Part 9

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 We got out of the Limo and started up the stairs. We were in complete silence until we approached the apartment.

"Hold on" I told Takashi. I opened the door and saw Tamaki, the Twins and Kyoya just sitting there. "Get out right now I said to all of them"

"But Haruhi we came to take care of you" Tamaki continued "A Daddy needs to take care of his Daughter"

"Senpai. I will call Hunny-Senpai ,whom my real father left in charge of me, to come here and forcefully remove you, or call the police" I said to all of them and Kyoya knew I wasn't joking.

"Let's go she wants us to leave so we will leave"Kyoya said pushing everyone out. Tamaki stopped at the door and said

"Mori-Senpai. Why are you here?" Tamaki asked while being pushed out.

"Mitskuni asked me to watch over her tonight" He said shortly almost as a grumble with his baritone voice. ( A/n: As you can see I am a Takashi Fan. For he is my Favorite and I love being descriptive about Him *Winkiedy Wink Wink*.)

"But I wanna help my daughter" Tamaki yelled. Kyoya finally got Them out of the apartment and i grabbed Takashi's arm and pulled him in. I shut the door and quickly locked it. Once I heard them drive away I finally relaxed.

"Finally they left" What I said earned a small chuckle from Takashi "I will go prepare some tea for us" He followed me to the kitchen and just stood near me "Taka what are you doing?" I asked him curiously  

"I want to help" He said

"I can do it"

"I'll help"

"Ok, you can help" I said finally giving in. Tea is easy to make so we didn't take too long but every time we accidentally bumped hands a shock would run through me and I just... I can't explain it. Once we finished the tea we sat on the floor against the wall. We... I mean I talked for a while with him grunting or adding a word or shockingly a sentence every once in a while.  "Look at the time. I need to pack we are leaving tomorrow"

"Mitskuni got your passport already" Takashi said to me

"Oh, ok. Wanna help me pack?" I asked him and he just nodded his head yes" We went into my room and I got out my bag that I was going to use while Takashi just sat down on my bed. I started going thorugh my things. Since it Sumner here it would be autumn there so I packed a few long sleave dresses and regular cloths plus a jacket. After that I packed all of my essentials like underwear and some books and I didn't know it at the time but my Father put somethings that I didn't expect in there (You will know soon).

"Are you packed?" He asked.

"Yeah I think I am good. You need to go home and pack your things for we leave" I told him. He stood up and leaned down a little and kissed me on the lips.

"I have every thing packed already and I can have Mitskuni pick it up and bring it the the airport for me" He said with his eyes looking sleepy and his voice in a low grumble.

"Takashi are you sleepy. If you are you need to get some rest while I take a shower" I told him.

"I am not sleepy. I am completely awake" And with those word I knew he was tired

"Taka-Kun please take a nap for me" I said in a sweet flirtatious voice.

"I will if you join me. I don't want to be without you" YEP definitely sleepy.

"Takashi I need to shower"

"Then can I join you?" He asked with something in his voice what was it? .... He was Flirting.

"That nap sound good ok. Let's take a nap" I said. We lied down and both fell asleep soon.

I was awoken by some light shining through the window. I tried ti snuggle deeper into my pillow until I noticed that it had a heartbeat. I looked up to see Takashi and the memories of last night came as a flood. I blushed realizing what has happened over the past few days and I was happy almost ecstatic. I wanted to think of a good way to wake up. I moved so I would be face to face with him and left feathery kisses at his jaw line. I felt him stir in his sleep. I kept up what I was doing until I saw his eyes start to open.

"Morning sleepy head" I said to him. He gave me a smile and it made me blush. "We have to leave soon so I am going to take a shower ok" He grunted and went into the kitchen to make some morning tea. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I came out of the bathroom to find Takashi sitting down reading. "You need to go home and shower" I told him.

"Ahh. But before I leave one thing" He said and walked over to me. He leaned down a little an couldn't help but get on my tiptoes and he kissed me. I wasn't like our first kiss. This was fiery and full of passion and promise for the future.

"Well, now you need to go" He started to walk towards the door and he got it open then "But one more thing" I pulled him down a little and kissed him again. He had already called for a limo when I was in the shower so it was here. "Bye"

"I will see you soon" And with those words he parted and Hunny would pick me up for the airport in an hour so I just made sure I had everything and read until he came.


Authors Note:

Don't yell please. Sorry so so so so very sorry I haven't had time to update lately. School stuff IKR. I promised a friend that there would be a selective part so I am working on it for her. I hope you liked this Part. Doki Doki!!!! and all that shit... I mean poop... No I mean shit. Look alive Sun Shine. ILYGTTMAB (I Love you guys to the moon and back). I promise to try to update soon and don't go all Yoda "Do or Do not there is no try" OK. Bye~

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