Part 19

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When we got out of the shower. I looked at the clock and noticed how late it was. 

"Takashi, I want some food but I don't want to leave you" I said to him.

"Ahhhh" He only replied crawling into bed to take a nap.

"Fine" I said getting dressed to go down stairs. I put on a dress and underwear. Though I didn't want to. I opened the door to see my Dad looking mad. "Hi dad" I said to him. He was with Kyoya, Tamaki and the twins. I shut the door and walked out to talk to them.

"Young lady. I need to speak to you and Takashi" He said Demandingly, but he winked at me. 

"Ok... but Takashi is still sleeping" I said to them not knowing that they saw what was going on between us earlier.

"Yeah I bet he Exhausted himself today" Tamaki said  kinds quietly but loud enough for me too hear.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked him. Giving him a death stare.

"It means that we saw-" He was cut off by a gag and was tied up in the corner now.

"Nothing Haruhi" Kyoya said with his host smile, but if you looked in his eyes he was a little Jealous of Takashi.

"Well I will go wake Takashi up so. Dad can talk to us, but you three leave. And take your hostage with you." I told them. I went in the room and woke takashi up and told him to put on clothes. He did as I said and dressed. My father came in the room. Takashi and I sat on the couch. While my father was pacing back and forth.

"How do I say this?" He whispered to himself still pacing. He stopped and said "Haruhi, Takashi" He continued "Did you at least use protection?" He asked us my face getting red and Takashi kept a stoic face, but if you looked closley you could tell he was uncomfortable. "Well did you?" He asked us seriously

"Yes" I said to him answering his question.

"Do you love each other?"

"Yes" We both replied to his question.

"Takashi, What do you want your future to be?" Dad asked

"I want to be with Haruhi. I want her to be my wife and the future mother of my children" He said without a doubt.


"I love him and I see him in my future. I wouldn't have it any other way" I said no doubt in my mind that he was the one.

"Ok, Well I can't stop you two. So you have blessing. Oh and haruhi. The public school wanted an answer" He told us and I had my decision made I wanted to...



CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I am awful. Hey someone has to be evil in this world. If no one thinks I am evil what's the fun in that. Oh, go follow lemonylife okk. They have a really great story called life that I like I think you guys would too. ILYGTTMAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Stay alive sunshines. Till next time.

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