Part 22

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GUYS!!!!!! I am going to continue it. I was like yeah sucky ending. Man I was a bitch for doing that. Sooo Continuation!!!!!


"Wake up we're back" I opened my eyes to see we were landing. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair quickly because  I didn't know if it was sticking up. I stifled a yawn and stretched a little. I looked over to see Takashi eyeing me. I glared at him to stop. Soon we were getting off the plane and in the Limo home. Takashi had his arm wrapped around me the whole time. Once we pulled up to my apartment Takashi and I both went in. We saw Dad sitting in the floor taking to the twin whom were sitting on Tamaki.  I sighed sadly. I walked straight to my room with Takashi ignoring tamaki and the twins. I was still mad at them. We went into my room and sat down. I started unpacking while he was just well you can assume quiet. 

I put most of my cloths in my laundry basket to wash later and put my few clean cloths back to their proper places and when I thought I was finished a box fell out of my suitcase. It had a note on it 


This is a box for your's and Takashi's trip. Use it. 

Love Papa

I looked at takashi and quirked an eyebrow. I opened it to see condoms in it and I blushed furiously. I immeaditaly closed the box and set it down. I looked at Takashi who had no clue what just happened. I handed him the box and he read the note first. When he opened the box he chuckled and I punched his arm.

"It's not funny" I told him

"It kinda is" He replied with his deep baratone voice. I kissed his cheek and there was a knock at the door. 

"Haru-Chan. It is me Mitskuni. Some people want to appoligize for intruding" The sweet little voice said coming from the other room. Takashi got up and wrapped him arm around my shoulder. We walked out to see Yasuchika beating tamaki with Satoshi's Bokken and Satoshi trying to find something to hit him with and Mitskuni sitting on a pile of the twins while kyoya was at the door nodding his head. I laughed a little and I could tell Takashi was represing a chuckle. 

"Haru-chan. Would you and your father like to stay with Takashi and I through the rest of Summer?" Satoshi asked stopping his search. I nodded my head yes "You gonna reply with words?" He asked and I nodded my head no. "Takashi you already rubbed off on her" Satoshi laughed. I stuck my tounge out at him. The only reason Tamaki didn't object is because he was nocked unconsiuos as soon as the question was asked.

"Sweetie. I promised Mizuzu-chan I would help with the Inn." Dad sighed then looked around the room "But... I don't want you near those three soooo...I guess you can go over there" He said and you could hear three people yell No "But I have one condidtion" He finishsed and Tamaki sighed in relievement.

"What is it?" I asked

"Takashi keep her away from Tamaki. I want her to not interact with this heathen unless I am around" He answered and Tamaki somehow untied the ropes which kept him on the floor and went to her closet to grow mushrooms. I smiled at my father. He trusted me and my decisions and he knew I wouldn't be like him. When he was my age he had met my mother and been dating her for a while so. I knew he didn't mind. 

"I have to go pack then" I said walking  back to my room with Takashi and Mitskuni followed this time to make sure we didn't do anything. Mitskuni made me sit down and packed everything for me except my underwear which he was too much a gentlemen to do. I finished and takashi grabbed my bag and carried it to the waiting car outside.


Hey sorry if it is short. Love ya. And I hope you still read. I will try to keep this going. Peace and Love.

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