Part 5

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 "Ok, I am off. Bye be safe. Daddy loves you haruhi" And with those words Dad left but before he left the signed the discarge papers and put me under the care of Mitskuni because he is eighteen and Takashi is 17

"Well I suggest switzerland like last year since haruhi couldn't then how about now"

"Hunny do you forget I don't have a passport" I told him but he wouldn't give up

"We'll get you one. And it is settled since I am in charge of you"

"Fine. When?" I asked

"The day after tomorrow" Takashi stated.

"Ok" I said. We got all our stuff (Remember they spent the night) and left. The necklace Takashi got me I was wearing. We were in the car(Limo) and I went for a bold move a grabbed Takashi's hand. It surprised him and I could tell he was forcing down a blush. I thought I was sweet. THey dropped me off at home so I could do what I needed to do and I knew Takashi would come over tomorrow. When I opened the door and saw Tamaki and kyoya then just shut it. I ran down the steps and caught the limo before it left.

"Tamaki and Kyoya are here" I said

"Ok you can just stay the night with Takashi" Hunny said looking at Takashi who nodded in agreement

"Are you sure? I have a friend from middle school who want to go hers" I said trying not to intrude

"Yes, Haruhi. Mom, Dad, and my brother are out of town for the rest of summer. It is fine" Takashi said. When I accepted I realized it would just be him and I tonight and it would be my first time at his house. We dropped of Hunny who is trying to get me to call him Mitskuni but I refuse. I grabbed Takashi's hand.

"I love you Takashi" I said to him and A little blush appeared because I caught him off guard. It was cute so I giggled.

"What is so funny?" He asked me

"Nothing Takashi it is just cute when you blush" And what I said made him blush a little more. I think he is sleepy because he never does this when he is well rested. "Are you sleepy?" I asked him.

"Why I knew you were perceptive, My dear Haruhi" He said that as soon as we pulled up to his estate.

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