finding out what was in it. Hunny whispered in mori's ear then he started to speak "I am going to go down and get some cake you two behave~" Then he left. Mori picked up the bag and walked over to the chair next to the bed. He sat down and looked at me.

"What's wrong Mori-" I was cut off by him saying "Takashi, I want you to call me by my given name"

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