Part 17

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"I don't know kyoya since I am a girl and my gender has been revealed I don't even know if I will still be attending Ouran" I heard Gasps all around. The twins dropped their forks, tamaki fainted, ang kyoya looked shocked. "What?" I asked them

"Haru-chan I don't think they want you to leave" Mitskuni explained

"Well you see I was offered to go to a public school that would offer me duel enrolment, and I have to say it is a tempting offer" As soon as the words left my mouth the twins fainted "I mean don't take it personally I mean you guys are my friends, but my education goes before friendship. We would still get to see each other but I have to think about me" 

"I know you will make the right decision Haruhi. You have my full support in your choices" Kyoya encouraged me

"Thank you Kyoya"I told him. We finished dinner, said goodbyes and left before Tamaki came to. Once we were in the Limo

"You are seriously going to a public school?" Chika asked

"Yes what about it?" I asked him

"It is just who will protect you there?" Satoshi asked

"Don't worry guys. I know people. I still keep in touch with my middle school friends. Hell some of them would kill for me" I replied. They looked a little horrified "Joking Joking... maybe..." They didn't hear the tiny maybe but they looked ok after I said joking. 

"Takashi do you think Mom and Dad would let me go to public school?" Satoshi asked his older brother while I was drinking a bottle of water. I started coughing on it. Takashi patted my back until I could breath. I glared at Satoshi "What?" He asked.

"Why would you want to go to public school?" I asked him

"To watch over you, and make sure you don't get hurt" He said simply

"If Satoshi goes to one I will too" Chika said

"Dear God Kill Me" I said out loud earning a chuckle from Takashi

"OMG" Satoshi said in a low whisper

"He laughed" Chika finished his sentence. The two got weird stares from Takashi and I. 

When we arrived at the mansion. it was late so Takashi and I went straight to our room. Once in the room I shut the door behind us. I grabbed my Pajamas and went to change in the bathroom. I stripped and put on another nightgown. This one was red, ended mid-thigh, had a sweet-heart neckline, with black ribbons as straps. I walked out to find Takashi just in boxers. I blushed heavily.

"Well you have no modesty" I said to him

"Look whos talking" He replied

"Hey this is a dress that's underwear" I pointed to my dress then his boxers. He laughed at me. "Whats so funny?" I asked him

"You are cute when you are embarrassed" He replied.

"I-I-I'm not embarrassed" I stuttered at the fact he walked towards me and gave me a hug. 

"Bed time" He whispered in my ear. I starting walking to the bed. He saw me walking weirdly because of my soreness. I mean who wouldn't be sore from him. He picked me up and carried me to the bed. He sat me down and turned off the lamp, The only light on in the room. He crawled in next to me. We were under the covers and I cuddled closer to him. I wrapped my legs around one of his. My arms around his torso. And my head on his fast beating heart.

"Good night, Takashi. I love you"

"I love you sweet dreams" He said wrapping his arms around me. I heard his breathing even out and heartbeat go back to normal. His Heart was the perfect lullaby for me. I fell asleep soon. I woke up in the middle of the night ti someone poking my back. I looked over to find Mitskuni.

"Haru-chan I had a nightmare can I sleep with you and Takashi?" Mitskuni asked in a quiet yet sweet voice. I nodded my head yes and he crawled on the bed with Usa-chan I one hand and snuggled to my side. He was on top the covers so he didn't know how exposed Takashi or I were. I soon fell back asleep. I was awoken by a scream

"Unhand Her" I instantly shot-up do to the surprise. Takashi shot-up too. His arms wrapped around me. Mitskuni still asleep Surprisingly

"Shut up. Mitskuni is sleeping"

"I don't care look how he has his arm around you" Tamaki yelled

"Who let you in?" Mitskuni asked him with a dark aura coming out.

"The Maid" Tamaki replied scared of the aura even more deadly than kyoyas. I felt him about to take tamaki outside.

"Mitskuni. Just don't kill him...yet" I said to him. Then let him leave and have free rain to do whatever he wanted to. He dragged Tamaki out by the collar. I heard a faint scream."Well then. Good thing he didn't see what we were wearing" I said that and earned a chuckle from him. "We need to get into clothes and go eat" I said about to get up. "We ne-" I was cut off by his lips. I was surprised at first but kissed back "Ta-Ka-Shi" I said inbetween kisses. I finally stopped him "Tomorrow" I said.

"Ok, but until then" He said and then kissed me again. "Wanna shower with me?" He asked. I blushed heavily.

"Don't joke like that" I said 

"Who said I'm Joking?" He asked. Picking me up and then standing.

"Nooooo. I'm not ready for that" I said embarrassed.

"OK, not yet" He said

"Go take a cold shower, and wash away those dirty thoughts" I pushed him to the bathroom. He took a quick shower, and came out in just a towel. "Seriously, have sex once and you have no modesty" I said joking with him.

"Only with you" He said dropping the towel and putting on boxers "Are you gonna stay for the show or take a shower?" He asked teasing me. I immediately grabbed my towel and headed for the bathroom. I stopped next to him and said

"Maybe I will be the same as you". And walked into the bathroom. Leaving a very embarrassed takashi in the room. I stripped and got into the shower I washed my body and hair. I was almost healed and I didn't feel so sore. I let the water flow over me and soon got out. I dried myself off and walked out with just a towel on. I noticed Takashi sitting on the couch reading. I closed the bathroom door and he looked up. I pretended to not notice him staring at me. I was at the dresser and dropped my towel I found some underwear and a matching bra, they were a red lace pattern. I found a dark blue sundress and put it on. His eyes not leaving me. He closed his book and put it down. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.



Just got bored at 1:33 A.M. so yeah. Promise to update soon so later.

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