Part 10

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I was engrossed in my book until I heard someone jumping up the stairs outside. I looked out the window to see my short blonde haired senpai. I went to open the door and I was tackled by a hug.

"Hello~, Haru-Chan~" Hunny greeted me sounding excited. "Are you ready?" He asked

"Yes I am hunny senpai"

"Ohhhh~, Haru-Chan I told you to call me Mitskuni"

"Ok fine Mitskuni" He jumped up happily by the use of his given name.

"Come on Haru-Chan the car is waiting" He said and with those word we walked down to the limo. Soon we arrived at the airport and met Takashi there with (A/N: Guess whom decided to come along but thankfully they would be staying in different mansions) The Host club. ...yay... 

"Takashi~. Did you miss us?" Mitskuni yelled jumping onto his back.

"Ya-" He was cut off from replying by an ear shreading scream

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH~, MY LOVELY DAUGHTER ARE YOU OK?" Tamaki yelled trying to run to her but was stopped by the younger Morinozuka (A/N: Hey Guys I think Chika and Satoshi would have joined the club after there brothers. Well at least Satoshi would)

"Don't Senpai. She still has a sprained ankle and just got her cast off yesterday (I didn't put in the part with her getting her cast off sorry). Leave her be" Chika Interrupted before Satoshi could say anything.

"But I wasn't going to hurt her I was going to hug her" Tamaki said like he was talking to a retarded person.

"You hugs do hurt" I know what you think but Haruhi said that. Her words sent him to the corner of Woe. The plane was bording and Thank god the rest of the host club, save Takashi, Mitskuni and there brothers were on a different one. I grabbed the cousins and started to the plane.

"SEE YOU WHEN WE GET THERE MY LOVELY DAUGHTER~~!!!!!!!!!!!! DADDY LOVES YOU~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tamaki screeched 

"I think we need to gag him. Hikaru Karoru."

"On it Kyoya"

*Back with Haruhi*

"Are you ok Haruhi-Senpai?" Satoshi asked

"Yeah, thanks for that. I swear he will be the death of me" What I said made him, chika and hunny laugh. Takashi just stood there and I could tell that he was holding in a laugh. We borded the plane and we in our seats. Since I am flying with some of the richest people in all of Japan we flew first class. I sat in between Takashi and Mitskuni.

"Haru-chan. I think Takashi i'm sleepy"

"Take a nap then Mitskuni" I said to him. The looks on everyone's faces were pricless. Satoshi and chika looked like there dog just died and Takashi's face stayed stoic but if you looked into his eyes you could tell he was shocked beyond belief.



Heyyy sorry to leave it here but I gtg. Sorry I haven't been updating a lot but school and shit. ILYGTTMAB. Be safe and stay alive sunshine.

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