Part 14

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Everyone left the room soon, but Takashi and I.

"I think we need to talk about last night" I said to him with a serious face. We sat down on the couch in the room. "Takashi I love you, and I do not regret what we did. I just want to know where do we go from here"

"Haruhi" He said. He put his hand on my cheek "I love you more than anything. I want to be with you forever. But until then will you be my girlfriend?". I melted at his words. I looked him in the eyes 

"Yes. Of course" I answer and gave him a kiss on the lips. The kiss got passionate quick. Soon I was sitting across his lap. "Takashi. We can't"


"Gosh. Didn't you ever get the talk. I was a virgin. When we had sex my cherry popped. I lost my virginity. I still have to heal." I thought what I said got to him "It takes about two or three days for me to heal and then we can go again" He looked like he understood. "Come on we still need to eat breakfast" I said and grabbed his hand. We went down for breakfast

"Finally ask her to be your girlfriend?" Satoshi asked him when we sat down

"Ah". The rest of breakfast went on with barely any conversation. Once it was over I went upstair for a nap and because my hips are still sore. I was lying on the bed that Takashi and I share when the was a knock at the door. 

"Yes" I said and Mitskuni opened the door.

"Haru-chan can I take a nap with you?" He asked in a childish voice.

"Sure" I responded to his question. He ran to the bed and jumped on. We both fell asleep soon and I didn't wake up untill...



Just gonna end this part right here. I cannot sleep so that is why this is an early updated at 1:22 in the morning. ILYGTTMAB!!!!! Stay Alive sunshine and till next time.

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