Part 20

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"I would like to go to the public school" I told my father

"You sure?" He asked me

"Yes. I can finally get away from all of those rich bastards" The last part I said mad takashi look at me "Except you" I reassured him.

"Ok, I will inform them of your decision. Oh and haruhi. I am going to get you on the pill. Condoms can break" He told me and walked out. I looked at Takashi and asked

"How did he find out?"

"I do not know but I am pretty sure Kyoya does. He always knows" he put emphasis on always. "Lets go eat" He said getting up and offering his hand to me. I accepted the hand and we walked to dinner. We ate in silence no one want to talk about why my father was here. After dinner we went straight to bed no sex. We tired ourselves out today. We went three times in the shower. So we were tired. I fell asleep my legs curled around one of his. my head resting in the crook of his neck. His head next to mine almost on top of it. His arms wrapped around me. I loved it.

I was awoken by being ripped out of Takashi's arms. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, My Daughter. Are you alright. Did the neighbor harm you!" Tamaki screeched

"Let me goo!!" I yelled at him but he didn't listen. Takashi was woken as well and took me out of Tamaki's arms. "Thank you"

"Let her go you violated her" Tamaki yelled. 

"So it was you whom told my father" 

"Yes it was me" When he said that takashi put me down and I slapped Tamakis' face.

"What I do with Takashi is none of your business" I yelled at him.

"b-b-but I am your father, and I forbid it" he stuttered.

"No you are NOT!!! You have no say in my life" I yelled at him "I want you to stay away from me got that"

"B-b-b-but haruhi" he stuttered even more. I stormed out of the room.

"It is not your decision for her. It is hers" Takashi said following me out of our shared bedroom. I was in the living room trying to cool down. Takashi came down to look for me. When he found me he wrapped his arms around me. "Let's go out to eat today. We can go eat at a sushi restaurant" He whispered in my ear.

"Ok takashi" I told him. We heard screaming and we saw Mitskuni dragging a soulless body. Takashi chuckled and I smiled. We went back upstairs to get ready. I wore a black dress with blue flowers coming from the bottom. The twins made it for me when we told them about us. Takashi wore a black button up shirt and some really nice jeans. "Ready?" I asked him.

"Ah" was his only reply. We walked outside to the limo takashi called earlier. We got in and I spoke up

"What are we gonna do when the summer ends?" I asked him.

"Well you at public school. I don't' have to worry about Tamaki much. Though he will still try and force himself into your life" He continued "The twins and kyoya are happy for us. My brother and cousin want to go to public school with you, and my parents said Satoshi could but I have no clue about chika." I looked at him.

"You are going to college and I will stay in high school" I said to him

"Oh... We will make it through" He said and smiled at me. My heart melted at his smiled. I kissed him on the lips. "I love you" He told me

"I love you more" I told him back. We soon stopped at the restaurant. When we got out we were showed to a table. Once we ordered and ate. I looked at Takashi and asked "Do you really want to go back to the house?" 

"Not really" He replied

"But we have to pack. We leave around 2. What time is it?"


"Then we need to go and pack" with those word we went back and started to pack. I packed my things and he did to. Once we finished it was time to go the airport. When we boarded we were in first class again. I sat next to Takashi and started to fall asleep.

"Haruhi-senpai. My mother and Father approved of me going to your public school. I think my aunt and uncle approved for Chika to go also"

"Thats nice" I said not really caring for I was extremely comfortable. Soon sleep overcame me.

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